Friday, July 27, 2012

Home Remedies For Treating Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding is a sensitive issue which can become dangerous if not taken care of. It is an internal condition which sometimes goes unnoticed unless one goes through medical tests. Internal bleeding occurs when the internal tissues, cavities or muscles start to bleed. The vein or the artery is allowed to escape from the circulatory system, which causes clogs or blockages in the body.

The amount it bleeds depends on how far the organ has been damaged. Internal bleeding is also a hereditary problem where the blood starts to clot even in the slightest injuries such as in the cases of Hemophilia and von Willerband disease. There are various types of bleeding such as Intra-cranial bleeding and Intra-abdominal bleeding.

Symptoms of Intra-cranial bleeding

This type of bleeding is painful and happens due to situations like trauma where the neurological exams conducted on the patient may vary from confusion, coma or sometimes the result is normal. Patients suffering from this type of bleeding may have signs of abnormal speech, problem in seeing things as well as intra-cerebral bleeding.

Symptoms of Intra-abdominal bleeding

The patient suffering from Intra-abdominal bleeding loses too much blood due to bleeding. The symptoms are stroke, feeling weak, a patient might even complain of shortness of breath or sometimes light headedness. Sometimes a patient with such type of bleeding can witness low blood pressure and signs of getting shock. If the bleeding occurs in gastro-intestine, the patient vomits dark red colored blood, if the blood enters the peritoneum, it could cause a lot of pain while moving and sometimes bleeding deep through the skin that can be identified as bruise like marks.

Other types of internal bleeding are when a patient suffers from bladder infection resulting in blood in the urine which is extremely painful and sometimes lead to numbness or zero sensation. Patient may also have internal bleeding due to any muscle injury or muscle tear where he/she may face a problem in moving arms or legs. Sometimes, bleeding occur in joints especially in people who take anti-coagulation medicines.

How to diagnose internal bleeding

Firstly if you feel any symptoms or signs mentioned above, consult your doctor immediately. The practitioner will perform various tests connecting to the affected part. For instance, if the doctor thinks bleeding has occurred in the brain, he/she will put through a ‘thorough neurological examinations’ that will rule out or conclude any sort of bleeding that has occurred or not. Several Tests are performed on various parts of the body to detect any internal bleeding like Endoscopy for stomach, computerized tomography for the brain, Ultrasound for any blood in the lower part of the body or abdomen and Angiography that helps to examine the arterial blood flow

Home remedies for treating internal bleeding
Apple cider vinegar

A trusted home remedy by grandmas, apple cider vinegar is a helpful tonic for treating internal bleeding. Drink two to three spoons of apple cider vinegar after every meal everyday. You can also apply it gently by dabbing on the affected are for some relief.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is an extraordinary North American flower that helps to treat internal bleeding perfectly. Witch hazel when stored in a cool and dry place should be used as an astringent. Simply take a small cotton wool, immerse in Witch Hazel and apply gently on the affected part. It would help you soothe the swelling and pain that comes with the internal bleeding.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a wonderful home remedy for internal and external bleeding. Rub pepper on the area which is bleeding; fill the wound with it which helps to block the blood from coming out of it. To slow down the internal bleeding, it advised to add Cayenne pepper in your daily diet regularly. Use pepper in the food you cook. It helps to ease the pain and slow the blood flow.

Yunnan Baiyao

This Chinese drug is very helpful in treating internal, external bleeding and hemorrhages. It activates blood circulation, eases the pain, bleeding and swelling of internal and external wounds. It has an antibacterial quality that helps to heal wounds fast without any fear of septic or infection. Researches have shown that it reduces the blood clot by almost 30-50% depending on how the patients react to the treatment.


Add phosphorous rich food into your diet. Phosphorous has medicinal property to soothe internal bleeding, external bleeding and menstrual bleeding. Patients are recommended to increase intake of yoghurt, fish and nuts for more phosphorous intake. However care should be taken that it is consumed within limits. Consult your doctor or dietician to know how much is sufficient for your body.


This flowering herb belongs to the pea family is a great source of vitamins and minerals to strengthen the blood vessels and needed to endure the pain of internal bleeding and also reduce or stop blood clots. Alfalfa or some call it “batau” or “jaw’ in Hindi, should be mixed with water to take out its juice and ask the patient to drink. It does super job for treating internal bleeding.

Internal bleeding cause a lot of pain and the patient feels restless and uncomfortable. There are many home remedies to ease the patient’s anxiety such as eat half teaspoon sesame seeds with very small amount of butter. In case of external bleeding, rub powdered sesame seeds on the affected area, drink buttermilk made from curd and water mixture with a pinch of salt and pepper which helps to treat piles, for fast relief make juice with rose petals and water mixed together and drink twice or thrice daily for quick comfort, if patient suffers from constipation eat figs socked in water overnight on an empty stomach and do not forget to drink water at least ten glasses of water to clean the system from toxins. The home remedies for the treatment of internal bleeding as well as treatment for the discomfort caused by it are simple and the ingredients are easily available at home. Try the home remedies along with the doctor’s medicines to treat the problem of internal bleeding.

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