Tuesday, July 3, 2012

8 Natural Treatments For Herpes


herpes treatment

Herpes is a viral infection caused by the herpes virus. The herpes simplex viruses are of two kinds.  The first type of virus generally manifests itself with symptoms on the upper part of the body.

The second type causes infections in the lower part of a human body. The herpes virus causes symptoms like cold sores and fever blisters which can be very painful and embarrassing to the patient.

The virus generally attacks the immune system of the body and weakens it considerably, resulting in susceptibility to other diseases and conditions as well. Unfortunately, there is no complete cure known for a herpes infection. Treatment normally makes the virus dormant for some time after which it again causes attacks on the immunity.

It is extremely important to treat the symptoms of a herpes infection while it is present. This is especially true in the case of pregnant women as they can transfer the infection to their foetuses through the blood stream. Patients with herpes have to take utmost care as well as the immune system is heavily compromised when you have an attack of herpes simplex virus.

Whilst there are no remedies for herpes, there are many home remedies for keeping the disease under control and prevent flare ups to lead a better life.

Home Remedies for Herpes
1. Ice for Soothing the Herpes Infection

The blisters and cold sores caused by herpes virus can be extremely annoying and discomforting to the person. The pain too can sometimes get unmanageable. Running a cube of ice on the skin gives some relief from the pain and discomfort caused due to herpes. Application of ice cubes can numb the sensation of pain and leave your skin feeling fresh and cool. Apply ice whenever you feel great discomfort due to the blisters.

2. Baking Powder for Instant relief From Herpes

Application of baking powder, an antiseptic and antibacterial can also offer some relief from the symptoms and pain caused due to herpes virus. Mix baking powder along with some water and make it into a paste. Apply on the affected skin using a cotton ball and leave it on for some time to feel the relief.

3. Pure Yoghurt to Control Herpes Symptoms

Yoghurt contains active cultures that can reduce the action of herpes virus to a certain extent and prevent its recurrence. Add yoghurt in your daily diet for preventing frequent attacks of herpes. Yoghurt not only leaves your herpes virus discouraged, but have many other health and medicinal benefits as well that can leave your body completely protected.

4. Tea Tree Oil for Stopping the Infection

home remedies for herpes

Photo Credit- Getacnehomeremedies.info

Tea tree oil can stop the spread of a herpes infection if you apply it on the herpes infection at the onset itself. This will mask the action of the virus and prevent further spreading of the virus on to other areas. Tea tree oil is a natural antiviral agent and hence the best natural remedy for herpes infection.

5. Echinacea for Treating Herpes

The herb Echinacea is an immune booster and hence can prevent frequent attacks of herpes by strengthening the immune system against the viral attack. Echinacea is available as capsules which can be taken 3 times a day. Echinacea can also be consumed as tea 3-4 times every day to get the same benefits from the herb. As a tincture, you can take ¼ th teaspoon of this herb three times daily.

When you have herpes outbreaks, Echinacea can be taken every day in one of the above mentioned forms. Treatment with this herb has to be continued for about three months until the symptoms subside. The treatment has to be still continued for another three months until the virus attack subsides completely. You can continue taking Echinacea regularly to keep your immune responses strong and prevent further attacks.

6. Herbal Bath to Control Herpes

Herbal baths are completely soothing and relaxing for the mind as well as the body. For patients suffering from herpes, a relaxed mind can offer great relief as stress too is a causative factor that can trigger herpes attacks. Take 3 parts of chamomile and mix it with 2 parts of calendula.

Take one part each of dry oatmeal, hops, comfrey leaf, comfrey root etc. and mix all these ingredients well. Take a handful and tie it in a cotton bag. Now place under a hot water tap and allow the hot water to flow over it. Collect this water and fill the tub with warm water. Release the ingredients along with the water into the tub. You can take an herbal dip in this water for half an hour. Remember to apply the water on the face as well if you have herpes on the face.

7. Stress Reduction a Must for Herpes Infection

Stress is a major factor that can cause herpes outbreaks. Therefore, busting stress becomes an important factor in controlling the outbreaks effectively. For reducing stress, you can include herbal teas in your diet. Take 3 parts each of chamomile and oat straw and add 4 parts of nettle leaves to it. Take one part each of St John’s Wort, passion flower and skull cap. Mix these ingredients and transfer to an airtight container.

Take 1 qt of water and add 5 tablespoons of this herbal mixture to it. Simmer for about 10 minutes and drink it after straining it. This tea can be taken 4-5 times a day to calm your mind and nerves.

8. Astringent Bath for Treating Herpes

For preparing an astringent bath, take one ounce of chaparral leaves that are dry and add four tablespoons of baking soda and 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in it. Mix them well and add some olive oil to it and mix again. Fill the tub with warm water and add the mixture to the water. Soak for 15-20 minutes to get great relief from herpes symptoms. The astringent qualities of these ingredients will help in removing the dead cells that have accumulated on the herpes blisters and help in healing the blisters and sores faster.

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