Summers is the time when heavy sweating causes dullness in your body and makes you feel less energetic. Even drinking lot of water does not help and all the time you feel dehydrated and exhausted because the only reason which is responsible for this is heavy sweating. Summer is the season when sweat glands become hyperactive, as they need to secrete sweat to keep body cool and release toxins from our body along with sweat. Excessive sweating also sometimes leads to body odour.
Thus sweating is necessary for our body but excess of sweating might take a toll on your body. It might cause body odour too if the skin is not kept clean properly, because sweat creates friendly environment for bacteria to grow and produce that bad smell in our body, making us feel reluctant to go out in public places or, even the sensation of wet sweat in your underarms or in your feet is very annoying. So let us find out some easy ways to counter this problem of excessive sweating naturally or with the help of some other remedies.
Keep your body Hydrated
This is the important mantra to avoid excessive sweating. Since the main purpose of sweat is to flush the toxins out of our body and keep it cool, so if we do it on our own externally by drinking a lot of water and keep our body temperature low the body will not need that much cooling so will produce less amount of sweat. Moreover if we will drink a lot of water the body toxins will be thrown out of our body with the help of urine passage and drinking a lot of water helps in this procedure. Thus if we drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day the toxins will be excreted out of our body with the help of kidneys.
Get yoga help
There are many Asanas in yoga which helps in reducing the stress related hormones, thus controlling the stress level in our body. Stress is one of the major factors which cause heavy sweating in our body, so if the stress is reduced it will definitely control the amount of sweating in our body.Yoga can be of great help for excessive sweating people as it helps in calming down the nerves and thus resulting in relieving stress. So try some nice and soothing yoga postures to feel relaxed and reduce the level of sweating in your body.
Try Baking Soda
This therapy has been used for times immemorial just apply a mixture of corn starch and baking soda in your under arms and leave them for a while and after say 20-25 minutes take a nice shower with cool water and just see the under arm sweating is reduced and you can add some essential oils to the mixture for a nice smell in your arm pits. Baking soda is a good sweat absorber so if you use this trick regularly there will be no sweat marks in your shirt and you will smell nice too.
Avoid Caffeine and alcohol intake
Both alcohol and caffeine intake in the form of tea or coffee activates our brain thus making us more anxious and increase the activity of the nerve cells which results in, more sweating in our body. Reducing the intake of both these products will help in reduction of sweating. Tea or coffee can be replaced with other cool drinks like fresh juices or iced tea or lemonade. These are all better options than drinking tea or coffee as they will lower your body temperature. Cigarettes and drugs will elevate the problem so avoid taking them at all.
Use Deodorants
Deodorants which suit your skin should be used. Some deodorants might be harmful for your skin and you might be allergic to the strong chemicals used in them; so use deodorants wisely as they sometimes create friendly environment for proliferation of bacteria in your under arms. Growth of bacteria creates very bad smell in our arm pits which we call body odour. So before heavy sweating turns into bad body odour just check your deodorant or soap you are using.
You can try antihistamines as over the counter medicines which will help in reducing sweating. But if you are taking these pills do not drive as they make you feel sleepy. Botox injections are also helpful in reducing profuse sweating. You can also try electrical therapy which is useful in some cases to reduce sweating.
Take a shower
During summers it is necessary to take a nice cold water shower twice in a day, this will keep your body temperature low and will thus reduce sweating in your body. Moreover if you use an anti bacterial soap along with bathing then it will kill all the germs and bacteria growing on your skin thus keeping you away from foul body smell too. Avoid taking hot baths as they will increase your body temperature but will relieve your body of all the toxins but it will increase sweating so do not take hot water baths as it will only aggravate the problem.
Balanced diet
Taking a diet rich in green leafy vegetables will help in reducing sweat and avoid eating oily and spicy food as the spices in the food produce more sweat in our body. They might be delicious to eat but they increase the sweating level in our body. Eating lot of seasonal fruits like watermelon, oranges etc. help in reducing sweat production. Include vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet and cut down the intake of fried and oily foods.
Take care of Clothes you wear
Try and wear cotton under shirts as they have good absorption capacity so they will absorb all the sweat being produced. T-shirts and clothes made of cotton or pure wool should be worn by the people who sweat a lot and they should avoid wearing nylons and polyesters as they increase the amount of sweating in your body. Cotton and hosiery cloth let your skin breathe so try and wear maximum clothes made of these material only.
All these natural ways will definitely help in preventing excessive sweating on your body and you can feel a new confident you.
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