Thursday, June 14, 2012

5 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Foot Aches

5 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Foot Aches

Foot pain is the most common health problem that everybody faces, from a child to an old man. Everyone complains of foot pain. Too much walking or stress on the feet can lead to acute foot ache. Nowadays, our eating habits are so poor that the body has very limited resource to keep your body working just fine.

You must have heard your granny mentioning how active they were, and how they could stand hours in the line to fetch water, without complaining foot pain. But what has happened now? A child comes home after a long day in school and straight hits the bed or a sofa to rest.

Why do you think our ancestors were so fit and we are not? How come the advanced facilities and healthy food available now cannot help us to stay fit? Imagine how your grand parents stayed so healthy without the protein diets, dieticians and spa facilities?

It is a question that everyone should ask themselves. What are the causes of foot pain? Of course apart from poor dietary habits there are several factors that can lead to foot pain. For instance in children, they are so active and play out in the sun that it causes a completely drain out feeling.

When the body is weak, it is bound to aches in the body especially the legs and the feet. The foot carries the weight of the entire body. Therefore it becomes of utmost important for the legs to be strong and fit to bear the weight. Many obese patients have foot aches for the obvious reason that their legs are unable to take the weight of their huge body. No wonder many foot ache patients are obese or too fat people. Doctor advice to not go above your desired weight which gains depends on the age and height of the person.

Adults face foot aches because of excessive walking in the field trips, or exerting yourself unnecessary by walking too much to lose weight. Losing weight is not bad but shedding too much to become an anorexic to be “socially fit” can have drastic affects on the body. For the starters, it makes you physically weak; the legs become fragile to carry your weight around hence causing foot aches.

Sometimes lack of activity can also lead to foot aches. People who simply eat and laze around tend to put on weight as well their legs become what I call “ jammed” or “ eroded” to walk around even an inch. These people complain of acute pain in the feet even if they walk a short distance.

Old people have foot aches obviously because as you grow the body also starts’ giving up on activities plus it is the hormonal changes that occur after 60 that makes the body very feeble. That is why doctors always advice to remain active and follow a healthy balanced diet to avoid such problems. However, there are several effective home remedies to treat foot aches at home such as:

Soak Your Feet in Luke Warm Water

This is perhaps the most effective home remedies for relieving foot aches. Also a recipe from the granny’s remedy books, soak your feet in warm water for some really good feeling in the foot.

5 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Foot Aches

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Try doing it once. Take a bucket and fill it warm water. You can also add handful of salt that has a healing property to cure aches. Simply dip the feet in it and relax for about 20 minutes. Do it as many times you want and you can also refill it warm water when it cools down. Doctor advice soaking when one has a sprain or a twisted ankle.

Increase the Calcium Intake

If you are over 40 and hasn’t seen a doctor yet, it is time you should. Researches show that people who have crossed 40 especially women have very weak bones that leads to fragile legs and the main cause of foot aches. Now what helps to boost the health of bones? Calcium, a very important nutrient provides strength to the bones of the body. After examination, it if found that 40 plus people suffer from depletion of calcium. So it is crucial to replenish it calcium rich food like cheese, milk and milk products or eat calcium supplements too. Glucosamine tablets are available in the medical shops that are best to heal paining joints and foot aches.

Give Your Foot Adequate Rest

Rest is a very common natural remedy to get over any ache in the body especially foot. You must have noticed that a short nap or a resting for awhile can do great in curing foot aches. Many times, foot aches that cause swelling that can be cured by taking adequate rest. Simply lie down and relax in peace. It really helps to get over any sort of stress in your mind or foot.

Wear the Right Shoes

Doctors often relate foot aches with wearing wrong shoes. Shoes have to be perfect and compliment your feet. People with flat feet cannot wear heels or vice versa. Therefore consult a doctor and support the shoe with various foot healers such as wedge for high arches, cushion under the foot can reduce pain the toes or paining below the heel can cure foot ache in the heels to a great extent. Flat feet people are recommended to wear special shoes that help to protect the ligaments.

Ice Remedy for Foot Aches

Ice is very helpful home remedies to have a great respite form foot aches. You must think why ice? How can ice help to reduce pain? Well, rubbing ice on the foot that gives your trouble can help to numb the nerves that are the main cause of the pain. Once the nerves are numbed for a while, it reduces the swelling and helps you feel much better. Do it for fifteen minutes twice a day. It does help.

Foot aches can be really bad. Try the above mentioned effective home remedies for foot aches. If the problem persists, take a doctor’s appointment without delay.


  1. Hey this blog helped me I also got the same problem these remedies work.

    Foot Pain Solutions

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