Friday, June 29, 2012

Natural Treatments For Asthma

asthma treatment

Asthma is a common health problem that you might find in at least 4 out of 10 people nowadays. It is a form of lung disease in which the air passage or the airways through which air goes into the lungs narrows considerably leading to severe breathing problems.

This ailment of asthma is prevalent among all age groups whether they are children, adults or old people. Researches show that asthma generally shows its symptoms in childhood. Another point to note here is that it is quite widespread among people in the USA.

Some of the major problems that asthma causes include severe coughing, whistle like sound while breathing, problems in proper breathing, shortness of breath and a tight feeling in the chest region. There might be quite many types of asthma, but then the natural ways to cure them is almost the same. Some of the major causes of asthma include-

Causes of Asthma

The most known causes or root of the problem of asthma is heredity or genital factors, overweight issues, certain forms of allergens and allergies, cigarette smoke allergy or some form of respiratory or immune infections in the early stages of childhood.

Also it is equally imperative to understand the symptoms that asthma might show so that it can be detected and treated easily and as fast as possible.

Symptoms of Asthma

Soreness and swelling are some of the most significant symptoms that asthma shows. Some other signs include the tightening of the muscles around the air passage from which you breathe. Inflammation is another problem that you might suffer in case you have asthma, not to forget irritating feeling in the air passage.

Natural treatments and home remedies are always recommended no matter what form of health ailment you might suffer from. Try out some natural ways to get rid of asthma before you turn your loyalties towards medications and drugs. Not only are home remedies much safer but also highly effectual.

Home Remedies and Natural Treatments for Asthma

According to health professionals and herbalists, here are some of the top most remedies that will help you get instant relief from the problem of asthma-

Different forms of effective baths

There are quite a number of different forms of bath that are highly recommended for patients suffering from asthma. This will give them instant relief by opening up the air passage and congested lungs. Also, these baths will improve breathing in the patient.

The most effective baths include sun bath, steam, and footbath and hip bath in hot water. These treatments will also lead to severe perspiration and help a long way in solving the health ailment.

Garlic milk blend

If you are suffering from asthma, then regular consumption of garlic milk blend will work wonders for you. All you have to do is boil approximately 3-4 cloves of raw garlic in ¼ cup of milk and drink it. This should be followed daily to see visible outcomes. Also, is it advisable to consume this blend before going off to sleep for maximum advantage.

Lavender/ eucalyptus essential oil

Steam water with few drops of lavender or eucalyptus essential oil will help in opening up the airways and enhance proper breathing. It will also help in curing asthma if followed on a consistent basis.

carrot juice

Mustard oil and camphor paste

Mix in some mustard oil with a little camphor (kapoor). This paste should be gently massaged on the chest region to help in proper breathing and opening up the air passages.

Coffee remedy

Coffee is one of the best remedies for asthma. Researches show that caffeine not only helps in curing but also in reducing asthma attacks. All you have to do is include at least 1-2 cups of coffee in your daily diet.

However, it is one treatment that is not advisable for children with asthma problems.


The anti-inflammatory properties make is one of the ideal natural products to prevent asthma attacks. Cooked onions will work really well on the problem and serve you with faster relief.

Magic of Honey!

It is highly recommended for a patient suffering from asthma attack. The procedure is quite easy. A jug full of honey if smelled for approximately 10 minutes will cure the asthma attack immediately!

For a regular remedy to reduce asthma symptoms and signs, you can drink a glass of water to which 1 teaspoon of honey is added. This should be taken at least 3 times in a day. Follow this for a couple of weeks to see how beneficial it will prove.

Carrot and spinach combo

Make fresh juice of carrots and spinach in a ratio 2:1. For a good amount of relief from the irritating signs of asthma, you will have to consume this healthy juice 3 times in a day. Follow this for a couple of months to see the benefits it holds.

Ginger and turmeric

Two of the home products that are very well known for curing asthma and giving you good amounts of relief are ginger and turmeric. Make sure you include them in your daily diet in some form or the other.

Turmeric can also be combined with honey and taken on an empty stomach early morning. This will also help you a long way in preventing asthma attacks.

Drink abundant water

Drinking good amounts of water daily will help you in keeping the system clean and free from any kinds of blockage. 8-10 glasses of water excluding any other forms of liquid are what are advisable for visible results.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

One of the most effortless cures for asthma is to incur loads of fresh fruits and green vegetables in your diet. This will also improve your immunity levels and make you fit and fine.

Clove bisque

Boil in 3-5 cloves in water. To this mixture add a little of honey for taste. Have this bisque twice everyday. This is one of the most demanded home remedies by asthma patients.

Radish, honey and lemon juice mix

Mix in a mixer grinder radish, lemon juice and honey. Now cook this liquid on low flame for approximately 20 minutes and drink one teaspoon of it every morning before breakfast. This is a really effective home treatment for asthma.

Follow these simple home remedies to get some relief from the serious problem of asthma. However, it is also recommended to see a doctor and follow certain medications and drugs as well.

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  1. Thanks for sharing out the healthy and natural treatment for the prevention of Asthma which are really amazing and very helpful to follow for the betterment.

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