Friday, June 29, 2012

Natural Treatments For Back Ache

Natural Treatments For Back Ache

Back ache is one problem that each one of use faces at some point of our lives. The pain however can differ in severity from person to person. According to researches, backache is one of the most prevalent neurological ailments after headache.

Back ache is generally reflected through severe or mild pain as well as a little irritation. Chronic backache occurs only in health conditions like slipped disc.

Some of the problems that you might suffer due to back ache are bending and sensitivity in the entire back region. You might also have swelling in the area. This is another widespread sign of back ache. Since 8 out of 10 adults suffer from this backache problem, it becomes quite imperative to know the major causes as well as some safe and effective natural treatments for the same.

Some Causes of Backache

Some of the major reasons that can very well lead to back ache are excessive motion or movement of the muscles especially during heavy workouts or exercises. This can severely affect the bones and the ligaments and lead to acute or chronic back ache. According to professional, problems with certain body organs can also be the cause of back ache. These organs include female pelvic region, gall bladder, kidney infections, prostate or even as simple as constipation.

In women, pregnancy is one of the stages that can cause back ache due to the stress and pressure on the body. Overweight and obesity can also turn up to health ailments like backache. Some less significant causes for back ache are nutritional deficiency and bad postures.

Once you know about the causes of backache, it will not only help you in preventing it to a great extent but also make it detectable as fast as possible. This in turn will be advantageous in finding some natural remedies and home treatments for back ache. Here are some of the most effectual ways to get rid of back ache-

Natural and Home Remedies for Back Ache
Herbal Oil Massage

The affected areas from pain should gently be massaged from either almond or mint oil. In case you are suffering from any form of joint pains or cramps, this remedy will prove to be really effective. It will also give you instant outcomes.

Knuckle treatment with these herbal oils will be more beneficial. This will successfully relax the stress on the muscles and reduce the pain.

Maintain a proper posture

Since bad postural habits is one of the major reasons that cause back ache, it is highly recommended to use firm chairs for sitting purposes over couches that causes imperfect postures.

Natural Treatments For Back Ache

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A firm chair will not only support the waist line but also the lower back. This will considerably reduce the back pain.

Heavy objects should be avoided

In case you suffer from back ache, especially women during pregnancy, it is a big no-no to pick up any form of heavy objects. This will only worsen the back condition and lead to unbearable pain.

Keep away from drugs and medications

This is a bitter truth that drugs and medications will only give you some temporary relief from back ache. There are no such medicines available in the market that will totally evade the problem and give you freedom from pains. In fact, consumption of drugs will only lead to other problems and side effects. Make sure you totally avoid taking any harsh medications for back ache and keep the remedy as natural as possible.

The Rice Therapy

Another interesting treatment for curing back pains is to use rice. All you have to do is fill in some raw rice in a clean sock and heat it in the microwave for approximately a minute. Now apply this warm sock on the affected areas to get some aid.

Drink chamomile tea

Include chamomile tea in your daily diet. All you have to do is boiling in some chamomile flowers in water. Sieve and drink at least 2-3 cups of this tea everyday to release the stress and pressure on the back muscles. Various chamomile tea options are also available in the market that you can opt for.

Basil treatment

Use 8-10 leaves of basil to boil in one cup of water. Keep it on heat until and unless the volume reduces to half the quantity. Cool down this liquid and add some salt for taste. Half a cup of this basil liquid will work wonders on the pain and sensitivity of your back.

Hot showers

To release the tension of the muscles, one of the best treatments is to take a long and relaxing hot water bath. For more benefits, add some Epsom salt in the water. Soak yourself in this water for at least half an hour to help reduce soreness and pains.


One of the simplest and the most effortless ways to cure muscle pain in the back is to go on a milk diet. Milk helps in strengthening the bones and also fulfills the calcium requirements. This is especially advisable for all you women out there! Having milk twice daily is really effective on keeping the muscles fit and free from pain.


The ant-inflammatory properties are what ginger is well known for. Use ginger root for the purpose of back ache.  Cut some 3-4 slices of ginger root and boil it in a cup of water. Keep boiling the liquid on low flame for half an hour and leave it to simmer. Once done, let it cool down for the next half an hour. Sieve the liquid. Add a hint of honey to this bisque for taste purposes.

Drink at least one cup of this ginger bisque everyday if you want considerable reduction of pain and swelling in the back region.

Avoid causes of constipation

Since constipation is one of the most known causes of back ache, you should make sure you take all preventive measures to avoid constipation. Also drink abundant water to keep the system clean, this will help you in keeping away from constipated factors.

Follow these simple home remedies and treatments to easily get away from problems of back ache!

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