Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get Rid Of Vaginal Yeast Infection With Home Remedies

There are millions of bacteria and fungi that thrive on the human body. These microorganisms are responsible for the well being of the host. However, any imbalance in the number of the microbes can lead to severe infection in the human body.

A very common infection is the vaginal yeast infection in women. Candida albicans is the fungus responsible for causing infection in the vagina.

Vaginal yeast infection mainly occurs in women who are of child bearing age and are sexually active. The infection is characterized by severe itching in and around the vagina. The itch turns into a burning sensation in the vagina. The skin in and around the vagina becomes reddish in color and has an inflamed appearance.

The area also becomes sore upon scratching. A white cottage cheese-like discharge comes from the vagina. This vaginal discharge gives out a foul odor. Some women might also experience light fever and mild chills. The need to urinate is felt after every few minutes although the bladder is empty. Urination causes burning in the genitals.

Vaginal yeast infection is a common disorder that affects all women at one time or the other. It is not a cause of major concern unless there is bleeding during urination. In any case, the condition should be treated whether mild or otherwise. The infection can be treated at home using common ingredients. If the methods fail you can seek medical help.

Get simple yoghurt (without any additives like flavor, color etc) and eat it in plenty. Yoghurt is prepared by ‘good’ bacteria which are responsible for killing the growth of infection causing fungi.

Direct application of yoghurt on the infected vagina can also be tried. Use a tampon or two fingers to put the yoghurt inside the vagina. This yoghurt should also be in pure form and not diluted. Take care to wash the areas surrounding the vagina (especially the urethra) to wipe out any yoghurt there.

Fill a bath tub with water and add apple cider vinegar to it. Remove your clothes and lie in the tub keeping your legs wide apart. This will ensure that the therapeutic effects of the apple cider vinegar reach the vagina. Soaking in the vinegar bath will help reduce the inflammation and provide some relief from intense itching of the vagina. Add five cups of apple cider vinegar to one liter of water.

A solution made from white vinegar and water is also known to help bring down the inflammation caused by the infection. Make solution combining three parts water with one part white vinegar. Use this solution to clean the infected area throughout the day. Also clean yourself with this solution each time after urination. Prepare a fresh batch of this concoction every day and continue using till the infection goes away completely.

Lightly crush five pods of garlic and put them in a little cotton ball.  Wrap medical gauze around the cotton ball. Insert this wrapped cotton ball with garlic into your vagina.  Let a small piece of gauze hang down for easy removal. Change the suppository after every four hours but do not sleep with it. Garlic has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties which help fight the infection.

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