Thursday, June 14, 2012

7 Tremendous Home Cures For Flaky Scalp

7 Tremendous Home Cures For Flaky Scalp

Flaky scalp is one of the distressing scalp disorders that can be caused due to various reasons like allergic reactions, lack of nutrition, lack of cleanliness, use of certain hair tonics etc. Flaky scalp can also be itchy and irritating

The main reasons for this can be lack of moisture over the scalp. Pollution, emotional stresses and even daily use of shampoos can also cause the problem of itchy and flaky scalp. Here are a few of the excellent home remedies for the problem of flaky scalp.

Home Remedies For Flaky Scalp
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an admirable home cure for the problems of flaky scalp. Apple cider vinegar being rich in essential nutrients and alpha hydroxyl acids, can very effectively help in removing the flakes from the scalp. About 100 ml of apple cider vinegar can be diluted with same quantity of water to prepare a homemade shampoo. Apply this solution over your scalp and keep massaging for about 5 minutes and then rinse the scalp using cold water. Using this solution twice in a week is found to be beneficial in the treatment for flaky scalp.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is another important home cure in the case of flaky scalp. Witch hazel can very efficiently help in curing the damaged skin as well as ease the frustrations caused by the same. Witch hazel is also used as a usual cleanser which can be used in removing the old flakes as well as cleaning the scalp. Applying a little amount of witch hazel oil over the scalp using a cotton ball can be helpful in cleaning the scalp very efficiently. This can also help in preventing the formation of further dry flakes. Witch hazel is also useful in killing the bacteria found over the scalp.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the commonly used home cures in the case of flaky scalp. Baking soda is found to be an excellent disinfectant which can be used in cleaning the scalp as well as hair. A small amount of baking soda can be mixed with a little water to make an infusion. Applying this mixture over the scalp can be beneficial in removing the dry flakes as well as cleaning the scalp. Wash off the baking soda using cold water. Using this once in a week can be useful in curing the problem completely.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another beneficial home cure in the case of flaky scalp. The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil have made it important in the treatments for many of the infections.

7 Tremendous Home Cures For Flaky Scalp

Applying a small quantity of tea tree oil over the flaky scalp can be helpful in removing the infectious bacteria and hence can also cure the problem of flakes over the scalp. Using a shampoo containing tea tree oil is also proved to be excellent in the treatment for flaky scalp.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the main home cures in the case of flaky scalp and several other scalp disorders. Aloe vera can very efficiently help in removing the dry flakes and can also prevent further formation of flakes on the scalp. You can apply a little of freshly extracted aloe vera gel over the infected scalp before sleeping. For best results of the treatment, cover your head using a towel. Rinse your scalp using cold water in the next morning.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are found to be useful in the treatment for flaky scalp. Soak about 20 grams of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water during the night. Pound the softened seeds along with a little water to prepare a paste. Applying this paste over the affected scalp and then rinsing the scalp using cold water can be helpful in removing the flakes completely. Using about 20 ml of lime juice while rinsing off the fenugreek paste can be valuable in the treatment for the same.


Beets are excellent in the treatment for flaky scalp and dandruff. An effective decoction can be prepared by boiling both the top as well as root of the beet in a cup of water. Massaging your scalp using this solution for about 5 minutes and then bathing in cold water can be helpful in curing the problem of flaky scalp. For better results of the treatment, white beet can be used.

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