Monday, June 25, 2012

Remove Painful Canker Sores With 12 Natural Remedies

home remedies for canker sores

All of us have faced canker sores many times in our lives. Even though we may not be familiar with the name, we have endured its pain and discomfort several times.

Canker sores are painful white mouth ulcers that can occur on the walls of the cheeks, lips and sometimes on the tongue. You must have already understood what canker sores are by now.

They can be very painful preventing you from chewing and talking, depending on which part of the mouth you have got them. If you know how much difficulty it causes, you would surely want to know some home remedies for this condition. Before getting into home remedies for canker sores, let’s get into the basics of how you get them.

There can be quite a few reasons for getting canker sores. One of them is hereditary. Now you know that your mom was not always right when she said that they are caused due to deficiencies of crucial vitamins. They can very well be caused due to vitamin deficiency. Hormonal imbalances too can trigger off canker sores. There is in fact a long list of factors that can lead to canker sores like allergy to certain foods, eating food that is spicy and oily, trauma etc. among others.

Home Remedies for Canker Sores
Garlic to Remove Canker Sores

Well, I ‘m sure you would have expected the intervention of garlic in curing this disorder as well. Garlic is emerging as a safe remedy for treating all sorts of problems; you can use garlic even without understanding its effect and be surprised by an imminent cure. Chew a clove of garlic every day or make it into a paste and consume it every day morning.

Fenugreek Leaves for Canker Sores

Another remedy straight off the kitchen shelves! Fenugreek can remove canker sores in two days. Boil a few fenugreek leaves in a cup of water. Use this for gargling your mouth thoroughly. This can be done two or three times a day for effectively removing canker sores.

Tea Bags for Relieving Canker Sores

Again, tannin has come to relieve your pain when you get canker sores. Wet tea bags and apply on the sores. You can also boil tea bags in water and keep the strained water in the mouth for some time to get its benefit as a pain reliever.

Yoghurt for Removing Canker Sores

Yes, you guessed it right. The live culture of lactobacillus can overpower the bacterial action on canker sores and put them on the road to recovery. Expose the wound to thick and fresh yoghurt to remove the bad bacteria from the mouth.

Cactus Juice

All those cacti that you have been stocking in your garden for decorative purposes could just save you from canker sores. How? We all know that cacti stores water in its fleshy leaves for future use. Extract the juice form cactus and hold it in your mouth for 30 seconds. The juice dries the wound and dehydrates the inside of the mouth, thereby facilitating a curious kind of healing process. Try this next time you have canker sores.

Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Canker Sores

Again the live bacteria in Apple cider vinegar can overpower the bad bacteria while you use it for curing canker sores. Pure apple cider vinegar is too strong for your mouth. Dilute with equal amounts of water and gargle with this solution, taking care to leave it in the mouth for a few seconds so that the vinegar touches the sore and heals it. You can also use a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on the direct spot where you have canker sores.

Turmeric Powder for Treating Canker Sores

The antiseptic and healing properties of turmeric can be used to cure your canker sores as well. Take half teaspoon turmeric powder and mix it with a glass of warm water. Gargle your mouth frequently till your sores are healed, which will not be too late as you assume.

Papaya for Relieving Canker Sores

When you get canker sores, get ripe papayas and eat them with conviction. Not only papayas, but chewing papaya leaves too can help get rid of canker sores. It also reduces the pain. Papaya tablets are available in the market if you prefer to just chew or suck one of those.

Onions for Removing Canker Sores

Probably the simplest and easiest home remedy, onions are available in every household. Slice a thin piece of onion and leave it in the area of canker sores in the mouth.  Alternately you can also leave onion juice inside your mouth till the effects take action.

Plum Juice for Relief from Cold Sores

The tannic acid in plum juice and the Vitamin C will ease the pain and also soothe the sprits, leading to recovery. Rinse and gargle your mouth in fresh plum juice and consume 2-3 teaspoons every day. You may also use a cotton ball in order to put plum juice directly on the wound.

Grapefruit Seeds for Removing Canker Sores

Grapefruit seeds can be used to cure canker sores. Take grape seeds and crush them. Extract the juice from it by adding a little water. You can now use 10 drops of this extract on a glass of water and use it for gargling. It can also be used as a mouth wash. Remember to keep it in the mouth for a few minutes so that the sores get definite relief and start drying.

Baking Powder

Baking powder can be used to destroy the bacteria in the mouth. Make a paste of baking powder and apply directly on the sores to clear the bacteria and reduce the sore formation. Take baking powder and add it to a glass of warm water in order to use it as a mouth wash. Rinse the mouth several times a day until the severity of the sores is reduced.

Canker Sores can easily be removed by following one of these remedies. However, if the sores are bigger than normal and do not go away after several days of treatment, you must consult a doctor for further checkup and treatment.

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