Thursday, June 14, 2012

Best Home Remedies For Hives

Best Home Remedies For Hives

Urticaria is the medical term for hives. The condition leads to development of red patches on the skin which are ring-like in shape.

The patches appear in groups on various parts of the body resulting in inflammation of the skin. The swelling disappears in time over a particular area but recurs soon on another part of the body.

Hives are caused due to the presence of histamine that is a chemical produced by the body in response to an allergen which has invaded the body. Histamine is produced mainly to fight off the allergy caused by the foreign body. However, there need not be any allergen present in the body for the body to produce histamines.

It is important to treat hives because the condition makes breathing difficult. The person experiences difficulty in swallowing solid foods. Attack of hives is also accompanied with irregular heartbeats and feeling faint or dizzy. Some people also get panic attacks because of the above given symptoms of hives.

Home Remedies for Hives

The main cause of hives is an allergen that has invaded the body. If the cause of the allergy is known it can be treated accordingly. Therefore, there are many different ways of effectively treating hives.

1. Treatment of Hives Using Calamine Lotion

Apply a thin layer of calamine lotion on the skin affected with hives. Calamine lotion will effectively take care of itching caused by hives. Spreading calamine lotion on the skin will also reduce the inflammation and redness. Calamine lotion can be re-applied through the day whenever you feel the need to scratch or when the skin hurts due to swelling.

2. Treatment of Hives Using Aloe Vera Gel

To treat hives you can either use fresh aloe vera leaf or aloe vera based creams available in the market. If you use aloe vera leaf then apply the white fleshy gel-like part of the inside of the leaf. Mash this white gel and apply it on the affected parts of the skin. Aloe vera will soothe the skin and reduce the inflammation caused by hives.

3. Treatment of Hives Using Oatmeal Bath

Prepare a bath by filling bath tub with lukewarm water and add two cups of oatmeal powder to the water. Mix well. Soak yourself in this bath for 15-20 minutes or until the water runs cool.

Best Home Remedies For Hives

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The oatmeal bath treatment can be done every day before going to bed at night. This will also allow the sufferer to sleep better since itching due to hives is felt most when resting.

4. Treatment of Hives Using Cold Compress

Apply ice packs or cold compress on the skin to reduce inflammation and minimize redness. Soak a clean cotton cloth in ice cold water and squeeze it lightly. Cover the affected are of the skin with the cloth. You could also prepare an ice pack by putting 7-10 cubes of ice in a zip lock bag and apply the ice pack over the inflamed and irritated skin.

5. Treatment of Hives Using Vitamin E

Warm two tablespoons of vitamin E oil and apply it on the skin to reduce the inflammation and redness.

6. Treatment of Hives Using Milk of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia is alkaline in nature and hence helps soothe the skin by removing redness and bringing down the inflammation.

7. Treatment of Hives using Cornstarch Powder

Sprinkle cornstarch powder all over the affected area and massage it lightly into the skin. Cornstarch powder will provide considerable relief from the itching.

8. Treatment of Hives Using Warm Water

Soak yourself in a tub of warm water until the water runs cold. Do this every time your skin feels itchy and irritated. Warm water gives instant relief from itching and also soothes the nerves.

9. Treatment of Hives Using Herbal Teas

Drink herbal teas like chamomile tea and peppermint tea to soothe your frayed nerves and calm your senses. Many times an attack of hives leaves the person feeling uncomfortable and anxious. Herbal teas have calming effect on the mind and also make breathing easier and regular.

10. Treatment of Hives Using Nettles

Nettle is also a herb which has a soothing effect on the skin as well as on the mind. Drink two cups of nettle tea every day to keep yourself stress free during or after an attack of hives. The nettle tea is prepared using two teaspoons of stinging nettles that come in powdered form. Use honey or lemon for additional flavor.

11. Treatment of Hives Using Cayenne Pepper

Use cayenne pepper in your food daily; sprinkle it over your non-vegetarian dishes, soups and salads. Cayenne pepper supplements in the form of capsules are also available at health food stores. Take two capsules daily to combat the symptoms of hives.

12. Treatment of Hives Using White Vinegar

Prepare a bath by adding cold water and two cups of white vinegar to it. Soak your body in this solution for 15-20 minutes. This is an instant relief for itching caused due to hives.

13. Treatment of Hives Using Baby Talcum Powder

Make a paste of baby talcum powder by adding water in it. Rub the paste on the affected skin and leave for 10 minutes. Remove using cold water. You can also sprinkle baby powder on the skin before your leave home for work. The smooth texture and the chemical-free formulation of the baby powder will ensure that your skin does not become irritated.

14. Treatment of Hives Using Cold Milk Compress

Take cold milk in a bowl and soak a clean kitchen towel in it. Lightly squeeze the towel and apply it on the parts of the skin affected with hives. This treatment should be done twice a day to bring down the inflammation and redness caused by hives.

Resist the urge to scratch the itching areas though you will be greatly tempted. Clip your nails short so that even if you itch you don’t damage or break the skin. Scratching can worsen the situation and lead to further outbreaks of hives. Eat plenty of foods which contain antihistamines. Citrus foods rich in Vitamin C are rich sources of antihistamines and help reduce the allergy caused by hives.

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