Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home Remedy For Hyperhidrosis

So let’s face it! Many of us have had situations where we had to wring our nose so tightly and pucker our faces to make a colleague or a roommate understand about that offensive odour that emanates from their body… Try as you might they go on and on with their body odours making lives around them difficult. Have you realised that probably you too could have it and all without your knowledge? Yes, unfortunately many who have body odour do not understand it unless someone mentions it point blank.

Have you had circumstances where body odour kills you and have had times when others’ body odour kills you? Here are some ways to bust hyperhydrosis and help others remove it too.

Take a shower or bathe twice a day

Ensure that you take bath twice daily to keep away from bacteria getting accumulated in your body. While taking bath you can use a few drops of lemon in the water to keep you smelling fresh all day. Adding rose water or tea tree oil will have the same effect. All these are natural deodorisers and help you stay fresh throughout the day. While you take bath, ensure that you scrub clean your armpits, neck, genital areas and face thoroughly as these are the areas that sweat more. During the colder months when you sweat less or at all, taking bath once is sufficient.  Sweat is the main cause of body odour and hence washing off sweat from your body every day will ensure that bacteria do not get a medium for multiplication.

Watch your diet

What you eat has a direct influence to your body odour. Spicy food, junk food, canned food, fried food, all have a direct influence on how you smell. Bad and unhealthy food will affect your digestion and you will start emanating the smell of the bad digestion process within the body. Avoid junk, spicy and processed food to keep away from hyperhidrosis.

Change clothes/ undergarments everyday

At least some of you might have the repulsive habit of using your clothes and undergarments several days before you send them for washing. It’s little wonder that you smell like a fish. Changing clothes every day, at least undergarments every day will ensure that bacteria do not get accumulated, creating unpleasant odour.

Use cotton clothes

If you are susceptible to excessive sweating, stick to cotton clothes that can absorb sweat and keep your skin dry. Clothes and under garments made of nylon and other synthetic materials will not only increase heat and sweat, but also prevent air circulation making way for moisture retention and bacterial action causing more body odour.  Stick to good absorbent materials at least during the summer months when you sweat more. You should also be careful while choosing the colours for your clothes. Avoid dark colours that can absorb heat to prevent more sweating. Stick to the lighter shades.

Wash your clothes thoroughly

Many people who have hyperhydrosis fail to wash their clothes properly, leaving half of the sweat and smell behind. When you wear these clothes and sweat again, you will have more body odour to deal with. Make sure that the clothes are washed properly with detergents that can remove the smell and sweat completely. One must especially take care to wash the areas of the clothes like the underarms, collars, and the crotch of your pants properly to remove the smell of sweat.

Flush your system, drink water

Drinking water helps to flush out the toxins in your body that could be causing body odour. Make sure that you drink at least eight litres of water every day and more during the summer months in order to combat the loss of water through sweat. Drinking water will make sure that you remove the toxins out through urine and not through your sweat. Wheat grass which is rich is chlorophyll can also be consumed with water. Lemon, tomatoes and vinegar too can reduce body odour and should be taken in large quantities to reduce body odour.

Avoid deodorants, soaps and perfumes

This may seem a strange suggestion. But if you are the kind to sweat excessively and you have body odour that you are trying to mask through the use of deodorants, you could be killing others with even more pungent smells. Deodorants react with your sweat and make way for more strong smelling odours that could be more offensive than you think. If you sweat excessively, use antiperspirants which will reduce sweat and prevent body odour. Make sure that you do a patch test before using them. They could cause allergies. Soaps too can cause more smell if you have body odour. Avoid using strong smelling soaps in areas where it sweat more and see the difference…

Smoking and Alcohol

People who smoke and drink have a distinctive odour around them, be it in their mouth or in their sweat and even clothes. As alcohol is acidic, it can increase body odour. Avoid smoking and drinking to keep fresh smelling and also to make sure that you stay healthy and hearty.

Wearing others’ clothes

When you wear other’ clothes, you will have the body odour of those people stuck on your body too when you sweat. We never know whether a person is washing his/her clothes properly. Wearing others’ clothes must be avoided due to hygienic reasons and also due to the fact that many skin diseases can be transferred through the clothes and sweat.

Treat disorders

Excessive sweating may not be due to the heat and summer season. It can be due to problems in your body that requires treatment and medication. For example people who have thyroid disorders can sweat excessively due faulty metabolism. Hormone changes in the body too can increase sweating. Diabetes, preponderance, inflammations etc. are a few causes due to which you can sweat excessively and fall prey to body odour. It is important to treat these problems rather than trying to stop sweating through the use of antiperspirants and deodorants. Consult your doctor if you cannot stop sweating even after employing the many techniques mentioned above.

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Home Treatments For Stretch Marks

Striae gravidarum a.k.a. Stretch marks are one of the most common problems people face. Especially found in women, these are fine lines or cracks generally found in the body areas of stomach, arms, hips and thighs. Also researches show that in some part of their lives, women tend to suffer from the issue of stretch marks. These reddish lines that turns white after a period of time looks ugly and unattractive. The saddest part here is that once stretch marks are formed on the body it stays perpetually.

Some of the common causes of stretch marks include
Fluctuation in body weight

Sudden weight loss or weight gain, both can be the reasons for body stretch marks.


One of the most prevalent causes of stretch marks in women is pregnancy. The stretch of skin during this period will definitely lead to this problem.

Puberty period in adolescents

Puberty in teens is a period of change and can lead to stretch marks in lots of cases. It is generally a result of hormonal changes.

Improper diet

Lack of nutrients and unhealthy diet can lead to the origin of stretch marks. Also detrimental eating habits and junk food can be one of the roots of this problem.


There are some forms of medicines that tend to leave back stretch marks as a side effect. Steroids are one of them. Contraception intake can also be one of the reasons for stretch marks in women.

Body building

Those who are fanatic about developing good muscles and body building should know that it can cause stretch marks in specific areas.

A problem with stretch marks is that it covers a large area of the skin making it highly visible. However, it is not possible to hide the stretch marks with any form of makeup not even through concealers. Don’t be depressed. Here is the solution to lighten stretch marks in the most effective way. Consistent use of the following home remedies will definitely help you a long way in fading them away.

Home Remedies
Lavender oil massage

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Use lavender oil to massage the affected areas to lighten the stretch marks considerably. Follow this routine at least thrice a day for best results.

Cocoa butter therapy

Applying cocoa butter to the stretch marks will work wonders. Do this for at least a month everyday for maximum benefit. The butter should be applied every night before going off to sleep. It can be used even during pregnancy.

Melted beeswax

Heat beeswax to a melted form and store this mixture in an air tight container. Use this mixture daily on the stretch mark areas. This cream can really prove beneficial.

Cod liver oil as a good medication

Massage the areas of hips, thighs and arms daily with cod liver oil to weaken the stretch marks on your body.

Miracles of Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel is a good lubricant where lightening stretch marks are concerned. Use this gel every day for successful results.

Cocoa butter and assorted oils pack

Make a smooth blend of approximately ½ cup cocoa butter, 2 tablespoon of beeswax, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil, 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil and 1 teaspoon of apricot kernel oil. Store this in a container and use it daily to massage the stretch marks. You will definitely be satisfied with the results it gives.

Apricot scrub

To get perfect results in a short span of time, scrub the stretch mark area with apricot scrub on a daily basis.

Include nuts and seeds in your daily diet

Have good amounts of nuts and seeds with your meals everyday to get rid of those dull and dreadful stretch marks.

Aromatic oils

To reduce the risks of stretch marks, especially during pregnancy make sure you get a body massage from aroma oils almost daily.

Avocado and essential oil recipe

Mix avocado oil with one of your favorites essential oils and rub this to the affected body parts. This will help you overcome the issue of stretch marks. Avocado oil can be replaced by sweet almond oil or jojoba oil as per convenience.

Margosa treatment

Application of freshly grinded margosa paste to stretch marks can do wonders where stretch marks are concerned.

Basil leaves as a remedy

Basil leaves is another natural product that will weaken the color and visibility of stretch marks. Use a paste of basil leaves daily for satisfying effects.

Sandalwood paste

Sandalwood (chandan) is supposed to have cooling properties. To avoid getting stretch marks, specifically during the pregnancy phase, apply it on the hip, thigh and arm regions.

Indian madder

One of the best products to lighten the stretch marks is Indian madder (manjishtha).

Along with these home packs and blends follow some routine exercises mentioned below to avoid stretch marks to a great extent. These sessions will help you tighten the skin and prevent stretch marks. For the best outcome pursue these 3 times a week and approximately 20 lifts per session.

Simple Exercises for different body parts
For the thigh region

Sit straight on a chair with both the hands on the sides and holding the chair with a firm grip. Swing the leg up and down at least 20 times to extract maximum benefit.

For the hip area

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Lie straight on your back. Relax the body and slowly lift one of the legs in a way that it creates a 90 degree. To see whether it is going right, you can feel the pull in the buttock region. The exercise should strain the hip area. The same process should be repeated with the other leg at least 20 times each. Add on to the speed in every push up.

For the stomach

Abdominal crunches work great when it comes to preventing stretch marks in the stomach. Lie on your back and relax your muscles. Keeping the feet flat on the ground, bend the knees. Slowly lift the upper body part from the floor. There should be a good amount of strain on the abs and stomach for a perfect exercise session.

You will be pleasantly shocked to see how effectively these home remedies and exercises help you to get freedom from the problem of stretch marks.

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Home Remedies For Sore Tooth

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Toothache Problem

Just like our overall health, dental health too is very important for us. But most people usually neglect their dental health and avoid taking proper care of their teeth and gums until they are affected adversely by dental problems. A sore tooth is a common dental problem that afflicts people, who have been neglecting their dental health in the past. A sore tooth can cause severe pain, especially while you are eating your meal.

Causes of Sore Tooth

Sore tooth can be the result of inadequate chewing of foods, or not cleaning teeth and gums properly. If you consume junk foods, soft drinks and foods that are high in sugar then also you can get a sore tooth. Once you develop sore teeth, you can have a lot of trouble and sufferings. You need to find some remedies to get rid of this problem as soon as possible.Given below are some home remedies for a sore tooth.

Home remedies for a sore tooth


If you are suffering from sore tooth pain then asafoetida can give you quick relief. This is a good home remedy that can be used easily. You just have to add a pinch of asafetida into lime juice and apply this mixture on your sore tooth with the help of a cotton swab. It will provide you quick relief from pain.


Clove can be used as another home remedy for a sore tooth. It has exceptional healing power and hence if you suffer from tooth pain then placing a clove in your mouth, near the sore tooth can give you immediate relief from tooth pain. Clove is used as an important ingredient in most of the toothpastes, particularly the herbal ones due to its healing properties. You can also apply clove oil on your sore tooth to get instant relief from sore tooth.


You may be surprised to note that you can also get relief from a sore tooth by gargling with salt water. Yes, salt water contains osmosis properties and thus kills the harmful bacteria in your mouth by dehydrating them. Your sore tooth and gums get the soothing feeling when the harmful bacteria get eliminated. Gargling with salt water is believed to be one of the most common and simplest home remedies for a sore tooth. And if you have developed infection then you can gargle with the extracts obtained from grinded wheatgrass and get relief from a sore tooth. It will destroy the harmful bacteria and give your quick relief from the toothache.


We all know that onions have immense health benefits and have the power to provide us protection against various ailments. But do you know that onions also have the ability to cure a sore tooth! If you have not tried this home remedy for dealing with your sore tooth problem then you should not delay any more.

Onions are easily available in almost every kitchen and hence this remedy can be followed immediately. You just need to chop off an onion and place a slice of onion in your mouth on the tooth that has been affected by soreness. Soon you will find that your toothache is reducing. You can chew a small piece of raw onion each day in order to fight off tooth infections and keep away the teeth problems.


Garlic is an excellent home remedy for curing a sore tooth. Since garlic contains a powerful compound known as allicin, it acts as a potent and wonderful antibiotic. When you crush or mash garlic clove, it releases the allicin compound, which hinders the bacterial activities in the mouth and thus reduces toothache and soothes a sore tooth. Garlic has been used for curing the toothache problems since ages and is one of the traditional cures for sore tooth problem.

Garlic can be used to cure sore tooth in a number of ways. If you are suffering from a sore tooth then you can crush a clove of garlic, add a bit of rock salt and then put this paste on the sore tooth and leave it there for some time to get relief from tooth pain. If you use this remedy frequently, you can even get rid of sore tooth problem and cure it.

Another effective way to cure sore tooth is to chew properly a clove of garlic each day in the early morning to cure sore tooth and also prevent other dental problems.
Regular consumption of garlic makes your teeth strong as well as healthy thereby protecting them from any problem related to teeth. It is recommended to add garlic to almost every meal you consume daily in order to strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health so as to become efficient in fighting common ailments like sore tooth naturally.

Wheat grass

This popular herb is used for eliminating many ailments. This is due to its natural antibiotic properties, which make wheat grass an efficient ingredient for getting rid of several health problems including a sore tooth. You can obtain wheat grass from the nearby store; especially the ayurvedic stores and chew it slowly and properly. It will surely help you in minimizing the tooth pain experienced due to a sore tooth. Wheat grass juice can also be used as a mouthwash for fighting against various dental problems.

Tea Bags

Apart from refreshing your mood, tea bags can also be utilized as a superb home remedy for aching tooth. It can help you in getting relief from tooth pain if you use it in the proper way. Tea bag contains a powerful ingredient called tannin that aids in the elimination of sore tooth. Take a tea bag and pour some hot water on it. You can remove the tea bag when it gets steeped in the hot water and then place it on the affected and painful tooth. This remedy can provide you relief from tooth pain.

Dental Care Tips to Prevent Sore Tooth

Practice dental cleanliness and hygiene regularly to keep away dental problems. Brush your teeth twice per day and also floss post meals. Avoid binging on sugary foods as well as highly acidic foods because they corrode the enamel layer of your teeth and expose them to the dangers of dental problems.

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Home Therapies for Under Eye Dark Circles

Under eye dark circles is one of the most common problems that we face nowadays when it comes to skin care. No matter what we do, it just doesn’t seem to fade. Moreover, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain softness under the eye due to its vulnerability. The dark circles tend to make our face look dull and lifeless. Though there are no such remedies to totally cure the problem, simple home therapies can definitely help them faint to a great extent. Here are some of the most common reasons and cures that you can follow to get rid of your problem and also enhance your beauty.

Reasons for under eye dark circles

Researches show that one of the common reasons for dark circles is saline tears. These have acidic content that can blemish the under eye skin. Heredity and genital factor can also be responsible for this problem. In case it’s ancestral, it is always recommended to visit a dermatologist along with following simple cures at home.

Iron deficiency a.k.a. Anemia is one of the health issues that can be directly related to the cause of under eye dark circles. Allergies to certain substances like dust or food allergies are another reason that researchers have proved are responsible for this skin care issue. Ageing of the thin skin under the eye as we grow old can be considered as a cause for dark circles. This problem tends to make the emergence of blood vessels more prominent.

Some other issues include insomnia, unhealthy diet and intake of junk food, too much exposure to sunlight and sleeping late.However, it has always been beneficial to believe in the quote “Precaution is better than cure” and so here are some simple measures we should take to prevent under eye dark circles


Healthy Diet

Make sure you eat well. Avoid junk, spicy and oily food as much as possible. Go natural! Include lots of fresh juices in your diet. Along with this you can easily add fruits and salads that are rich in fiber and are also good for the skin. Antioxidants rich foods can cure the problem in a faster way. Help yourselves with all kinds of berries, onions, parsley, green and black tea to improve the under eye condition.

Sleep on time

Not only is it important to get proper sleep, it is also essential to sleep on time and get up on time. This is one of the easiest ways to cure your problem without putting in much of an effort. Overnight under eye creams especially those with Vitamin K content can also be used to lighten the dark circles before going off to sleep.

Drink good amount of water

Water has always worked wonders for the skin. So there should be no doubt in saying that abundant amount of water intake everyday will definitely help you a long way not only for the dark circles but also for a much healthier body.

Avoid extra salt

Don’t add extra amount of salt in your diet if you are suffering from dark circles.

Exposure to sunlight

Avoid much exposure to sunlight. Even if you have to, make sure you wear high-quality sunglasses as well as use a good SPF sunscreen to protect your eyes and under eye skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Along with these precautions, the efficient use of home remedies mentioned below will definitely add an extra advantage for you.

Simple Home Therapies

Benefit of tea bags

Use plain and a little hot black or green tea bags for curing dark circles. All you have to do is apply it on closed eyes for at least 15-20 minutes for effective results. Continue this on a regular basis, once or twice a week.

Pineapple and turmeric mixture

Make a blend of pineapple juice with turmeric and apply it on the affected areas once-twice every week to see dark circles lighten.

Potatoes and cucumber

Two of the most common vegetables found in almost all homes, these work wonders for under eye dark circles. The easiest way to apply any one of the two mentioned here is to grate it and apply on closed eyes. Keep it for 20-25 minutes. The juice will work on the gloominess.

Use of almond oil

A simple way to reduce the dilemma is to massage the under eye area with almond oil just before going to bed. This therapy should be followed daily for at least 2-3 weeks to see effective results.

Paste of almond

Make a smooth paste of almond powder with milk and apply to the affected part for that flawless skin you always wanted.

Use of figs

Freshly cut figs can really help in getting over the dark circles. All you have to do is place sliced figs under the eye for a time period of 30 minutes and then wash over with warm water.

Rose water

Apply rose water on the dark circles by dipping it in cotton balls and placing it for a maximum of 10 minutes. Not only will it help in improving the condition but also relax stressed eyes.

Aromatic mint mix

To a hint of lime juice add a smooth paste of mint leaves and apply for 15 minutes to see how successfully it works! The process should be repeated everyday for a month.

Gram flour pack

Compose a pack consisting of gram flour, a bit of turmeric powder, lemon juice and fresh tomato juice. Smoothen it and apply under the eye for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. This will surely help in reducing the darkness under the eye.

Spoon as a remedy

Freeze a steel spoon for approximately 10-15 minutes. Apply to the dark circles carefully but not for more than 3 minutes under each eye.

Pulpy Papaya

Use the pulp of the papaya to massage the under eye area and let it stay for another 10-15 minutes to get rid of those dreadful circles and get that perfect face.

However, no matter what therapy you want to stick to, make sure the eyes are washed with cold water after every session as a safety measure.

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Curative Ginger Tea to Combat Ailments

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a warm spice and has many medicinal properties. Ginger is known to have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It also has a healthful protein digesting enzyme called zingibain. Therefore, ginger tea also has many curative benefits.

It is known to cure digestive problems, common colds, sore throat, and many other ailments. It tastes good also; it has a spicy and piquant flavor. The main benefit lies in the fact that ginger tea can boost blood circulation. This has many health benefits including cleansing of the skin, kidneys, and bowels. It is a great concoction to include in a detox diet. It strengthens the immune system also.

Health benefits of Ginger tea

It can fight congestion in the throat and lungs also. It is known to treat fevers also. It can provide relief from nausea and morning sickness also. It can also relive stomach aches. It protects the lining of stomach also. Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties and can kill intestinal parasites. It can also remedy flatulence.

It can also treat colic and dyspepsia; this mainly happens as secretion of bile is stimulated by compounds called gingerols. It can fight viral infections and migraines also. A cup of ginger tea is recommended during menstruation cycle also to ease the pains and cramps. It can stabilize blood pressure. It promotes the respiration and nervous system functions also.

However, take note of a few precautions before you prepare ginger tea. Some people can suffer from an allergic reaction to ginger. Thus, serving for ginger tea should be increased gradually. Be wary of ginger tea intake during pregnancy. It is best to drink it in small doses and include in your diet only after consulting with your physician. If you are on any anti-coagulant medications, then let you doctor know that you are taking ginger tea regularly.

Recipe of ginger tea

Let’s begin with the most basic recipe of ginger tea. It is prepared using fresh ginger root. To make 1 cup of this tea, you will need a 1 inch piece of ginger root. Start by peeling the ginger root. Then, cut it into thin slices. You can also grate it finely. Bring 1 cup of water to boil in a pan; you can add a little more than 1 cup of water also.  Once the water begins to bubble, throw in the sliced ginger. Cove than pan and simmer it for about 10 minutes.

Boiling for 10 minutes will give the ginger tea a mild flavor. If you want it to be sharp and tangy, try boiling for 20 minutes after adding the ginger slices. Turn off the gas, & strain the tea into a cup. To enhance the flavor of this brew you can also add some honey and lemon juice.

Although you can add any quantity of these ingredients as per your taste, it is best to add juice of half a lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey in it. There are other sweeteners that you can add in the ginger tea. White sugar, brown sugar, and maple syrup are other options. Brown sugar is best for weight watchers. Also, maple syrup gives an excellent flavor when added in ginger tea.

If you have problems with bowel movement, colon cleansing, or are suffering from irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), then ginger tea is a solution to your woes. You can use dried ginger or juice from fresh ginger to make this tea. About 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice or half a teaspoon of dried ginger will be required for this brew. Bring 1 cup of water to boil. In the hot water add 1 teaspoon of honey and the ginger. Stir thoroughly and consume when hot.

You can make a tea from ginger and chamomile. You will require fresh chamomile herb to make it; about 1 teaspoon should be sufficient. A half inch piece of fresh ginger root should be used. It can be grated or sliced finely. Boil 1 cup of water and to the bubbling hot water add fresh ginger root.

Then, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes on a medium flame. Strain the tea into a cup. Add the fresh chamomile herb and let it steep for 2-3 minutes.  Your cup of ginger and chamomile tea is ready to be served. You can add lemon juice and honey into the tea.

A combination of peppermint and ginger is also very popular. You will require herbal peppermint leaves for this tea. Add 1 teaspoon of grated ginger in 1 cup of water and bring it to boil. Allow it to simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off the gas and add half a teaspoon of herbal peppermint leaves. Cover the utensil and let the leaves steep in the hot water for around 5 minutes. Strain the tea, add honey and drink the hot concoction.

Health benefits of Cranberry tea

Cranberry tea has many health benefits. You can add ginger to make an extremely wholesome brew. Slice or grate half inch piece of ginger root. Also, add a pinch of nutmeg. Bing 1 cup of water to boil, then add ginger in it. Simmer it for around 15 minutes. Strain and add a cranberry tea bad. Let it steep for about 2-3 minutes. Drink it when hot.

Another great healthful combination is ginger and lemon grass. The aroma of this tea is extremely therapeutic. You will need fresh lemongrass talks cut into 2 inch pieces. Use half an inch long ginger root; either sliced or grated. In 1 cup of boiling water, add the ginger and lemongrass. Simmer for about 7-10 minutes. Strain and serve hot.

Along with ginger, you will need cinnamon stick and cloves to make this tea. Take half an inch piece of ginger and grate it finely. Take two cloves and one-fourth inch piece of cinnamon stick. Add sugar, cinnamon stick, ginger and cloves in a mug. Bring 1 cup of water to boil. Pour the boiling water into the mug containing the spices. Let it steep for about 3 minutes. Use juice of about 1-2 orange slices. Stir it into the mug and let the concoction sit for another 5 minutes. Serve hot!

Make sure to have a cup everyday if you are suffering from digestive problems and get frequently recurring colds. It is best to avoid using ginger powder. The tea is really healthful when made from fresh ginger root. Always have a piping hot cup to get maximum benefits.

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Remedies For Dry And Chapped Lips

How to Cure Dry Chapped Lips through Home Remedies

Lips are one of the most prominent features where our looks are concerned. One of the common problems that we face nowadays is of dry, flaky lips. No matter what the season, some of us go through this the entire year. For many of us lip balms worked in vain and we keep on sulking over this from time to time. There are limitless products available in the market but nothing works miracles like home remedies does. Following some simple cures and precautions will also help in attaining good results for your lips. So here we are to discuss all that you need to do for softer, supple lips.

Cures and precautions

Drink water regularly

To get that seductive lips drink as much water as you can. One of the major reasons for dryness is dehydration caused by lack of water in the body. Have at least 8-10 glasses of water daily to keep the lips in subtle condition. 

A healthy diet

Make sure you adhere to loads of green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Healthy eating habits like eating on time and including a good amount of vitamins and other minerals in your food will ensure fast outcomes.

Don’t lick

Most of us have a continuous habit of licking our lips. It should be stopped without any more delay. Don’t lick them even if they are totally dry and chapped. Wetting of lips can make them deficient from the natural oils it holds. Also our saliva can have bad effects on the lips.

Avoid junk and fried foods

Even if they are directly not the reason for dryness, they may definitely aggravate the condition. Try and control your taste buds until you totally recover from the condition.

Stop smoking and consuming alcohol

Two of the major reasons resulting directly in chapped lips are smoking and alcohol. Avoid these as much as possible.

Avoid dry weather

Keep yourself indoors when the weather is windy and dry and without moisture. This might help you in keeping the lips in a supple state.

Use lip balm everyday and night

A good quality lip balm with SPF will definitely help you a long way if applied daily especially when you are moving out of the house. Also make sure that a sheet of lip balm is applied before hitting the bed to keep the moisture on track.

Avoid peeling

Don’t bite lips that tend to peel the protective cover of the same and cause further dryness and flakiness.

Lipstick as an added advantage to women

Lipstick acts as a moisturizer and can really help in balancing the pH of the lips. Select lipsticks that have sunscreen ingredients as an extra credit. This will also help in avoiding tan.

Limit the intake of caffeine

Caffeine rich drinks, for example tea, coffee, energy drinks should be avoided greatly if you want to keep dryness away.

Home remedies for dry lips

Here are some of the most simple and effortless ways that will improve the shape of your lips if followed habitually-

Almond oil therapy

Almond oil works wonders for the lips. All you have to do is apply and massage for 1-2 minutes every night before going off to sleep.  This will help you attain that perfect and smooth set of lips.

Exfoliation of the lips

It is very essential to remove the dead cells from the lips from time to time. This process is called exfoliation. It will remove the dullness from the lips. You can use a cloth completely dipped in warm water to rub your lips. This will make the lips gentle, but make sure you don’t keep on wiping the lips too hard and for too long. A tooth brush can also be used for this method. Apply some petroleum jelly before stroking it with a brush. This can be done once every week for best results.

Beeswax mixture for kissable lips

A miraculous beeswax mixture can be easily prepared at home if you wish to attain those malleable lips. The procedure is as follows-

• Shred 1 tsp of beeswax and melt it with double the amount of coconut oil and half the amount of lanolin and a capsule of vitamin E.

•To this you add 2-3 drops of any essential oil that you have at home as well as a teaspoon of honey.

•The mixture should be stirred well and also brought to a normal temperature.

•Store it in an air tight container. Use whenever possible, especially at night before going to the bed.

Natural lip balms

The natural lip balms that you might find at your home and those that can work really well for your lips include ghee, butter, honey, castor oil, duck fat, aloe vera gel, cocoa butter and cucumber. Usage of any one of the mentioned ingredients here will help you greatly. The easiest way to apply them and the time when they are most effective is during night.

Milk cream mixture

One of the trouble-free ways for smooth lips is the application of a mixture of milk cream, rose water and lime juice. This mixture is a natural moisturizer and quite efficient.

Rose blend

Rose petals and milk is a great combination when it comes to the nourishment of the lips. Try it out!

Paste of Margosa

Margosa leaves can work sensationally on flaky lips.

Rose water, lime juice and glycerin mixture

Mix all the three liquids in equal amounts and store, apply when you feel arid.

Effective Juices

Applying neem juice or cucumber juice on lips acts well when it comes to this problem.

These precautions and home remedies will definitely cure the problem of chapped lips but you have to work a long way. You have to remember that it’s not a day’s work. It will take time and commitment to get those smooth and silky lips that you crave for. You can even buy products that are specifically manufactured for dry lips. In case you still suffer from the problem, make sure you make at least one visit to your dermatologist.

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Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a bane for a number of people around the world especially for the women who have just borne a child and people who have lost a large amount of weight. They are caused by the rapid stretching of the corollaries of the skin which in turn leads to the appearance of linear scars on the skin. As the collagen protein in the skin is damaged, it can lead to the appearance of purplish and white scars commonly known as stretch marks on the skin surface.

Other than pregnancy and a rapid weight gain or loss, stretch marks can also be caused by factors such as rapid growth spurts which are often observed in teenagers, genetics, hormonal changes and certain medications can also lead to the appearance of major stretch marks in both men and women. Sometimes lifting heavy weights or obesity too can cause stretch marks as well. Body parts that are prone to suffering from stretch marks include the stomach, thighs, breasts, buttocks, hips and the upper arms. While both men and women suffer from this skin problem, it is usually observed that women suffer more from stretch marks at some or the other stage in their lives whether it is during puberty or after pregnancy.

Removing stretch marks through cosmetic surgeries and laser treatments is possible. However most of these treatments are exorbitantly priced  and often do not have any guaranteed results. As opposed to this natural home remedies are completely safe and are known to be quite effective as well. Moreover the ingredients used for these home remedies are quite easily available. Here are some simple tried and tested at home remedies that you can try to remove those ugly purple and red stretch marks on your body.

How to Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

Using Body Butter

Body butters have natural moisturizing and restorative ingredients that aid in the stretch mark removal. Cocoa butter or shea butter is one of the best ways to not only remove but also avoid the appearance of ugly stretch marks. Massage these body butters on the skin three to four times a day to remove stretch marks.

These butters help in moisturizing and hydrating the skin and aid in removal of scars on the skin. You can use natural cocoa or shea butter or combine it with some olive and almond oil for the best results. You can also mix three cups of unrefined butter along with half a cup of jojoba oil and half a cup of coconut oil and massage this homemade lotion on the affected area three times a day for the best results.

Lemon Juice for Stretch Marks Removal

Lemon juice has been used for culinary and cosmetic purposes for centuries. Rich in Vitamin C and packed with antioxidants, lemon juice is an excellent exfoliate and bleaching agents that can help lighten and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Rub some lemon juice on the stretch marks and leave it overnight. You can also mix this juice with olive oil or cocoa butter and apply on the affected area. With regular use the stretch marks are considerably lightened due to the bleaching effect and the Vitamin C which helps in repairing and restoring the skin.

Apply Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E Oil is an excellent remedy for stretch marks. Break a few Vitamin E capsules and mix the liquid with cocoa butter or aloe vera gel. Massage this over the stretch marks and allow the mixture to dry before washing it off with lukewarm water.

Regular Massages Help Remove Stretch Marks

One of the best ways to get rid of stretch marks naturally is by regular massaging. You can use body butters and oils such as almond oil or olive oil for massaging the affected area regularly. Deep massages especially with healing oils aid in boosting the blood circulation and allowing regeneration of new cells that help in removing the stretch marks. Essential oils like chamomile oil and lavender oil are also effective massaging aids that help in getting rid of stretch marks.

Remove Stretch Marks with Wheat Germ Oil

It is believed that regular massaging with wheat germ oil help in removing the stretch marks especially when they have just made their appearance. In addition to this, the oil is also quite effective in preventing the appearance of stretch marks.

Diet for Stretch Mark Removal

Believe it or not but what you eat plays a great role in the appearance of stretch marks. Certain nutritional deficiencies are believed to trigger off this problem. It is thus vital to have a diet which contains adequate amount of vitamins such as Vitamin C which is found in citrus fruits and vitamin E which is often found in foods such as carrots, soybeans and oatmeal. Other than this you will need healthy vegetables and fruits along with protein sources such as eggs and chicken. The foods help in nourishing and rejuvenating the skin and allow faster healing of the stretch marks.

Drink Lots of Water

Water is considered to be the best home remedy for stretch marks as it helps in maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. When the skin is hydrated it produces more collagen which in turn helps in removing stretch marks.

In addition to these measures you can also exfoliate your skin daily to remove unwanted dead cells and apply tretinoin creams which are considered to be excellent stretch mark removal tools. For minor cases some people recommend tanning. However if you are using this remedy then it is essential to take the precautionary measures such as applying a sunscreen or using protective clothing. Maintaining your weight, exercising on a regular basis and eating healthy foods help in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and aid in stretch mark removal.

It is important to note that while these measures are quite effective in removal of stretch marks to an extent, they cannot remove these scars completely. It is thus important to prevent stretch marks with measures that help in maintaining the skin’s suppleness and elasticity.

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Take Control of Excessive Sweating by Using Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Avoid Excessive Sweating

Summers is the time when heavy sweating causes dullness in your body and makes you feel less energetic. Even drinking lot of water does not help and all the time you feel dehydrated and exhausted because the only reason which is responsible for this is heavy sweating. Summer is the season when sweat glands become hyperactive, as they need to secrete sweat to keep body cool and release toxins from our body along with sweat. Excessive sweating also sometimes leads to body odour.

Thus sweating is necessary for our body but excess of sweating might take a toll on your body. It might cause body odour too if the skin is not kept clean properly, because sweat creates friendly environment for bacteria to grow and produce that bad smell in our body, making us feel reluctant to go out in public places or, even the sensation of wet sweat in your underarms or in your feet is very annoying. So let us find out some easy ways to counter this problem of excessive sweating naturally or with the help of some other remedies.

Keep your body Hydrated

This is the important mantra to avoid excessive sweating. Since the main purpose of sweat is to flush the toxins out of our body and keep it cool, so if we do it on our own externally by drinking a lot of water and keep our body temperature low the body will not need that much cooling so will produce less amount of sweat. Moreover if we will drink a lot of water the body toxins will be thrown out of our body with the help of urine passage and drinking a lot of water helps in this procedure. Thus if we drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day the toxins will be excreted out of our body with the help of kidneys.

Get yoga help

There are many Asanas in yoga which helps in reducing the stress related hormones, thus controlling the stress level in our body. Stress is one of the major factors which cause heavy sweating in our body, so if the stress is reduced it will definitely control the amount of sweating in our body.Yoga can be of great help for excessive sweating people as it helps in calming down the nerves and thus resulting in relieving stress. So try some nice and soothing yoga postures to feel relaxed and reduce the level of sweating in your body.

Try Baking Soda

This therapy has been used for times immemorial just apply a mixture of corn starch and baking soda in your under arms and leave them for a while and after say 20-25 minutes take a nice shower with cool water and just see the under arm sweating is reduced and you can add some essential oils to the mixture for a nice smell in your arm pits. Baking soda is a good sweat absorber so if you use this trick regularly there will be no sweat marks in your shirt and you will smell nice too.

Avoid Caffeine and alcohol intake

Both alcohol and caffeine intake in the form of tea or coffee activates our brain thus making us more anxious and increase the activity of the nerve cells which results in, more sweating in our body. Reducing the intake of both these products will help in reduction of sweating. Tea or coffee can be replaced with other cool drinks like fresh juices or iced tea or lemonade. These are all better options than drinking tea or coffee as they will lower your body temperature. Cigarettes and drugs will elevate the problem so avoid taking them at all.

Use Deodorants

Deodorants which suit your skin should be used. Some deodorants might be harmful for your skin and you might be allergic to the strong chemicals used in them; so use deodorants wisely as they sometimes create friendly environment for proliferation of bacteria in your under arms.  Growth of bacteria creates very bad smell in our arm pits which we call body odour. So before heavy sweating turns into bad body odour just check your deodorant or soap you are using.


You can try antihistamines as over the counter medicines which will help in reducing sweating. But if you are taking these pills do not drive as they make you feel sleepy. Botox injections are also helpful in reducing profuse sweating. You can also try electrical therapy which is useful in some cases to reduce sweating.

Take a shower

During summers it is necessary to take a nice cold water shower twice in a day, this will keep your body temperature low and will thus reduce sweating in your body. Moreover if you use an anti bacterial soap along with bathing then it will kill all the germs and bacteria growing on your skin thus keeping you away from foul body smell too. Avoid taking hot baths as they will increase your body temperature but will relieve your body of all the toxins but it will increase sweating so do not take hot water baths as it will only aggravate the problem.

Balanced diet

Taking a diet rich in green leafy vegetables will help in reducing sweat and avoid eating oily and spicy food as the spices in the food produce more sweat in our body. They might be delicious to eat but they increase the sweating level in our body. Eating lot of seasonal fruits like watermelon, oranges etc. help in reducing sweat production. Include vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet and cut down the intake of fried and oily foods.

Take care of Clothes you wear

Try and wear cotton under shirts as they have good absorption capacity so they will absorb all the sweat being produced. T-shirts and clothes made of cotton or pure wool should be worn by the people who sweat a lot and they should avoid wearing nylons and polyesters as they increase the amount of sweating in your body. Cotton and hosiery cloth let your skin breathe so try and wear maximum clothes made of these material only.

All these natural ways will definitely help in preventing excessive sweating on your body and you can feel a new confident you.

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Home Remedies for Ear Infections

Ear infections are a common problem afflicting a number of people around the world. A sensory organ that aids in the process of hearing and also helps in maintaining body balance the ear consists of three parts, namely the outer ear, middle ear and the inner ear. While the other parts are just as susceptible to infections, it is the middle ear that is often invaded by viruses and bacteria which in turn causes ear inflammation. Middle ear infections also known as otitis media is often seen in babies and younger children. In fact almost all children suffer from ear infections before they are around five years of age.

Other than middle ear infections, inflammation of the external ear also known as otitis externa and inner ear also known as otitis interna is also quite common and often results in hearing problems and the loss of balance. While others may get ear infections regularly it is seen that often people with weak immune systems like newborns and toddlers are prone to suffering from recurrent ear infections owing to their weak immune system and short ear canal. Moreover a cold can cause a blockage in the ear tube and lead to ear infections signs and symptoms.

How to Recognize a Ear Infection in Children and Adults

A baby affected with ear infection is often extremely irritable and can seen pulling his or her ears constantly. In older children and adults ear infection may cause pain, difficulty in sleeping, reduced appetite, headaches, hearing loss and a loss of balance accompanied by dizziness and nausea. If the ear infection is mild then it will resolve on its own easily without the need of any external intervention.

However for persistent symptoms it is best to get medical aid as soon as possible. The doctor may recommend antibiotics like Suprax, Pediazole or Amoxicillin to clear up the infection. If you cannot get medical aid immediately, then using simple home remedies can help in temporary relief from the signs and symptoms of ear infections.

Remedies for Ear Infections

Warm Compresses to Relieve Ear Pain

Using warm compresses is a great way of dealing with the pain and inflammation caused by infections in the ear. Dip a clean cloth in a bowl of warm water and then remove and wring out the water properly. Press the cloth against the swollen and inflamed ear. Once the cloth is cold again, repeat the above mentioned steps again. Pressing a warm bag filled with salt or a hot water bag against the ear also has the desired effect of reducing ear infection pain and swelling.

Use Garlic

In addition to warm compresses you can also use garlic to clear ear infection and reduce the inflammation. A natural antibiotic and antiseptic, garlic is an excellent home remedy for ear infections. Peel three to four cloves of garlic and heat it in linseed or mustard oil. Once the garlic cloves are fried, remove from heat and allow the oil to cool. Pour two to three drops of oil into the ears to lessen the pain and clear the infection.

Oils to Reduce Ear Infection

Using natural essential oils can also help in reducing ear infections and providing relief from the symptoms. In a bowl add a tablespoon of almond oil and then add two to three drops of essential oils like chamomile oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. Stir and heat the solution till it is slightly warm. Do not heat the oil too much or you might end up burning your ears. Now using a dropper pour in two to three drops of this healing oil into the affected ear. Another oil that is quite helpful in reducing ear infection is olive oil. Warm this oil and pour a few drops into your ear to relieve ear ache.

Home Treatment using Colloidal Silver

Using two to three drops of anti microbial colloidal silver is also known to relive the symptoms associated with ear infection. Lie down with your affected ear facing upwards and then add a few drops of colloidal silver to your ears. Place a cotton ball over the ears and wait for four to five minutes till the silver seeps down into your ears and relives the pain and swelling caused by ear infections.

Onion Juice for Ear Infections

The potent antibiotic properties make onion juice a great remedy for infections in the ear. Use a dropper to pour in two to three drops of onion juice into the ear that is infected.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Two to three drops of hydrogen peroxide can work wonders for ear infections. The acid helps in reducing ear wax and cures the symptoms of ear infection.

In addition to these cures, a healthy diet with sufficient intake of immune boosting Vitamin C foods and zinc intake can help in preventing recurrence of ear infections. Infants should be fed breast milk as this helps in building up their immune system and helps them ward off infections. Keeping the ears clean, reducing environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke and staying away from the factors that may allow them to catch a cold can also help a mother in safeguarding her child against ear infections.

In adults, keeping your ears dry especially while swimming and using antihistamines to treat ear infections that is caused by weak sinuses is recommended. People suffering from ear infections should ideally reduce the consumption of dairy products as they have been found to increase the infection. Avoid fatty hydrogenated foods and instead stick to a healthy diet to clear infections faster. Washing your hands regularly and not touching your ears and nose can help in preventing the spread of infection.

Even with all your valiant efforts of trying to reduce ear infections at home, it is possible that the symptoms might persist. In that case it is essential to contact an ENT specialist as soon as possible. Persistent symptoms of ear infections may lead to permanent hearing loss and other problems in both children as well as in adults

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Treat Kidney Stone Naturally With Effective Home Remedies

home remedies for kidney stone

The pain experienced due to kidney stone can often be quite distressing. The symptoms that are often witnessed in a person suffering from kidney stones include back pain, chills and fever, nausea, aching genitalia and groin, bloody urine, body weakness, and abdominal pain.

If these traumatizing symptoms are not treated right away, then the patient can suffer from an extremely intense pain lasting from several months to few years. Also, not treating the symptoms on time can result in the need to undergo costly surgical procedures for removing the stones present in the kidney.

The good news is that there is no need to go for expensive treatments to treat kidney stones, when there are a number of easy and effective remedies which can help you dissolve as well as eliminate these dreaded stones naturally.

Searching on Internet can help you find a plethora of information about various natural and cost-effective treatments for kidney stones available in market. Here are few great home remedies to get rid of kidney stones naturally.

Water therapy

One of the most effective and yet the most inexpensive method of treating the most dreaded condition of kidney stones is water therapy. You must be aware that kidney stones are built up in the body when the urine fails to have the right balance of fluids and the right combination of acids and minerals.

When the urine comprises of crystal forming substance in a much larger quantity than what the fluids can dilute, it is possible for the crystals to be formed inside the kidney. Drinking abundant amounts of water, a minimum of 10 glasses in a day, can keep the body well-hydrated. Not only this, it will help to protect your body and rid it of all toxins that enter the body through the foods we eat.

Citric Acid

You must be aware that lemons are full of citric acid. According to a large number of experts, the citric acid contained in lemon are quite effective in dissolving hard materials such as stones present in the body.

Adding a few drops of lemon juice in your drinking water helps eliminate kidney stones from the body to a great extent. Lemon leaf is also quite effective for the same purpose as it strengthens the stomach functions as well as promotes healthy actions. Therefore, whenever you go for grocery shopping the next time, remember to pick up a few lemons.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is also quite effective to treat the condition and prevent the formation of stones in the kidney. Besides this, you can also go for ginger extracts that have been proven to be extremely effective for dissolving kidney stone.

The most natural means to rid yourself off the toxins present in the body is perspiration. Exercising regularly can give thousands of benefits to the body including good overall health, healthy weight, as well as flushing of the kidneys to help prevent and eliminate kidney stones.

Follow the above mentioned natural home remedies for the treatment of kidney stones in the most effective, easy, and cost-effective manner.

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Get Rid Of Vaginal Yeast Infection With Home Remedies

There are millions of bacteria and fungi that thrive on the human body. These microorganisms are responsible for the well being of the host. However, any imbalance in the number of the microbes can lead to severe infection in the human body.

A very common infection is the vaginal yeast infection in women. Candida albicans is the fungus responsible for causing infection in the vagina.

Vaginal yeast infection mainly occurs in women who are of child bearing age and are sexually active. The infection is characterized by severe itching in and around the vagina. The itch turns into a burning sensation in the vagina. The skin in and around the vagina becomes reddish in color and has an inflamed appearance.

The area also becomes sore upon scratching. A white cottage cheese-like discharge comes from the vagina. This vaginal discharge gives out a foul odor. Some women might also experience light fever and mild chills. The need to urinate is felt after every few minutes although the bladder is empty. Urination causes burning in the genitals.

Vaginal yeast infection is a common disorder that affects all women at one time or the other. It is not a cause of major concern unless there is bleeding during urination. In any case, the condition should be treated whether mild or otherwise. The infection can be treated at home using common ingredients. If the methods fail you can seek medical help.

Get simple yoghurt (without any additives like flavor, color etc) and eat it in plenty. Yoghurt is prepared by ‘good’ bacteria which are responsible for killing the growth of infection causing fungi.

Direct application of yoghurt on the infected vagina can also be tried. Use a tampon or two fingers to put the yoghurt inside the vagina. This yoghurt should also be in pure form and not diluted. Take care to wash the areas surrounding the vagina (especially the urethra) to wipe out any yoghurt there.

Fill a bath tub with water and add apple cider vinegar to it. Remove your clothes and lie in the tub keeping your legs wide apart. This will ensure that the therapeutic effects of the apple cider vinegar reach the vagina. Soaking in the vinegar bath will help reduce the inflammation and provide some relief from intense itching of the vagina. Add five cups of apple cider vinegar to one liter of water.

A solution made from white vinegar and water is also known to help bring down the inflammation caused by the infection. Make solution combining three parts water with one part white vinegar. Use this solution to clean the infected area throughout the day. Also clean yourself with this solution each time after urination. Prepare a fresh batch of this concoction every day and continue using till the infection goes away completely.

Lightly crush five pods of garlic and put them in a little cotton ball.  Wrap medical gauze around the cotton ball. Insert this wrapped cotton ball with garlic into your vagina.  Let a small piece of gauze hang down for easy removal. Change the suppository after every four hours but do not sleep with it. Garlic has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties which help fight the infection.

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Home Remedies For Gout

Caused by excessive uric acid deposits in the joints, gout is a painful type of arthritis that can lead to excessive pain, swelling and stiffness in the affected joints. Uric acid is formed by the purine breakdown in the body.

The kidneys then process the uric acid and pass it out of the body in the form of urine. However excess production of uric acid result in high concentration of uric acid in the blood and the formation of uric acid crystals around the joints and the surrounding tissues.

Gout usually affects the big toe joints apart from other body parts such as ankles, heels, wrists and elbows. A gout attack usually lasts for around six to ten days causing excruciating pain. Eating too much of high purine foods, alcohol, surgery, joint injuries and even stress can trigger off this problem

Apart from medications and regular exercises, gout can be treated by using simple home remedies. Since gout is caused by the intake of purine rich foods such as organ meat, red meat, mushrooms and seafood, these foods should be removed from the diet.

Instead the high protein and fats should be replaced by high carbohydrates and other healthy foods such as milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables and yogurt. Other high purine foods that should be avoided include cauliflower, radish, tomato, spinach and sorrel.

An effective home remedy for gout is cherries. You can eat them as fruits or consume cherry juice to dissolve the uric acid crystals and relive the joint pain. Safflower or dandelion pills mixed with honey can eliminate the toxic salts from the body and provide relief from joint pain.

Another way to cleanse your stomach and joints while providing relief from gout pain is by using potato water. Wash and boil potatoes with the skin on. Drink a glass of this potato water to cleanse the system of the harmful uric acid. Drinking lemon juice which is a rich source of Vitamin C or other fruit juices daily also helps in dissolving the uric acid crystals.

Soak the affected joint in ginger paste mixed with water to reduce the pain and severity of the gout attacks. While these home remedies can alleviate the pain for some time, it can by no means substitute medical supervision. Gout should be treated immediately by a qualified physician to avoid other problems like kidney stones, deformation of joints and high blood pressure.

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Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

A common problem that affects a number of people, acid reflux is caused by the back flow of the hydrochloric acid from the stomach back into the esophagus or the food pipe.

This results in heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest, a bitter taste in the mouth, shortness of breath, dry coughing, bad breath, bloating and nausea.

Eating large meals, stress, alcohol, smoking, elevated hormonal levels especially during pregnancy are some of the common causes of acid reflux and heartburn. Infants and toddlers can also develop acid reflux either due to foremilk and hindmilk imbalance while breastfeeding or due to formula food while bottle feeding.

While popping antacids is the common solution opted by people, acid reflux can be easily cured using simple home remedies. These remedies are not only quite simple but also do not have any side effects attached to them.

A simple home remedy for acid reflux is water. Drink plenty of water especially after meals and in between to wash down and dilute the hydrochloric acid. To avoid the formation of gas inside the stomach you can also add a pinch of cumin to the water. Sipping a solution of apple cider vinegar or baking soda with water is also excellent for treating acid reflux.

Ginger root is excellent for digestion and curing problems associated with acid reflux. You can either use ginger root capsules or mix the extracts of ginger with some honey for treating problems related to upset stomach, heartburn and acid reflux.

Chewing fennel seeds is considered to be excellent for digestion. Containing anethole, these seeds help in reducing the stomach ache and reduce the symptoms associated with acid reflux.

Sipping delicious chamomile or lavender and anise tea is also considered to be excellent for treating acid reflux. They not only get rid of the acid reflux problems but also help in treating irritation in the esophagus and heartburn. Using a tincture of lemon balm also has a soothing effect on the stomach.

Avoiding processed, fried foods and eating smaller meals at regular intervals can help you avoid acid reflux and heartburn. Eating just before going to bed should be avoided

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Get Quick Relief From Mastitis With Home Remedies

How To Relieve The Pain From Mastitis

Pregnancy is a time when you go through a medley of problems. Once the joys of motherhood subside and you are pulled back to reality, you will begin to see other problems that need to be addressed. Mastitis or clogged milk duct is a common problem that many lactating and nursing mothers face every day. Mastitis can be a very painful condition and if left untreated will result in grave conditions like an abscess which requires surgical intervention and draining.

Mastitis symptoms can be relieved at home if you identify the condition at the beginning stage itself. This will avoid a lot of pain and complications in lactating mothers.

Know the Symptoms of Mastitis

Mastitis first appears as a small, lump inside the breast. This lump could be hard to touch and shifty.  The skin outside could be inflamed or red depending on the severity of the condition. Though some mastitis inflammations can repair on its own, there are others that persist and lead to complications. Persistent symptoms will be accompanied by throbbing or stinging pain inside the breast, fever with chills, lump under the armpits and dimpling and reddening of skin on the area in severe cases of infection.

Mastitis can be caused due to several reasons. The main reason for Mastitis is that the milk inside the ducts is not getting drained completely. This could be due to poor feeding positions, use of tight clothes that compress the breasts and lead to clogs, skipping feeding, bras that are too tight and breast pumps that are not designed properly. Other causes that result in Mastitis are under nourishment during lactation, stress, infections and colds.Depending on the severity of the case, Mastitis symptoms can be treated at home.

Home Remedies for Mastitis
Frequent Breastfeeding for Mastitis

Whether you have Mastitis or not, all breastfeeding mothers must ensure that the milk ducts are emptied frequently to prevent milk from getting accumulated and resulting in clogging of milk ducts. Frequent feeding will empty the milk ducts completely leaving no cause for Mastitis symptoms to develop. In case you feel a lump developing, make sure you continue milk feeding in order not to worsen the symptoms. Mastitis symptoms tend to subside on its own with continued breast feeding.

Massaging the Breasts for Relieving Mastitis

This too is something which every mother can do in order to prevent Mastitis from occurring. Massaging the breast every day will relieve any clogged ducts that could be present in the breast. After every feeding the breasts must be massaged to relieve clogged milk through the nipple. This will prevent infections from surfacing. Massaging can be done while feeding too to ensure proper flow of milk. Massaging must be started from the top of the breast and moved on to the nipple area.

If a lump has developed in the breast area, massage it thoroughly so that the pressure you exert will relieve the milk ducts off the block. Massaging the breasts every day while you take a warm water bath will relieve and also prevent the development of Mastitis. Make sure you allow hot water to flow on the lumpy area. This will soften the tissues and let out the milk that is accumulated inside the breast.

Hot Compressors for Relieving Mastitis

If you have developed symptoms of Mastitis. You must ensure that you apply wet compressors on your breast before you breastfeed. Hot compressors can be applied symptomatically and till the inflammation subsides. Hot compressors ensure that the ducts are open and the milk flows freely without causing any reason for developing clogs. Milk will be completely drained out while using hot compressors for relieving Mastitis symptoms. This can be done while taking as well. Hot water baths will have the same effect as a hot compressor. You can massage your breasts from top to down while allowing the water to flow on the affected area.

Importance of Feeding Position in Relieving Mastitis

Most first time mothers have difficulty in finding a feeding position that is convenient for the mother as well as the baby. Finding the right feeding position or positions are of utmost importance to prevent Mastitis or relive the condition permanently.  Try cradling the baby in varied positions to figure out the best positions that work for you and the baby.

If you have a sore point in your breast, you must make it a point to position the baby in such a way that the milk from the clogged pores are sucked out before symptoms worsen. Positioning the baby in such a way that its chin points towards the point where the clog is, will help in relieving the milk from the clogged ducts.  You must also massage the point where the sore is while feeding. This will help in removing the clog permanently.

Avoiding Tight Fitting Clothes for Relieving Mastitis

Lactating breasts must never be compressed in tight clothes. Avoiding this itself will prevent most of the occurrences or Mastitis and other infections. Wear snug fitting bras that let in air and also allow blood circulation. Clothes too must not be too tight as milk ducts can get blocked due to compressed breast tissues and milk ducts. It is important to leave the breasts open by wearing loose fitting clothes while you breastfeed. Lactating breasts are thriving grounds for bacteria and hence lactating mothers have to ensure good hygienic practices and observe caution while breastfeeding.

Treating Cracked Nipples for Relieving Mastitis

Cracked nipples must be immediately treated to avoid Mastitis. Bacteria can enter the ducts through cracked nipples and cause Mastitis. Using a good oil like coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil to treat cracked nipples will prevent cases of Mastitis.

Diet and Personal Hygiene

You must also practice good hygiene like changing clothes every day and wearing cotton clothes that have been dried under the sun during lactation to prevent bacterial infections that cause Mastitis. Herbs are known to remove blockages in the ducts. Hot herbal infusions of Echinacea and lecithin are good for pain relief associated with Mastitis. They also effectively relieve clogs. Vitamin C is known to relieve blockages and prevent Mastitis.

Mastitis that is persistent requires medical attention to prevent development of abscesses.

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7 Useful Home Remedies For Warts


 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Warts

Warts are rough and gritty extensions on the skin that commonly appear on fingers, elbows, knees, face and the scalp. Warts that occur on the soled of the feet are referred to as plantar warts. With warts on the soles it becomes painful and impossible to walk.

Warts are caused due to HPV – a virus. There are more than 120 types of infection causing HPV known to medical science. Based on microscopic examination of the HPV a diagnosis can be done on the type of warts the person is likely to suffer from. The warts are generally classified depending on the part of the body they occur in; oral warts, vaginal warts, genital warts and plantar warts are the most common types of warts. There are other types of warts as well; seed warts, flat warts, periungal and filiform warts.

Formation of warts on hands and feet is a very common skin problem. However, many people tend to treat the problem at home by cutting them. The compulsion to remove the wart could be because of body image issues but cutting the warts is like chopping your nose off to spite your face. Warts keep recurring unless the virus causing them is not treated.

Medically, there are vaccines available to reduce the chances of development of warts. These HPV vaccines are also known to decrease the occurrence of cervical cancer in women. Warts can be treated at home using natural and herbal remedies. These remedies are effective and have been proven in helping deal with the problem of warts successfully.

Home Remedies for Warts
1. Treatment of Warts with Castor Oil

This is a very common and effective home remedy for treating warts. The treatment however requires time and patience. Warm castor oil and rub a generous quantity of the oil on the affected areas of the body. Do this every night before going to bed for 3-4 months. At the end of four months you will see a considerable improvement in the warts.

2. Treatment of warts with Figs

Take handful of fresh and ripe fig fruit. Extract the juice from the figs by crushing them using a rolling pin. Apply the juice of the figs on the warts and leave for 20 minutes. Wipe off using a wet towel. Repeat the treatment several times in the day for a period of two weeks. Alternatively, you could also crush the fig with your hands and rub it on the warts.

3. Treatment of Warts with Potatoes

Take a raw potato and peel off its skin. Cut the potato into medium sized pieces and rub the pieces on the warts several times in the day. Perform this treatment regularly for two weeks for noticeable results. You can also apply the pulp of a potato directly on the warts. Use a duct tape to hold the potato pulp securely in place. This treatment is best done at night when you can tape the potato pulp on the wart and go to sleep. Remove the tape in the morning and wash off the potato juices with cold water. In most cases the warts will fall off or at least lighten to a considerable extent.

4. Treatment of Warts with Onions

Onions are also believed to greatly help in reduction of warts from the skin. Rub onions on the warts every day and watch them disappear. The chemical components in the onion irritate the warts causing them to fall off. Cut onion into halves and rub the halves on the warts. You can also grind the onions and duct them on the warts overnight. In the morning wash off with medicated soap to get rid of the smell of onion. Onion is the best remedy for treating warts on the hands and feet. However, this remedy should not be used to treat the facial warts. The reason is that onion juices irritate the skin and facial skin is too sensitive and fragile to be smeared with strong onion juices. Rubbing onion on facial warts can have an adverse effect.

5. Treatment of with Indian Squill

Indian squill is a herb that is found mainly in India. However, if you do some research you are bound to find the herb in your local health foods store. Indian squill is a very powerful remedy for removal of warts. You can buy the herb in powder form and a paste of it using water. Apply the paste on the warts including facial warts. Do this treatment every day for a month to see the warts disappear completely.

6. Treatment of Warts with Dandelion

Dandelion is a flower but is also a herb with beneficial medicinal properties that are very useful in the treatment of warts. Take the stem of a dandelion and cut it. The stem will ooze out a milk-like substance which should be rubbed on the warts. Perform this treatment at least 2-3 times a day for fast results. Warts will fall off and never occur again. Dandelion treatment is especially used for treating facial warts as the milk of the dandelion is very gentle on the sensitive skin of the face.

7. Treatment of Warts with Marigold Flower

Marigold is a flower and a herb, which much like dandelion is used in the treatment of warts. In the case of marigold it is the leaf of the plant that is beneficial in the removal of warts. Simply crush the leaves of the marigold flower and apply them directly on the warts. Duct the leaves in place so that they don’t fall off and the skin receives maximum benefit. You can also prepare an infusion of marigold leaves by leaving them in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Take the leaves from the water and put them in an electric blender to prepare a thick paste. Apply the paste on all the affected parts of the body including the face. Let the paste remain on the warts for a couple of hours and then remove using cold water.  Repeat the remedy as many number of times as you want in a day to see quick results. The warts will not only fall off but the resulting skin will be clear and scar-free.

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