Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a bane for a number of people around the world especially for the women who have just borne a child and people who have lost a large amount of weight. They are caused by the rapid stretching of the corollaries of the skin which in turn leads to the appearance of linear scars on the skin. As the collagen protein in the skin is damaged, it can lead to the appearance of purplish and white scars commonly known as stretch marks on the skin surface.

Other than pregnancy and a rapid weight gain or loss, stretch marks can also be caused by factors such as rapid growth spurts which are often observed in teenagers, genetics, hormonal changes and certain medications can also lead to the appearance of major stretch marks in both men and women. Sometimes lifting heavy weights or obesity too can cause stretch marks as well. Body parts that are prone to suffering from stretch marks include the stomach, thighs, breasts, buttocks, hips and the upper arms. While both men and women suffer from this skin problem, it is usually observed that women suffer more from stretch marks at some or the other stage in their lives whether it is during puberty or after pregnancy.

Removing stretch marks through cosmetic surgeries and laser treatments is possible. However most of these treatments are exorbitantly priced  and often do not have any guaranteed results. As opposed to this natural home remedies are completely safe and are known to be quite effective as well. Moreover the ingredients used for these home remedies are quite easily available. Here are some simple tried and tested at home remedies that you can try to remove those ugly purple and red stretch marks on your body.

How to Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

Using Body Butter

Body butters have natural moisturizing and restorative ingredients that aid in the stretch mark removal. Cocoa butter or shea butter is one of the best ways to not only remove but also avoid the appearance of ugly stretch marks. Massage these body butters on the skin three to four times a day to remove stretch marks.

These butters help in moisturizing and hydrating the skin and aid in removal of scars on the skin. You can use natural cocoa or shea butter or combine it with some olive and almond oil for the best results. You can also mix three cups of unrefined butter along with half a cup of jojoba oil and half a cup of coconut oil and massage this homemade lotion on the affected area three times a day for the best results.

Lemon Juice for Stretch Marks Removal

Lemon juice has been used for culinary and cosmetic purposes for centuries. Rich in Vitamin C and packed with antioxidants, lemon juice is an excellent exfoliate and bleaching agents that can help lighten and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Rub some lemon juice on the stretch marks and leave it overnight. You can also mix this juice with olive oil or cocoa butter and apply on the affected area. With regular use the stretch marks are considerably lightened due to the bleaching effect and the Vitamin C which helps in repairing and restoring the skin.

Apply Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E Oil is an excellent remedy for stretch marks. Break a few Vitamin E capsules and mix the liquid with cocoa butter or aloe vera gel. Massage this over the stretch marks and allow the mixture to dry before washing it off with lukewarm water.

Regular Massages Help Remove Stretch Marks

One of the best ways to get rid of stretch marks naturally is by regular massaging. You can use body butters and oils such as almond oil or olive oil for massaging the affected area regularly. Deep massages especially with healing oils aid in boosting the blood circulation and allowing regeneration of new cells that help in removing the stretch marks. Essential oils like chamomile oil and lavender oil are also effective massaging aids that help in getting rid of stretch marks.

Remove Stretch Marks with Wheat Germ Oil

It is believed that regular massaging with wheat germ oil help in removing the stretch marks especially when they have just made their appearance. In addition to this, the oil is also quite effective in preventing the appearance of stretch marks.

Diet for Stretch Mark Removal

Believe it or not but what you eat plays a great role in the appearance of stretch marks. Certain nutritional deficiencies are believed to trigger off this problem. It is thus vital to have a diet which contains adequate amount of vitamins such as Vitamin C which is found in citrus fruits and vitamin E which is often found in foods such as carrots, soybeans and oatmeal. Other than this you will need healthy vegetables and fruits along with protein sources such as eggs and chicken. The foods help in nourishing and rejuvenating the skin and allow faster healing of the stretch marks.

Drink Lots of Water

Water is considered to be the best home remedy for stretch marks as it helps in maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. When the skin is hydrated it produces more collagen which in turn helps in removing stretch marks.

In addition to these measures you can also exfoliate your skin daily to remove unwanted dead cells and apply tretinoin creams which are considered to be excellent stretch mark removal tools. For minor cases some people recommend tanning. However if you are using this remedy then it is essential to take the precautionary measures such as applying a sunscreen or using protective clothing. Maintaining your weight, exercising on a regular basis and eating healthy foods help in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and aid in stretch mark removal.

It is important to note that while these measures are quite effective in removal of stretch marks to an extent, they cannot remove these scars completely. It is thus important to prevent stretch marks with measures that help in maintaining the skin’s suppleness and elasticity.

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