One of the prevalent problems that hinders your beauty as well as prevent you from getting those beautiful hands is the presence of yellowness in the nails. Generally, researches show that occurrence of yellow nails is due to some sort of fungal accumulation.
There are a lot of you who believes in taking proper care of our nails and keeping it in perfect condition. For this you go for regular treatments like manicure and pedicure.
However, yellowness can make the nails look ugly and unattractive no matter how much you work towards keeping them healthy. The interesting part to note here is that the condition of the nails highly reflects your fitness and health levels. The same goes for yellow nails. Here are some of the major causes that can be associated with the problem-
Causes of Yellow Nails
Here are some of the significant causes that lead to yellow nails and finally to fungal infections-
Yellow fingernails are generally a fact to make you aware of any form of medical disorder that you might be facing. This can include any of the liver or lung disease, diabetes or as simple as nutritional deficiencies in the body. Lack of iron and zinc in the body is another factor that leads to yellow nails.
Smoking is another cause for yellow nails. The simple way to get rid of this problem is so stop smoking. Nail fungus accumulation is another way that rules in yellow nails. Fungus generally leads to yellow pigmentation.
There are a lot of medications and drugs that the doctor can prescribe you to get rid of yellow nails but it is always recommended to opt for home remedies and natural treatments that are much safer and effective-
Here are the home remedies and natural ways to cure the problem as soon as possible-
Home Remedies and Natural Treatments for Yellow Nails
Regular washing
One of the easiest natural ways to stay away from yellowness in the nails is to clean them with water and scent free soaps. It is advisable to use an anti bacterial soap for the purpose. Not only will it keep the nails fungal free but also treat the yellow nails. Make sure you don’t rub the nails after the wash. Instead dab it with a towel to pat it dry.
White/ apple cider vinegar treatment
Another home remedy that can easily be prepared without much of a hassle is a mixture of apple cider or white vinegar and lukewarm water. The ratio should however be maintained to 1:2. Soak your foot in this liquid for sometime. Vinegar is known for its anti-bacterial properties. It will definitely help in curing the problem of yellow nails. The time period for the treatment is approximately 20 minutes for every session. Following this 3 times in a week will make things work for you in an ideal fashion.
Listerine wash!
Listerine is a mouth wash available in all the medicine shops. However along with curing bad breath Listerine has other advantages attached to it as well. One of the benefits of this liquid is the cure of yellow nails. All you have to do is dip the nails in Listerine for a while and see how well it helps you in getting rid of the issue.
Include abundant vitamins in the diet
Since nutritional deficiency is one of the major causes of yellow nails, make sure you incur a lot of vitamins and iron rich food items in your daily diet. This will truly help in curing the ailment. Nothing can be more effective than a balanced diet.
Baking soda wonders!
A natural cleanser is what baking soda can be categorized as. Rib some baking soda on the affected areas and yellow nails. This will not only help them keep clean but also get you rid of the pigmentation. The fungus will also be flushed out easily by massaging the nails with this effective powder.
Use of Vicks Vapor Rub
One of the safe ways to cure yellowness in the nails is to massage it with Vicks vapor rub available in the medicine shops. It is handy as well as highly effective. Make sure you use it before going off to sleep and keep it covered to save your eyes. Wash the nails thoroughly in the morning.
Whitening Procedure
There are a lot of ways though which you can whiten or in other words bleach the nails. Some of the products that will help you retain whiteness in the nails are baking soda, denture cleaners and hydrogen peroxide. Use any of the mentioned products to rub your nails on a regular basis and see them whiten and free from yellowness.
Keep the nails painted
In case you are suffering from yellow nails and want to avoid the embarrassment, then a simple way is to use nail paint. This is also a preventive measure until and unless you totally get rid of the problem. No one will know the color of your nails behind the beautiful nail paints.
Maintain good hygiene
Keeping the nails in proper condition is another way to avoid yellow nails. Trim them and clean them from time to time. Also, keeping the nails short in length will help in curing the issue. Keeping them germ free is the best you can do to maintain good nail conditions.
Moist free nails
Moisture is one thing that leads to accumulation of bacteria and fungus in the area. In case you want healthy and white nails, make sure that they are always dry and moist free. For this it is also advisable to let the nails breathe in fresh air and use of socks and shoes should be limited to wherever possible, especially when you are at home.
Use of essential oils
Essential oils are another safe way to remove fungus from the nails. Here tea tree oil, lavender oil and oregano oils work really well. All you have to do is rub some oil on the nails with the help of a cotton ball. Follow this treatment daily.
In case, the problem does not subside make sure you visit a professional to see what kind of issues you might be facing.
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