Thursday, June 14, 2012

5 Best Treatments For Plantar Warts

treatments for plantar warts

Plantar warts are caused by viral infection. The virus causing plantar warts infection multiples rapidly in a short while resulting in unsightly warts on the skin. The plantar warts are mainly formed on hands and on the soles of feet.

The living virus attaches itself to the body of the host and makes connection with the nerves and blood vessels present inside the human body. The living virus causes immense pain on walking.

There are plenty of effective home remedies for plantar warts but one needs to be regular with them in order to kill the virus completely. Any lingering traces of the virus can lead to formation of another painful plantar wart.

5 Natural Remedies For Plantar Warts:
1. Treat Plantar Warts With Garlic

It is a known fact that garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties and is therefore quite useful in the treatment of various infection of the skin. Hence garlic can be effectively used for getting rid of plantar wart. To treat plantar warts with garlic crush four peeled pods of garlic. Apply the garlic over the plantar wart as well as on the surrounding skin.

Now take a cotton ball and cover the garlic with the cotton. Secure the garlic in place by bandaging the foot or hand using medicated gauze. Remove the bandage after a couple of hours if you are working. It is best to do this treatment at night before sleeping. Simply sleep with the garlic-bandage on and remove it in the morning. 8-10 hours of sleep will give the garlic ample time to destroy the virus causing the infection.

This treatment should be done regularly for a period of one month. After one month you can apply garlic-bandage every alternate day for a period of two months. if you do leave your home to work outside the you have the freedom to do the treatment twice a day to see faster results.

2. Treat Plantar Warts Using Tea Tree Essential Oil

Much like garlic, tree tea essential oil too has antifungal and antibacterial properties. However, tea tree essential oil is much stronger than garlic which is one the reason sit is not recommended to apply undiluted oil directly on the skin. But in case of plantar warts we will make an exception.

Plantar warts are living viruses that need to be destroyed hence using undiluted tea tree essential oil on them would be most effective. Pour a few drops of tea tree essential oil directly on the plantar wart. You could also add a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball and place the cotton ball over the plantar wart and then use the bandage to secure the cotton in place.

Do this treatment as many numbers of times as you want in day. With regular treatment for 15 days you will find the plantar wart shrinking in size and will ultimately fall off in two months’ time.

3. Treat Plantar Warts Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidants that help fight the virus which causes the infection. The vinegar is also rich in ascetic acid which effectively disengages the plantar wart from the skin. Take a small basin and pour two cups apple cider vinegar in it and add one cup water.

cure planter warts

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Mix the two well. Soak the affected foot or hand in the basin so that the plantar wart is soaked in the apple cider vinegar solution completely. Leave for 15 minutes and then remove. Don’t wash the plantar wart with water. Do this treatment at least thrice day. If you don’t have the kind of time to soak the planter wart then simply soak a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar solution and place it over the plantar wart without squeezing it.

Secure the cotton ball in place using a duct tape or medicated gauze. Leave for a couple of hours, remove and repeat the treatment. Do this treatment for at least 2-3 months to see the plantar wart disappear completely.

4. Treat Plantar Warts Using White Vinegar

White vinegar isn’t as powerful as apple cider vinegar but is effective in treatment of plantar warts. fill a basin with white vinegar and soak the plantar wart in it. Leave for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes dry the plantar wart using a hair dryer set on ‘cool’ medium. Use the white vinegar treatment thrice a day for a period of two months. You could also place a cotton ball dipped in white vinegar over the plantar wart. Leave the cotton ball over the wart for a couple of hours and then remove it.

5. Treat Plantar Warts Using Banana Peel

Take a ripe banana and peel its skin completely. Now take a spoon and start scrapping the white inside part of the peel. You should have about two teaspoons of the white part of banana peel. Apply this white scrapped part of banana peel directly over the plantar wart. Secure it in place using a duct tape or medicated gauze.

Leave for six hours. After 6 hours remove the bandage and get clean the plantar wart using baking soda and water. wait for a couple of hours before repeating the treatment. Perform the treatment twice day for two months until you find the plantar wart completely gone one day.

It is important that the plantar wart not be kept wet for long. Immediately dry the plantar wart completely by using a hair dryer set on ‘cool’. Using a towel to dry the plantar wart is going to only spread the virus. This is one reason plantar warts are very common among swimming athletes who often use the same showering cubicles.

Do not use a sharp instrument like knife or scissors to remove the plantar wart from your skin. This is not very effective since some viruses are likely to remain behind and cause re-appearance of plantar warts. Besides, you are likely to get septic if you accidently cut your skin.

The only effective way of treating the plantar warts is through proper and regular treatments. Leaving the treatment in between is not going to help you get rid of plantar warts.

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