Again, we are fortunate to have found some efficient home remedies to put an end to calluses on your beautiful feet and maybe hands too. Before embarking on these wonder remedies, make it a point to discuss with your doctor about the safety of home remedies, especially if you have serious diseases like diabetes.
Home Remedies for Calluses
1. Soap Water and Epsom Salt for Softening Calluses
Before undertaking any kind of treatment for removal of calluses, you have to soften them in order to make it easy for scraping them off. Hard and dry skin could be difficult to remove and can also hurt you. Mix a handful of Epsom salt to warm soap water, preferably a herbal soap and soak your feet as well as hand in the water for 15-20 minutes.By now, your callus must have softened considerably for some scrape treatment. Now, take a pumice stone and rub on the area gently for shredding the softened skin. Do this twice a day for removing the callus within days. You may add a few drops of olive oil to combat the dryness during this treatment. After removing the calluses, moisturise your sole with a good cream like shea butter or cocoa butter.
2. Baking Soda Can Effectively Remove Calluses
Baking soda can remove the hardness on the skin and facilitate easy scraping off of calluses. For this treatment, take 2 litres of hot water and add one teaspoon of baking soda to it. Soak the feet and the hands in it for at least an hour after moisturising them with olive oil to prevent dryness of the skin.Using a pumice stone, rub the softened calluses so that it comes out. Doing this once every day will remove your callus completely within weeks, revealing soft and smooth skin beneath. Again, don’t forget to moisturise the area after the treatment.
3. Raw Papaya for Treating Calluses
Raw papaya is a great remedy for a number of skin ailments. Take raw papaya and make it into a paste. Apply this on the calluses. The enzyme present in papaya is capable of softening hard skin and removing them completely with frequent application. Do this 2 or three times a day and see what a relief you get after a month or so.4. Lemon Juice for Proper Removal of Calluses
Lemon juice is an effective exfoliator and hence very good for removing calluses. Lemon will slowly scrap away the hard skin cells and reveal the smooth and soft skin underneath. Cut a lemon into two and rub on the calluses. Leave it on until you can. Do this for a month and you will actually see the calluses slowly getting thinner every day and finally disappear altogether. You can do this treatment before going to bed and leave it overnight for best results.5. Oatmeal and Cream Treatment for Removing Calluses
Oatmeal is a great exfoliating agent and can remove calluses and hardened dead skin cells very well. Mix adequate amounts of oatmeal and fresh cream, and add warm water to it. Soak your feet into this mixture for an hour.Rub the calluses with a pumice stone so that the softened skin is effectively removed. Do this continuously for a month and see how soft your feet have become along with complete eradication of calluses.
6. Olive oil for Removing Calluses
The benefits of olive oil are many, especially in skin care. Frequent application of olive oil helps in softening the skin and preventing formations of hard skin and dead skin accumulation. For removal of calluses, take olive oil and warm it just enough for your feet to tolerate. Massage it on to the calluses for 15 minutes. Let the oil penetrate deep into the skin. Wear socks and leave it overnight.Application of olive oil on the calluses will considerably reduce its severity and remove it completely after a few weeks.
7. Oils for Callus Treatment
Apart from olive oil, there are a number of other oils that can exert their softening action on the callus and make them disappear within a few days of application. You can use wheat germ oil, sesame oil or castor oil in the same way that you used olive oil and get the same or even superior results, depending on how well your skin responds to these oils.8. Pineapple Peel can Remove Calluses Considerably
Just like the enzymes in papaya, pineapple too has acids and enzymes that can soften hard skin and do away with them. Cut pineapple peel into small pieces and using gauze, tape it on the calluses. This has to be left on for a week or so and changed 2-3 times a day for the callus to get softened completely and removed effectively.9. Aspirin and Lemon Juice for Softening Calluses
Application of a paste of aspirin and lemon juice will soften the calluses and make it easy for removing them. Take 4-5 aspirin tablets and crush them to form a paste with lemon juice. Apply on the area of callus formation. Take a plastic bag and cover your feet with it completely.Dip a towel in hot water and wring dry. Cover the feet that are covered in plastic with the warm towel and wait for 15 minutes. Unwrap the feet and rub with a pumice stone. This treatment will remove the callus completely.
Along with these treatments, it is of utmost importance to treat your callused feet well. Wear correct fitting shoes to prevent callus formation. Shoes with foam and gel pads can be considered if you are prone to calluses. It is also important to leave your feet well moisturised to prevent hardening of skin. Also, never try to cut off calluses as it could bleed and get infected leading to complications, especially in patients who are diabetic.
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