Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home Remedies For Sore Tooth

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Toothache Problem

Just like our overall health, dental health too is very important for us. But most people usually neglect their dental health and avoid taking proper care of their teeth and gums until they are affected adversely by dental problems. A sore tooth is a common dental problem that afflicts people, who have been neglecting their dental health in the past. A sore tooth can cause severe pain, especially while you are eating your meal.

Causes of Sore Tooth

Sore tooth can be the result of inadequate chewing of foods, or not cleaning teeth and gums properly. If you consume junk foods, soft drinks and foods that are high in sugar then also you can get a sore tooth. Once you develop sore teeth, you can have a lot of trouble and sufferings. You need to find some remedies to get rid of this problem as soon as possible.Given below are some home remedies for a sore tooth.

Home remedies for a sore tooth


If you are suffering from sore tooth pain then asafoetida can give you quick relief. This is a good home remedy that can be used easily. You just have to add a pinch of asafetida into lime juice and apply this mixture on your sore tooth with the help of a cotton swab. It will provide you quick relief from pain.


Clove can be used as another home remedy for a sore tooth. It has exceptional healing power and hence if you suffer from tooth pain then placing a clove in your mouth, near the sore tooth can give you immediate relief from tooth pain. Clove is used as an important ingredient in most of the toothpastes, particularly the herbal ones due to its healing properties. You can also apply clove oil on your sore tooth to get instant relief from sore tooth.


You may be surprised to note that you can also get relief from a sore tooth by gargling with salt water. Yes, salt water contains osmosis properties and thus kills the harmful bacteria in your mouth by dehydrating them. Your sore tooth and gums get the soothing feeling when the harmful bacteria get eliminated. Gargling with salt water is believed to be one of the most common and simplest home remedies for a sore tooth. And if you have developed infection then you can gargle with the extracts obtained from grinded wheatgrass and get relief from a sore tooth. It will destroy the harmful bacteria and give your quick relief from the toothache.


We all know that onions have immense health benefits and have the power to provide us protection against various ailments. But do you know that onions also have the ability to cure a sore tooth! If you have not tried this home remedy for dealing with your sore tooth problem then you should not delay any more.

Onions are easily available in almost every kitchen and hence this remedy can be followed immediately. You just need to chop off an onion and place a slice of onion in your mouth on the tooth that has been affected by soreness. Soon you will find that your toothache is reducing. You can chew a small piece of raw onion each day in order to fight off tooth infections and keep away the teeth problems.


Garlic is an excellent home remedy for curing a sore tooth. Since garlic contains a powerful compound known as allicin, it acts as a potent and wonderful antibiotic. When you crush or mash garlic clove, it releases the allicin compound, which hinders the bacterial activities in the mouth and thus reduces toothache and soothes a sore tooth. Garlic has been used for curing the toothache problems since ages and is one of the traditional cures for sore tooth problem.

Garlic can be used to cure sore tooth in a number of ways. If you are suffering from a sore tooth then you can crush a clove of garlic, add a bit of rock salt and then put this paste on the sore tooth and leave it there for some time to get relief from tooth pain. If you use this remedy frequently, you can even get rid of sore tooth problem and cure it.

Another effective way to cure sore tooth is to chew properly a clove of garlic each day in the early morning to cure sore tooth and also prevent other dental problems.
Regular consumption of garlic makes your teeth strong as well as healthy thereby protecting them from any problem related to teeth. It is recommended to add garlic to almost every meal you consume daily in order to strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health so as to become efficient in fighting common ailments like sore tooth naturally.

Wheat grass

This popular herb is used for eliminating many ailments. This is due to its natural antibiotic properties, which make wheat grass an efficient ingredient for getting rid of several health problems including a sore tooth. You can obtain wheat grass from the nearby store; especially the ayurvedic stores and chew it slowly and properly. It will surely help you in minimizing the tooth pain experienced due to a sore tooth. Wheat grass juice can also be used as a mouthwash for fighting against various dental problems.

Tea Bags

Apart from refreshing your mood, tea bags can also be utilized as a superb home remedy for aching tooth. It can help you in getting relief from tooth pain if you use it in the proper way. Tea bag contains a powerful ingredient called tannin that aids in the elimination of sore tooth. Take a tea bag and pour some hot water on it. You can remove the tea bag when it gets steeped in the hot water and then place it on the affected and painful tooth. This remedy can provide you relief from tooth pain.

Dental Care Tips to Prevent Sore Tooth

Practice dental cleanliness and hygiene regularly to keep away dental problems. Brush your teeth twice per day and also floss post meals. Avoid binging on sugary foods as well as highly acidic foods because they corrode the enamel layer of your teeth and expose them to the dangers of dental problems.

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