Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wonderful Home Cures For Dry Eyes

Wonderful Home Cures For Dry Eyes

The tears provide moisture as well as lubrications to our eyes which help in maintaining a clear vision and ease them. Tears consist of water, essential oils and mucus which altogether help in lubricating the eyes and hence protecting them from various infections.

These oils and mucus are produced by specific glands situated around our eyes. The problem of dry eyes arises, when there is unevenness in the production of these oils or mucus by the specific glands. Here are some of the excellent home cures, which are proved to be efficient in curing the problem of dry eyes completely as well as efficiently.

Symptoms Of Dry Eyes

Pain and irritation in the eyes are one of the most important symptoms of the problem of dry eyes. Sensitivity towards light is another warning sign for the problem of dry eyes. Grainy sensation inside your eyes can be regarded as one of the main symptoms for the problem of dry eyes. The person may also feel like the existence of foreign bodies such as sand or dust inside the eyes. Indistinct vision, intense itching, redness etc. are other major indications of the trouble of dry eyes.

Causes Of Dry Eyes

Usually the problems of dry eyes are found to occur along with aging. Therefore, aging can be regarded as one of the main causes for dry eyes. Use of a few medicines especially, birth control pills can also cause the problem of dry eyes. Dry eyes are also noticed among the people who drink alcohol in excess.

As mentioned earlier, imbalance in the tear production can also result in dry eyes. This disorder can be due to certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, collagen vascular diseases etc. Certain structuring disorders of the eyelids can also result in the problem of dry eyes. Cigarette smoke is another main reason behind dry eyes.

Home Remedies For Dry Eyes

Using artificial tears can be beneficial in relieving from the problem of dry eyes. The person facing the problem of dry eyes can take artificial tears along with them at all time. Using these artificial tears can be helpful in soothing your eyes. Use a non preservative tear for the best results of treatment. Do not use any medicated eye drops as it can do nothing to cure dry eyes.

Tear replacement creams are found to be excellent in curing the problems of dry eyes. Applying tear replacement cream before sleeping can be beneficial in preventing the eyes from becoming dry. The patients experiencing the problem of dry eyes usually when waking up in the morning can use this type of creams for the treatment.

Wonderful Home Cures For Dry Eyes

Almond oil is proved to be beneficial in curing the troubles of dry eyes. Applying some almond oil under the eyes can be helpful in moisturizing them and relieving from the problem of dry eyes. Mixing equal quantities of almond oil and castor oil together and then using it for applying under the eyes is found to be more beneficial in the treatment for the same. Castor leaves are also useful in the case of dry eyes.

Warm compresses are found to be handy in the handling of dry eyes. Applying warm compresses on your eyes can be helpful in removing the blocks from the glands that produce tears. This can be useful in moisturizing your eyes and hence can also help in relieving from the problem of dry eyes. This is one of the simplest home cures that came done in the case of dry eyes.

Dust, smoke, heavy wind, polluted air etc. are found to be some of the main causes for the problem of dry eyes. Protecting our eyes from these agents can be helpful in preventing the problem completely. Always use a sunglass while going outside. Using goggles can also be regarded as one of the best method to prevent the infection of eyes. This is proved to be another important remedy in the case of dry eyes.

Using humidifiers are found to be advantageous in the case of dry eyes. Due to certain indoor heating devices, the air inside your home may lack moisture and this can lead to the problem of dry eyes. Using humidifiers in your room can be helpful in preventing such problems. This is one of the best methods to prevent dry eyes caused due to the lack of moisture.

Vitamin A is proved to be one of the essential Vitamins for the good health of our eyes. Daily intake of Vitamin A rich food items can be valuable in curing the problems like dry eyes. Carrots, mangoes, milk, spinach etc. are some of the Vitamin rich food items that can be taken in plenty along with other nutritious meals. This is an excellent diet remedy in the case of dry eyes.

Evening primrose is one of the essential oils that can be used in healing the problems of dry eyes. Using this oil can be advantageous in the treatment for dry eyes. Bilberry is an important herbal cue that can be used in the case of dry eyes. Bilberry is found to be useful in improving the health of our eyes by providing essential nutrients as well as oxygen.

Lavender oil is found to be useful in the treatments for dry eyes. Mix about 2 ml of lavender oil in a cup of water to prepare an excellent tonic. Apply this solution over your eyes using a small cotton ball. This can be very effective in soothing your eyes and hence relieving from the problem f dry eyes. Placing freshly cut pieces of cucumber over your eyes can also help in curing the problem of dry eyes.

Taking a healthy diet containing food items like sesame, walnuts, grape seeds, whole grain, peanut, lamb etc. is found to be very useful in the treatment for dry eyes. Necessary fatty acids like omega 3 fatty acids can be included in the diet of the patient. Drinking ample of water is found to be helpful in preventing dehydration which leads to problems like dry eyes. Blinking your eyes can also help in keeping them moisturized.

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