Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home Therapies for Under Eye Dark Circles

Under eye dark circles is one of the most common problems that we face nowadays when it comes to skin care. No matter what we do, it just doesn’t seem to fade. Moreover, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain softness under the eye due to its vulnerability. The dark circles tend to make our face look dull and lifeless. Though there are no such remedies to totally cure the problem, simple home therapies can definitely help them faint to a great extent. Here are some of the most common reasons and cures that you can follow to get rid of your problem and also enhance your beauty.

Reasons for under eye dark circles

Researches show that one of the common reasons for dark circles is saline tears. These have acidic content that can blemish the under eye skin. Heredity and genital factor can also be responsible for this problem. In case it’s ancestral, it is always recommended to visit a dermatologist along with following simple cures at home.

Iron deficiency a.k.a. Anemia is one of the health issues that can be directly related to the cause of under eye dark circles. Allergies to certain substances like dust or food allergies are another reason that researchers have proved are responsible for this skin care issue. Ageing of the thin skin under the eye as we grow old can be considered as a cause for dark circles. This problem tends to make the emergence of blood vessels more prominent.

Some other issues include insomnia, unhealthy diet and intake of junk food, too much exposure to sunlight and sleeping late.However, it has always been beneficial to believe in the quote “Precaution is better than cure” and so here are some simple measures we should take to prevent under eye dark circles


Healthy Diet

Make sure you eat well. Avoid junk, spicy and oily food as much as possible. Go natural! Include lots of fresh juices in your diet. Along with this you can easily add fruits and salads that are rich in fiber and are also good for the skin. Antioxidants rich foods can cure the problem in a faster way. Help yourselves with all kinds of berries, onions, parsley, green and black tea to improve the under eye condition.

Sleep on time

Not only is it important to get proper sleep, it is also essential to sleep on time and get up on time. This is one of the easiest ways to cure your problem without putting in much of an effort. Overnight under eye creams especially those with Vitamin K content can also be used to lighten the dark circles before going off to sleep.

Drink good amount of water

Water has always worked wonders for the skin. So there should be no doubt in saying that abundant amount of water intake everyday will definitely help you a long way not only for the dark circles but also for a much healthier body.

Avoid extra salt

Don’t add extra amount of salt in your diet if you are suffering from dark circles.

Exposure to sunlight

Avoid much exposure to sunlight. Even if you have to, make sure you wear high-quality sunglasses as well as use a good SPF sunscreen to protect your eyes and under eye skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Along with these precautions, the efficient use of home remedies mentioned below will definitely add an extra advantage for you.

Simple Home Therapies

Benefit of tea bags

Use plain and a little hot black or green tea bags for curing dark circles. All you have to do is apply it on closed eyes for at least 15-20 minutes for effective results. Continue this on a regular basis, once or twice a week.

Pineapple and turmeric mixture

Make a blend of pineapple juice with turmeric and apply it on the affected areas once-twice every week to see dark circles lighten.

Potatoes and cucumber

Two of the most common vegetables found in almost all homes, these work wonders for under eye dark circles. The easiest way to apply any one of the two mentioned here is to grate it and apply on closed eyes. Keep it for 20-25 minutes. The juice will work on the gloominess.

Use of almond oil

A simple way to reduce the dilemma is to massage the under eye area with almond oil just before going to bed. This therapy should be followed daily for at least 2-3 weeks to see effective results.

Paste of almond

Make a smooth paste of almond powder with milk and apply to the affected part for that flawless skin you always wanted.

Use of figs

Freshly cut figs can really help in getting over the dark circles. All you have to do is place sliced figs under the eye for a time period of 30 minutes and then wash over with warm water.

Rose water

Apply rose water on the dark circles by dipping it in cotton balls and placing it for a maximum of 10 minutes. Not only will it help in improving the condition but also relax stressed eyes.

Aromatic mint mix

To a hint of lime juice add a smooth paste of mint leaves and apply for 15 minutes to see how successfully it works! The process should be repeated everyday for a month.

Gram flour pack

Compose a pack consisting of gram flour, a bit of turmeric powder, lemon juice and fresh tomato juice. Smoothen it and apply under the eye for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. This will surely help in reducing the darkness under the eye.

Spoon as a remedy

Freeze a steel spoon for approximately 10-15 minutes. Apply to the dark circles carefully but not for more than 3 minutes under each eye.

Pulpy Papaya

Use the pulp of the papaya to massage the under eye area and let it stay for another 10-15 minutes to get rid of those dreadful circles and get that perfect face.

However, no matter what therapy you want to stick to, make sure the eyes are washed with cold water after every session as a safety measure.

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