Monday, June 18, 2012

Effective Home Remedies For Treating Eczema

How To Treat Eczema Naturally

A data has revealed that eczema is common in almost 10% of new born babies. The study also showed that 1 in 18 adults suffer from eczema

Eczema is a skin condition which causes inflammation of the skin. The reason for eczema is dryness of skin which leads to rashes and severe itching. In extreme cases the skin also develops blisters and cracks on the outermost layer.

However, there is nothing to be worried about since eczema is not a serious medical condition and can be treated easily and successfully. There are many over-the-counter medications available for treating eczema. But there are many effective natural remedies as well that can be done easily at home.

These natural remedies cure eczema successfully without causing any harm to the surrounding skin. Treating eczema the natural way involves a holistic approach which includes using topical applications and making changes in diet to fasten the speed of treatment. Diet plays an important role in treatment of eczema because there many foods including dairy products that can trigger off the disease.

Home Remedies for Treating Eczema

If you have a baby who is suffering from eczema then use these treatments when the baby is sleeping. A sleeping child is less likely to scratch the area being treated.

The first step to performing any eczema treatment is to clean the affected area. Eczema dries up the skin and to begin the treatment it is important to clean the area of dead and flaky skin. Dip a clean towel in hot water and use the towel to remove dead skin cells from top of the surface. Allow the areas to air dry.

1. Treatment of Eczema using Coconut Oil

Take one tablespoon coconut oil and two tablespoons of flax seed oil. Combine the two oils. Now wash your hands and dry them. Using clean fingers apply a thin layer of the mixed oils on the affected areas. Allow the skin to absorb the oils. Don’t wash. Perform the treatment at least twice every day for a week. You will see considerable improvement in the condition. Continue using the treatment till eczema disappears completely.

2. Treatment of Eczema using Dandelion

Take three to four flowers of dandelion and remove the petals. Crush the petals and make a paste by mixing a little water. Apply the paste evenly on the skin affected with eczema. Allow the paste to dry and then scrub it off. Don’t use water. Do this treatment twice a day to see positive results. You can even prepare an infusion of dandelion by boiling dandelions in distilled water. Let the water cool and then strain the mixture. Store the resulting liquid in a spray bottle and spray the dandelion water on your skin every time you feel the urge to scratch.

3. Treatment of Eczema using Cold Milk

Take two ounces cold milk in a clean bowl. Dip a clean cloth in the milk for about 60-90 seconds. Take the cloth out of the bowl and without squeezing it apply directly in the affected part. Leave the cloth on the skin for five minutes. This will give the skin ample time to soak in the healing properties of cold milk.

Use of cold milk for treating eczema will also take care of eczema symptoms like itching and redness. You can use this remedy as many number of times as you want in a day. Regular use of cold milk will cure your eczema in 7-10 days. Cold milk is the most popular home remedy for treating eczema because of its effectiveness.

4. Treatment of Eczema using Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly is mainly used for taking care of dry lips and skin. This is one reason it works well on eczema affected skin. The jelly effectively moisturizes the dries up eczema skin and reduces itching, inflammation and rashes causes by eczema. Apply petroleum jelly on the eczema affected skin as soon as you step out of the shower.

Dry your skin using a soft towel and immediately apply a thin layer of the jelly while your skin is still damp. This will lock in the moisture and prevent the skin from drying easily. Petroleum jelly is the best for moisturizing eczema skin because it does not contain water and fragrance. Lotions and creams don’t work on eczema skin because they tend to dry the skin further which aggravates the condition of eczema.

5. Treatment of eczema using Red Clover Oil

You can buy red clover oil from any healthy store. Apply undiluted red clover oil directly on the eczema skin. The oil is beneficial for treating blisters and cracks caused by severe eczema condition. Even dermatologists recommend use of red clover oil for treating bad cases of eczema. Oral intake of red clover will also relieve the symptoms caused by the skin condition.

  • Do not bathe a lot if you suffer from eczema. Restrict your baths to three or four per week until the eczema is cured completely. Washing the skin too often will strip the skin off its natural moisturizer which can worsen the condition of eczema as the skin becomes extremely dry. Use cold water instead of hot water for bathing as hot water removes the skin’s natural oil.
  • Eat foods that contain high levels of fatty acids. Walnuts and avocados are excellent for treating eczema and should be part of your daily diet until the eczema is cured. Walnuts and avocados contain essential fatty acids which keep the skin from drying out by hydrating the body from within.
  • Wear only cotton clothes if the weather allows you to. Cotton is natural fiber that is soft in texture and feel. Cotton will not irritate the skin unlike other fibers like nylon and synthetic which can aggravate the skin condition.
  • In case you suffer from severe eczema then buy clothing prepared from organic cotton where the fibers have been bonded with sliver. Sliver used in preparing the clothing is treated with anti-bacterial properties and hence is useful in avoiding secondary infections on the already infected skin. Cotton-silver cloth is proven to be environmentally safe and can last repeated washes.

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