Thursday, June 14, 2012

Remove White Heads At Home With 7 Easy Remedies

home remedies for whiteheads

Beautiful and lustrous skin is a dream that all women cherish. But how many of us have skin that is devoid of blemishes and scars? How often do we expose ourselves to atmospheric pollution and other triggers that leave our skin covered hopelessly with acne, pimples, black heads, white heads and what not!

Coming to the crux of the matter, white heads or pimples can be very distressing for women as well as men. White heads, if not treated carefully can leave deep scars that cannot be removed try as you might. Of course treating white heads is a tiresome task and one that needs great attention and a little extra time from your part. But then it is your face and therefore your duty to keep it smooth and shining.

When you go for chemical products that claim to safely eradicate pimples and pimple marks, you need to exercise caution as everything of what you hear may not be true. While some could benefit from these products, many of us out there including me are dissatisfied and extremely worried about our skin.

Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of natural remedies that can do wonders for your skin and body and leave your skin perfectly free from the harmful effects of chemicals. A number of home remedies exist for white heads and each one is better than the other. Choose the one that suits your skin best.

Home Remedies For White Heads
1. Egg Mash For Removing White Heads

White heads, like black heads are formed when the pores are clogged. White heads have white bumps which are formed when the hair follicles are closed. To prevent these shiny bumps and remove the ones which are already on your skin, egg whites can be used. Egg masks open the pores, clean the clogs off the white milium and then close it safely to prevent any more clogging.

For making a protein rich and nourishing egg mask, break one egg and beat it to form a frothy mixture. Apply on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water. If you have oily face, you can make a slightly different mask by adding honey and oatmeal to the egg white. This will ensure that your pores are closed and skin is tightened to leave a smooth and oil free skin devoid of eruptions.

2. Oatmeal For Unclogging The Pores

The abrasive texture of oatmeal does a good job in exfoliating the skin and scrubbing off the dirt, dead cells and grime from the clogged pores. Oily skin is at risk of clogging of pores as a result of excess oil and grime. Oatmeal, fortunately takes great care in removing the excess oil and leaving your skin fresh and dirt free.

Make a coarse paste of oatmeal and water and smear it on the face, paying much attention to move in a circular motion for scrubbing the dirt and grime from the open pores. Scrub for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Alternately, you may add a few drops of honey and lemon juice to close the pores after the action of oatmeal. This will ensure that the pores are not left open for more clogging.

remove white heads

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3. Garlic For Removing White Heads

Garlic has great antibacterial, anti fungal and anti microbial properties and hence very effective for treatment of acne and white head formations.  You can use garlic in many ways to remove white heads. For preventing white heads and other skin eruptions, garlic can be added in your daily diet. Chew 2-3 cloves of garlic every day or add it to your food while cooking.

If the smell of garlic is a great put off for you, you may prepare garlic oil and use it on the white heads to heal it and prevent more formations. For preparing garlic oil, leave a few grated garlic pieces in olive oil and steep it for two weeks. Remove the garlic from the oil and store it in an airtight container.

4. Baking Soda For Removing White Heads

Baking soda has a slightly coarse texture which makes it an excellent exfoliating scrub for removing dead cells.  Make a paste of baking soda and apply on the white head for 15 minutes. Baking soda will also remove the excess oil from the skin and prevent further breakouts, leaving your skin clear and smooth, banishing dead cell formation.

5. Potatoes For Removing Pustules

The advantages of using a potato on the skin are many. Potatoes are natural lightening agents and hence remove the blemishes associated with white head formation. They also act as an astringent, capable of curbing excess sebum and removes scar formations and excess dirt from the skin. After the cleaning action, potatoes close the pores, preventing entry of dirt and more clogging.

For making a potato wrap, boil and mash a potato and apply on the area when it is tolerably hot. Remove when cold. Potatoes can also be used raw. Slice a potato and rub gently on the white head for 5 minutes. Wipe clean. Do it every day for complete removal of white heads along with the mark.

6. Sea Salt For Removal of White Heads

The abrasive nature of sea salt makes it a great exfoliator, removing dead cells and loosening the white heads with the scrubbing action.  Mix a few drops of water with sea salt and rub on the white head with a cotton swab. Wipe it off gently. It will also remove any excess oil from the skin.

7. Lemon For White Heads

Lemon has astringent properties and hence removes all the excess oil form the skin, which is responsible for clogging of pores. Lemon is also a great bleach and a toner. Lemon is capable of removing black heads and white heads and leaves the skin clear. Apply lemon juice directly on the spot and wash off after 15 minutes. You can also slice a lemon into two and rub on the skin for greater exfoliation. For skin that is sensitive, dilute lemon with water before application.

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