Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Treat Kidney Stone Naturally With Effective Home Remedies

home remedies for kidney stone

The pain experienced due to kidney stone can often be quite distressing. The symptoms that are often witnessed in a person suffering from kidney stones include back pain, chills and fever, nausea, aching genitalia and groin, bloody urine, body weakness, and abdominal pain.

If these traumatizing symptoms are not treated right away, then the patient can suffer from an extremely intense pain lasting from several months to few years. Also, not treating the symptoms on time can result in the need to undergo costly surgical procedures for removing the stones present in the kidney.

The good news is that there is no need to go for expensive treatments to treat kidney stones, when there are a number of easy and effective remedies which can help you dissolve as well as eliminate these dreaded stones naturally.

Searching on Internet can help you find a plethora of information about various natural and cost-effective treatments for kidney stones available in market. Here are few great home remedies to get rid of kidney stones naturally.

Water therapy

One of the most effective and yet the most inexpensive method of treating the most dreaded condition of kidney stones is water therapy. You must be aware that kidney stones are built up in the body when the urine fails to have the right balance of fluids and the right combination of acids and minerals.

When the urine comprises of crystal forming substance in a much larger quantity than what the fluids can dilute, it is possible for the crystals to be formed inside the kidney. Drinking abundant amounts of water, a minimum of 10 glasses in a day, can keep the body well-hydrated. Not only this, it will help to protect your body and rid it of all toxins that enter the body through the foods we eat.

Citric Acid

You must be aware that lemons are full of citric acid. According to a large number of experts, the citric acid contained in lemon are quite effective in dissolving hard materials such as stones present in the body.

Adding a few drops of lemon juice in your drinking water helps eliminate kidney stones from the body to a great extent. Lemon leaf is also quite effective for the same purpose as it strengthens the stomach functions as well as promotes healthy actions. Therefore, whenever you go for grocery shopping the next time, remember to pick up a few lemons.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is also quite effective to treat the condition and prevent the formation of stones in the kidney. Besides this, you can also go for ginger extracts that have been proven to be extremely effective for dissolving kidney stone.

The most natural means to rid yourself off the toxins present in the body is perspiration. Exercising regularly can give thousands of benefits to the body including good overall health, healthy weight, as well as flushing of the kidneys to help prevent and eliminate kidney stones.

Follow the above mentioned natural home remedies for the treatment of kidney stones in the most effective, easy, and cost-effective manner.

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