Insomnia is a disorder of sleeplessness. Many people go through sleepless nights for varied reasons like depression, financial crisis, metal trauma and depression. Getting a peaceful sleep at night is the most basic luxury (luxury for insomniacs) one can get. A sound sleep leads to have fresh morning followed by the grind at home and work stress. When this cycle of sleeping, working and sleep again is broken with sleeplessness, work and sleepless nights it leads to a mental and physical bad health.
Imagine how we feel when we cannot sleep because of cough and cold? Isn’t it bad? You curse that cold glass of water you drank after you came home from the hot sun outside. For insomniacs, it is a daily curse to problems that keep them away from getting sound sleep. They have tough time coping up with life, work and daily activities. Imagine someone waking you up from sleep? Don’t you feel like killing that person? Insomniacs cannot even do that, because more than a person troubling them, it is the mental or an internal condition in the body that leads them to such a sorry state. However, there are home remedies that could help in treating insomnia such as:
Check your mattress
Many a times, you cannot sleep comfortably because of the mattress. Some people prefer soft and some hard mattress. When you don’t feel cozy in your bed, you can never get a sound sleep. In that case, change your mattress for a while. Figure out if that’s the reason why could not sleep. A peaceful sleep comes when the room is dark, quiet and cozy. It is preferable not to use your room for any other activities like eating or playing but to sleep and physical intimacy with your spouse. Too much happening in the room fills the air with vibrations for example if you argue or fight always, it disturbs the harmony and hence negative vibrations do not let you sleep.
Cut down on coffee, tea and alcohol
Any form of caffeine intake hampers sleep. Didn’t you drink coffee at night to stay awake and study? Why do you think you were able to stay up late and finish your syllabus? It is because caffeine in coffee stimulates your brain making you feel fresh that’s why people start their mornings with a cup of tea or coffee. Therefore cut down or stop having coffee and tea till you get your sleep back. Similarly alcohol makes you feel tipsy often putting you to sleep. What about a bad headache in the morning? Feeling nausea and stomach ache after a bad hangover leading to a sleepless night following it ha always been experienced by many of us. Avoid drinking alcohol to gauge if that’s the reason you don’t get sleep.
Stick to your schedule
To avoid sleepless night, it is very important to follow your sleeping schedule every day. Wake up at your normal time to get sleep by the time its night. Getting up late in the morning fulfils the need of your body to sleep; hence you don’t feel sleepy at night. Avoid sleeping during the day. It is one of the most common factors why people do not sleep at night. Short naps trouble a peaceful long sleep at night. You come back late from a party, try to get up on the usual time. This allows the body to demand for sleep on the usual sleeping time.
Bed time Habit
How fascinating was to hear stories by your mother while you try to sleep or when a child falling asleep after a quick bath? Many people fall asleep while reading a book. Develop such habits to make you sleep in peace. A nice relaxing shower before bed time can help you to have a relaxing sleep as well. How about reading your favorite novel before bedtime? Some people sleep while listening to soothing instrumental music. You can also dip your feet in hot water mixed with salt to give feet a relaxed warm water massage making you comfortable and easy when asleep.
Sugar rush
Many researches have proven sugar to be an effective sedative that enables you to sleep. Perfect for people who have a sweet tooth, eat sugar or in the form of cookies or sweets half an hour before your bedtime and you are ready for a nice sweet dreams. Honey also has a similar affect like sugar. However sugar may not be a good idea for calorie conscious people, you may try artificial sweetener in a de caffeinated herbal tea or mix honey in Luke warm milk. It works wonders.
Bedtime snack
If a snack before bedtime does the trick then why not munch on rich in carbohydrate food items like toast or a cookie that secretes chemicals easing the brain and ordering it to sleep. A glass of warm milk mentioned above works well with many people. Some people choose to drink green tea or flavored tea like rose or jasmine that soothes the nerves making the body and mind relaxed and sleepy.
Deficiency of serotonin
Our brain works 24/7 secreting thousands of chemicals every second. One such chemical is serotonin which is responsible of causing sleep. When secreted in the required quantity, it makes a person happy. When a person is free from worries, he/she tends to sleep well at night. Low levels of serotonin can cause insomnia. One may take 5HTP supplements to enhance its secretion, thus treating insomnia.
Melatonin deficiency
Ever noticed why older people get up early in the morning or have less sleeping hours? It is because of Melatonin. Its a hormone that keeps a tab on the biological changes that take place in the body with age and time. As one grow older, you make little melatonin hence very few hours of sleep. On the other hand taking melatonin supplements can increase the level of the hormone that can help you sleep.
Valerin, an herb
It is believed that Valerin, a plant found all over Europe, has a calming effect in the body. Every part of Valerin consists of chemicals that act as a stimulant for the body to put to sleep. It is a common practice to use the roots of the plant to treat insomnia, anxiety and hypertension.
Make a Diary
Every Human body reacts to different treatments differently. Some people might be cured using the home remedies above whereas others may have to try other methods like consulting a doctor or taking sleeping pills. Home remedies do not work instantly. Therefore following for good amount of days will help you conclude whether the remedy is working for you or no. make a diary, list down things that helps you sleep as well as things that don’t. It will give a better understanding of the nature of sleep. Try out home remedies before you switch to a doctor. Sleep Well!
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