Thursday, June 14, 2012

Home Remedies For Preventing Bad Breath

Home Remedies For Preventing Bad Breath

Many people complain about bad breath, which is also called as halitosis. Bad breath is a term used when unpleasant odor is exhaled in breathing. There can be many reasons for above condition.

For example, it can occur due to bacteria thriving in mouth or the alimentary canal. Whatever is the reason, it is an established fact that bad breath creates many types of problems. For example, friends and relatives may not like to get close due to bad odor. In some cases, even a person can feel greatly deserted.

Even spouse is sometimes found reluctant to come close, which can be traumatic. There are certain food substances that increase the problem of bad breath and thus, must be avoided. Similarly, due to some unhealthy habits, problem of bad breath can get aggravated.

There are many types of toothpastes and mouthwashes available in market that promise to cure bad breath. But in most of cases, situation remains as it is. Bad breath is not a problem that can be cured by eating a single pill or by using certain formulations. Rather, bad breath takes time to get cured and in some cases, complete cure may not result.

However, there are certain home remedies that have been found helpful in dealing the problem of bad breath. Over a period of time, unpleasant odor exhaled through breathing may get completely cured. Similarly, these remedies are helpful in reducing the pungency, which is helpful in increasing closeness.

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

First of all, it should always be tried to keep the mouth clean. This is because food particles remaining in mouth after meals can aggravate the condition. Thus, it is always recommended that for preventing bad breath, teeth should be brushed at least twice a day. It is better if brushing is followed by mouthwash, as it kills all the germs that result in bad odor. For cleaning the spaces between the teeth and the gum line, floss should be used.

Floss is very helpful in removing food particles as well as bacteria from these spaces. These bacterial may also lead to some types of periodontal diseases, which also leads to bad breath. While brushing the teeth, tongue should also be cleaned with brush or a tongue cleaner. This is because bacterial thrive on tongue also, which results in bad breath.

A properly cleaned mouth is less likely to produce bad breath. In case, a person wears dentures, these must be taken care of properly. Dentures should never be worn while sleeping. Similarly, these should be cleaned thoroughly so that no bad breath is caused due to them.

Dry mouth is also one of various reasons for bad breath. On the other hand, saliva helps in cleaning the mouth due to its antibacterial action. Saliva also helps in washing away the different types of food particles that remain in spaces between teeth and gum line after eating. Since saliva flow is greatly reduced at night, bad breath is usually found coming from mouth of all people when they wake up in morning.

Home Remedies For Preventing Bad Breath

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But this type of bad breath is not a problem at all, as it is dealt while brushing the teeth. For preventing bad breath and for stimulating production of saliva, sugarless mints can be sucked. Since stress also lead to drying out of mouth and ultimately caused bad breath, it should be avoided to the maximum. For fresher breath, water is also considered as essential.

Thus, mouth should be swished with water for at least twenty seconds for loosening the food particles and cleaning the mouth. If properly used, water works as a good mouthwash and helps in preventing bad breath.

There are certain food substances that leady to smelly mouth or increase bad odor coming from mouth. For example, onions, garlic and fishes like anchovies are some of them. Onion and garlic smell due to certain sulfur compounds contained in them. If possible, all of these should be avoided for preventing bad breath. On the other hand, by eating certain herbs and other plant products, bad breath can be kept at bay.

For example, chewing of Basil leaves is very effective in preventing bad breath. Basil leaves can be chewed three to four times in a day for dealing with problem. In fact, chewing of basil leaves offers many other advantages also. In the same way, chewing of leaves of Tender Henna also helps in preventing bad breath.

While eating the leaves, juice that comes out should be spitted. Similarly, Area Nut and Nut Meg can be mixed in equal quantities and grinded to form a powder. One teaspoon of this powder should be consumed before going to bed for preventing bad breath.

Pomegranate is one food that can really help a lot in preventing bad breath. For this purpose, skin of this fruit can be boiled in water so as to make a home-made mouthwash. This mixture should be used for washing the mouth at least twice a day for treating bad breath. For getting temporary relief from bad breath, pomegranate can also be eaten.

Mint is one of most effective herbs for curing bad breath. There are many ways in which this herb can be consumed. For example, some mint leaves can be boiled in water for few minutes. This mixture should be drunk two to three times a day for dealing with bad breath. Even if fresh mint leaves are chewed, bad breath is treated immediately. But this may not be the permanent solution.

Ginger is also helpful in stopping bad breath. Though it can be eaten raw, some people may not like to do so. Thus, ginger can be mixed in hot boiling for making mouth wash. This mouth wash should be used at least twice a day after brushing the teeth for dealing with bad breath.

Similarly, lemon water can also be used as a mouth wash for stopping bad breath. Lemon water is prepared by adding juice of one lemon to 200 milliliters of water. This mixture can be consumed three to four times in a day. Certain spices and condiments like roasted cumin seeds, carom, aniseeds, cardamom, clove and long pepper are also effective in stopping bad breath.

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