Monday, August 20, 2012

How to Get Beautiful Hair

Whatever hair style if your hair is not healthy then the appearance would not be maximal. So no wonder many women spend a lot of time to beautify their hair.
Having a healthy and lush hair can make you look younger and the following steps can help you get your hair healthy and shiny.
1. Avoid sun exposure to either heat or hair dryers, straighteners and curling equipment. The hair is often exposed to heat becomes more fragile and easily damaged that trigger drought and cracked on the hair. So to prevent it you can dry your hair with a fan.
2. Keeping food that is by taking vitamins and minerals. Zinc, biotin, or omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most beneficial nutrients for the hair. In addition, vitamin A, B and E can make hair shiny and strong. Eat lots of carrots, beans, fish, green vegetables, grains, eggs and fruits can provide sufficient minerals and vitamins to make hair shiny.

3. Routine hair cut every two or three months to keep getting better hair growth and prevent hair branching.
4. Limiting the use of hair styling products because it is a major cause of hair damage. Limit or avoid products such as hairspray or hair gel because it contains a lot of alcohol that causes hair to become damaged.

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Tips to Overcome Acne


It has a sleek skin of the face which would be everyone's dream no exception for the men. Many also use bernagai medical way to get rid of pimples that are already attached to the skin. Use of antibiotics to overcome this problem is very dangerous because of its influence to interfere with digestion.
Here are some tips to overcome acne safely without using ingredients that are harmful to the body in two weeks.

1. Always keep hands were clean when doing maintenance. If hands are not clean then acne can appear more in wajah.Bersihkan face by using an organic soap and without fragrance. Do twice a day, ie in the morning and before bed. Do not be too frequent cleansing with soap because it can make the face dry.
2. Clean your face with cold water to overcome the excess oil on the face. Besides a good splash of cold water to clean your face, too good to refresh it.
3. Use creams containing benzyl peroxide treatment or salicylic acid, and for those who have sensitive skin, use this cream a little. Please note do not squeeze pimples by hand because it is not a solution to overcome acne. This is actually create new problems, namely holes acne scars.
3. Conducting due to steam facial steam facial is also a good way to get rid of pimples. Other treatments that can reduce swelling and pain and can help get rid of acne is an ice massage stones, especially at night.

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Recognize Signs of Illness Early

In general, it's actually a serious disease can be cured, if detected early and treated promptly. Because of that, look at your body carefully to catch the signs of dangerous diseases.
Here are some signs of dangerous diseases that need to be aware of:
1. Heart disease
Shortness of breath, chest feels oppressed, swelling in the feet and ankles, feeling tired prolonged.
2. Diabetes
Frequently excessive thirst, constant hunger, frequent urination, decreased weight gain, itching, tiredness, decreased the ability of vision, slow wound healed.
3. Cancer
Incurred inflammation or abnormal discharge, enlarged lumps in certain parts of the body, the wound does not heal, changes in bowel habits, gangguang digestion, changes in moles.
4. Kidney stones
Difficult urination, recurrent urinary tract infection, pain in the waist, and blood in the urine.
Tuberculosis (TB): A cough that do not heal heal for two weeks or more, decreased weight gain, loss of appetite, fever and sweating.

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Benefits of Organic Food

Organic foods are better for our health and fitness. These foods are certified and produced as per the standards without the use of harmful chemicals. Organic foods are more nutritious, richer in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids than non-organic foods. Let’s check out some benefits of Organic Food.
Benefits of Organic Food
1. More Nutrients : Organic food contain 10-50% higher amount of nutrients as compared to the conventional food.
2. No Artificial Pesticides : The use of artificial pesticides is banned on the organic farms and natural pesticides are used in its place. So, organic products like organic meat and organic milk does not contain any residual antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides or BSE.
3. Better Immune : Consumption of organic food strengthens your immune system and provides you better sleep.

4. Long Lasting : Organic food stays longer, without decaying, than the natural food.
5. Weight Problems : It also helps you to keep away weight problems.
6. Lesser Health Problem : Reduced risk of health problems is often associated with the consumption of organic food.
7. Prevent Illness : Organic foods carry less toxic chemicals they also can help prevent many illnesses that are connected to the chemicals we obtain in our foods.
8. Reduces Cancer Risk : Organic food contains phenolic compounds, which protects our heart from cardiovascular diseases and reduces the risk of cancer.
One of many the advantage of consuming organic products is that it promotes a healthier environment. Organic foods are clean pure and no carbon products which support rural farming communities.
Source: CarryFitness

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Decrease Breast Without Surgery

So far, most people try to enlarge her breasts, while not a few who feel tortured with breast size is too large. This is her way down the breast without surgery.

Large breasts can cause back pain and have bad posture because it tends to lean forward which causes the body to slouch. One of the fastest methods to reduce them is by surgery. But these procedures are very expensive, time for recovery and the risks that might arise during surgery.

Most large breasts consist of fat tissue, so some weight loss programs are safe to be plihan to reduce breast size without surgery. Here's how to reduce breast size naturally, namely:

1. Diet

Balanced diet becomes an important part of any weight loss effort. Eat foods rich in nutrients but low in calories and contain many vitamins and minerals such as fish, chicken, spinach, eggs, turkey, broccoli, strawberries, oranges.

In addition, food intake should be low in fat, salt and sugar and avoid fried foods, canned vegetables and drink soda. Stay consume enough water to keep your body hydrated.

2. Sports

One exercise you can do to reduce breast size is aerobic and cardio exercises. Chosen sport can swim, cycle or walk fast to avoid the reflection of the breast that are too often because it can cause pain and discomfort.

If you want to do cardio exercises like running, dance or jumping, you should use so that the right bra is not a lot of bouncing breasts remain silent and not cause pain. Do exercise at least 45 minutes a day for 5 days per week.

3. Chest Exercises

Doing this exercise can help achieve the chest muscles and look athletic appearance. Classic exercises like push ups and bench press to work on the entire chest muscle. Perform this exercise for 3 sets with 20 repetitions and for 2-3 days a week.

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Food Advice For Pregnant Women

Health and fetal growth is strongly influenced what was devoured by the mother. Each age of fetal development, there are certain nutrients that are needed. So, what is the recommended diet and avoided during the first trimester pregnant women? Let us refer to the following.
The importance of balanced nutrition. In this first trimester, in addition to protein, fat and carbohydrates, a pregnant woman also needs vitamins and minerals. These substances are needed to carry out metabolism (the process of change in food to be used by the body). For example, vitamin B complex, iron (F3) and Zinc is necessary for the body to utilize protein as a builder substance the body's cells.
Because the first trimester is a critical period in the formation of the nervous system, heart, brain and reproductive organs of the fetus, in addition to eating foods that contain balanced nutrition, expectant mothers also need to consume nutrients following:
Folic acid.
Is one of the vitamins in the vitamin B group for the process of fetal development. As well as prevention of congenital malformations in the fetus such as the spine does not close and can cause paralysis. It also prevents abnormalities such as bladder dysfunction, bowel control or defects in the palate. Folic acid is mostly found at:
Dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. - Fresh fruit such as bananas, avocados or oranges.
Asparagus, red beets, soybeans, tempeh, Cereal (such as rice or wheat), liver and mushrooms.
Vitamin C.
This vitamin plays form the collagen (protein compounds in the bone), intercellular and skin. Also a big hand in wound healing and resistance to infection. Many are as follows:
Fresh fruits: oranges, kiwi, papaya, tomatoes, yellow peppers, red and green
Fresh vegetables such as spinach and broccoli
Vitamin D.
Role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Vitamin D can improve calcium absorption by means of digestion and come to control spending and balance of minerals in the blood. Many are on;
food sources of fatty fish such as mackerel, tuna and Salmo
fish oil, eggs, full cream milk or butter
Vitamin D can be made in the skin from sun exposure sufficient opportunity.
Vitamin B12.
Role in maintaining normal functioning of cells, particularly cells of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and spinal cord. Vitamin B12 is widely available at:
livestock products and processed products
fermented products like tempeh, tauco, soy sauce and oncom
Essential fats.
These fats can not be made by the body itself. But must be obtained through food, including:
especially the fatty fish three times a week
essential fats in vegetable oils, nuts or seeds such as sunflower and sesame seeds
That pregnant women should be avoided :
1. Forget breakfast
2. Irregular meals
3. Breakfast with incomplete nutrition
4. Food preservative
5. Candy, potato chips or high-calorie foods and minman that was not too necessary.

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Dangers of Giving Water In Infants Under Age 6 Months

Scientists from the John Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, United States reminded the parents to not give water to infants under six months. Why? An expert on emergency child of John Hopkins Children's Center, dr. Jennifer Anders, said the baby's immature kidneys or have not developed completely. Baby's kidneys are not able to release water rapidly, causing the accumulation of water in the body that can harm the baby. Excess provision of water to dissolve sodium (sodium) in blood and bodies will be issued. Losing sodium can affect the brain activity. Liquid also required to drink when thirsty baby is breast milk or formula. Mineral baby's water needs are met when the baby was breastfed or drinking milk formula. Both types of milk is largely the material is water. However, infant formula is not recommended for infants during the mother can still breastfeed. Formula feeding with the wrong dilution can cause nutritional disorders in infants, whether overweight or underweight. According to Walker, the provision of water for the baby should be avoided, even electrolyte-rich fluid that is devoted to baby is also not recommended. This is intended to maintain body fluid balance daily.
The reason most doctors do not recommend giving children to the white water on the baby because water can easily make the baby's stomach becomes full. Early symptoms of water intoxication or poisoning are irritability Water (whining baby), drowsiness and other mental changes. Another symptom is the decrease in body temperature (hipotermi), edema, or swelling around the face, and seizures. Parents should consult with a pediatrician in the delivery of water. In certain cases, provision of water in small quantities may be appropriate. For example, in a state of constipation and during hot weather. The supply of water in the baby is only allowed one to two ounces (one tablespoon) of water on each gift.
Water can be given to the infant, after the age of six (6) months or when the baby has been introduced to solid foods (complementary foods). Giving you should use a cup of water. The cup is the best option rather than dot / bottle. This is because, when the provision of drinking with a pacifier / bottle cause the baby to receive too much water.

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Cough But Not There Sputum

Although not the flu or a cold, many people who have a cough without phlegm or the so-called dry cough. What causes this dry cough?
Coughing is the body's attempt to remove a foreign object or mucus from the lungs and upper respiratory tract. Sometimes a dry cough is a reaction to an inflamed throat channel or due to other causes.
Dry cough is a cough that is productive because it does not produce mucus. Dry cough illness but can also be simply a reaction to the throat channel.
Some things that cause dry cough as reported by LIVESTRONG on Thursday (27/01/2011):
1. Respiratory tract irritation
Often, dry cough is not a disease but a response to conditions that irritate the respiratory tract and causes bronchospasm. Dust and smoke in the air most often cause a dry cough. Inhaling anything while breathing also can cause this non-productive cough.
ACE inhibitors used in treating high blood pressure, sometimes it can cause chronic cough. Asthma can also cause a dry cough without wheezing, this is often a warning sign that asthma worsened.

2. Whooping cough
Dry cough can also occur as symptoms of whooping cough, namely respiratory tract infections due to bacteria that is highly contagious. Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, causing inflammation that narrow the breathing tubes in the lungs.
For the first week, whooping cough patients experienced dry cough, along with a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and mild fever. The following week, severe coughing attacks start to happen, thick phlegm, coughing attacks may be so strong that it causes vomiting, red or bluish face and extreme fatigue.
Although adults with whooping cough can usually recover completely, but this disease can be dangerous when going to the baby.
3. Mycoplasma Pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumonia is a type of bacterial pneumonia which usually affects people under the age of 40 years and often cause symptoms of dry cough.
In addition, mycoplasma pneumonia was also accompanied by chest pain, chills, sweating, fever, headache and sore throat.
4. Influenza and colds
Influenza or flu is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system and can also cause a dry cough. Apart from dry cough, flu also causes fever over 38 degrees celsius, chills, sweating, headache, muscle ache and fatigue.

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Chinese Aromatherapy

Have you ever imagined your pains disappear just because the scent of aromatherapy?. There is no doubt, aromatherapy can refresh your mind, restore the spirit of a person’s life and can even cure various disorders of mind. But some people may be surprised wince when they hear aromatherapy can cure various physical ailments.
In Chinese science, all things in this world can be grouped into five main elements. They are metal, water, wood, earth and fire. So it is with essential oils as aromatherapy. Body and mind can never be separated, therefore our emotional life is unbalanced also result of an unhealthy body conditions as well. Since aromatherapy is known to restore freshness and health of mind, then chances are the body’s health to be restored by aromatherapy are also more real.For example, grief and sadness that are classified as elements of metal, can weaken the lungs and trigger a person’s respiratory infections.

In addition, the effect of this metal element also causes one to be aloof, felt excluded from social life and become difficult to communicate. In this case, oil essential such as eucalyptus, cypress, clary sage and tea tree not only strengthen their immune system, but also enabled them to release the sadness and grief. Combined with acupressure to heal their lungs, is very effective way of healing.
Workaholic people always timeless overtime will usually have problems in the kidney. Personally, they will always feel anxious, tired and feeling insignificant. Geranium essential oil would be effective for these patients with healthy mind and thus has helped most of the healing process itself.

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5 Foods That Help You Sleep

Should you let yourself have that midnight snack if you're having trouble sleeping and you think hunger might be part of the problem? Here are five foods that can actually help you drift off:
Can't Get a Good Night's Sleep? 5 Surprising Reasons
1. Cherries. Fresh and dried cherries are one of the only natural food sources of melatonin, the chemical that controls the body's internal clock to regulate sleep. Researchers who tested tart cherries and found high levels of melatonin recommend eating them an hour before bedtime or before a trip when you want to sleep on the plane.
2. Bananas. Potassium and magnesium are natural muscle relaxants, and bananas are a good source of both. They also contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which gets converted to 5-HTP in the brain. The 5-HTP in turn is converted to serotonin (a relaxing neurotransmitter) and melatonin.
3. Toast. Carbohydrate-rich foods trigger insulin production, which induces sleep by speeding up the release of tryptophan and serotonin, two brain chemicals that relax you and send you to sleep..

4. Oatmeal. Like toast, a bowl of oatmeal triggers a rise in blood sugar, which in turn triggers insulin production and the release of sleep-inducing brain chemicals. Oats are also rich in melatonin, which many people take as a sleep aid..
5. Warm milk. Like bananas, milk contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which turns to 5-HTP and releases relaxing serotonin. It's also high in calcium, which promotes sleep.

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Afternoon Sleep Really Make You Fat?

Many people are afraid to take a nap because it is considered as a trigger weight gain. Really quick nap make people fat?
This assumption is related to the habits of people who take a nap after lunch. There is a myth put calories after lunch will accumulate into fat if you take a nap.
But it turns out so far investigators have not found an association of obesity with a nap. What is clear is that long siesta habit is to make the body does not move, so calories are burned a little.
To note, according to a family health doctor from Virginia, as reported by Kristie Leong MD HealthMad, the duration should not nap longer than 30 minutes.
Nap too long, or more than 30 minutes result will actually make feel sleepy all day. So do not moving the body so that calories in the body so it does not burn.
Instead according to Dr. Leong, a nap in a short duration (30 minutes) actually has many benefits. One of them replaces the less sleep at night for those who often work overtime, although certainly not as good quality sleep at night.

Napping does not mean increasing sleep time, a significant amount of overall sleep in one day is still within reasonable limits, i.e. 6-7 hours a day for adults.
Napping in the short duration also helps keep the stress hormone cortisol levels, so that the mind will be more refreshed upon awakening. With low levels of stress actually good for preventing weight gain.
Proper nap will also make the digestive system gets enough blood supply than when active.
But take a nap should not be done immediately after lunch but the wait 1-2 hours. Nap immediately after eating even so diseases such as digestive disorders including gastric acid reflux.
As for patients with gastric acid reflux, take a nap immediately after eating will make his condition worse. Horizontal body position when lying down to make gastric acid easily turned toward the mouth, and then trigger pain in the chest and larynx.
In addition, people whose jobs require extra vigilance is also not recommended height for a nap after eating. Nap with a full stomach to some extent will reduce the level of alertness after waking.

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Do not Ignore Sore Throat

Sore throat or pharyngitis is an inflammatory disease that attacks the trachea. The disease is often called a sore throat is characterized by a thickening or swelling of the throat wall, reddish, there are white spots, accompanied by pain swallowing.

Sore throat can be caused by viral or bacterial infection, accompanied by a weak immune system. Treatment with antibiotics is only effective on the inflammation caused by germs.

For a mild case of strep throat, sometimes eating healthy foods like vegetables with fruits rich in vitamins can help relieve inflammation. Symptoms of strep throat often foreshadow the flu or a cold.

Sore Throat or Pharyngitis are of two kinds, namely acute and chronic:

1. Acute Pharyngitis.

Sore throat is still new, with symptoms of sore throat and sometimes accompanied by fever and cough.

2. Chronic pharyngitis.

Sore throat that has lasted for a long time, usually not accompanied by pain in swallowing, there is something just feels a lump in the throat.

Causes of Sore Throat

  • Virus, about 80 percent of sore throats caused by viruses that can cause fever

  • Coughs and colds or phlegm (mucus) to make throat irritation.

  • Coxsackie virus (hand, foot and mouth disease).

  • Allergies can also cause mild irritation of the throat that are chronic (permanent).

  • Streptococcal bacteria. Can be identified by throat culture. This test is generally performed in the laboratory using the patient's throat. And, the classic symptoms of strep bacteria such as severe pain on swallowing, visible white spots, vomiting, ulcers in thyroid gland, accompanied by enlargement of thyroid gland.

  • Diphtheria

  • Smoking.

Symptoms of Sore Throat

Both the viral and bacterial infections, similar symptoms are sore throat and painful swallowing. Mucous membrane lining the throat that experience severe or mild inflammation of the membranes will be closed whitish or remove the pus.

Other Symptoms

  • Fever

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck

  • Increased number of white blood cells.

  • These symptoms can be found in infection due to viruses or bacteria, but rather a symptom typical for infection with bacteria.

Identifying Causes of Sore Throat

In mild cases due to viral infection do not have to go to the doctor because given enough pain medication or fever. In certain cases not caused by a virus may be necessary doctor's examination.

Before giving medication, it is very important for doctors to find the cause of strep throat in order to establish the correct diagnosis with the aim of avoiding inappropriate antibiotic treatment for most patients with strep throat because it can lead to organisms that are resistant to antibiotics.

Throat Infections Antibiotics Not Must Therapy

For throat infections a high fever, runny nose or mucus that is green or yellow is a symptom of travel viral infections, most doctors often give antibiotic therapy. Though these conditions are not indicative of antibiotics. Except for cases with high fever, at the time of day to 3-5 can be considered administration of antibiotics.

Before performing the treatment or prescribe medication, it is important we know the cause of strep throat in order to prevent inappropriate antibiotic treatment, which often occurs in cases of strep throat because it can lead to germs that are resistant to antibiotics.

To find out the cause of sore throat should be careful examination of the throat and lymph nodes in the neck. Furthermore, with the throat swab test to determine the presence or absence of bacteria. These laboratory tests should be done if there is a suspicion diagnosis of strep throat caused by streptococcal bacteria on the basis of clinical and epidemiological findings, and patients not taking antibiotics.

In addition, also needs examination sensitivity to antibiotics in patients allergic to penicillin because of the streptococcus bacteria are resistant to erythromycin.

Do not let the patient take antibiotics before he learned how the immune body and also should be checked for strep throat he sustained to the doctor to determine the severity of disease. When strep throat is caused by allergies, the patient should always keep the body still excellent must not drink and eat-drink-food that makes the throat sore.

Most of the cases, these complaints will subside by itself. To help ease the pain, the doctor usually provides pain reliever medicine that nature. For example, acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen can help relieve the pain and fever. Gargling with warm salt water can also help. It could also mouthwash anesthetic or anesthetic throat gargle.

FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or food and drug supervision agency U.S. takes note, that the mouthwash Chlorhexidine gluconate (CG), the results of clinical trials have antimicrobial activity for oral or mouth rinsing. The results, from microbial plaque samples studied, have demonstrated reduction in the number of bacteria in general, both aerobic and anaerobic in the range 54-97 per cent during the use of CG.

In addition, the use of CG as an oral rinse for 6 months did not show any real change in the resistance of bacteria, excessive growth of organisms potentially just opportunistic or other changes in the oral microbial ecosystem. And, three months after discontinued use of CG. Many bacteria in plaque that returned to base line level, - not resistens plaque bacteria. Therefore, CG can be used as an alternative to relieve sore throat and canker sores.

Complications do not be underestimated.

Sore throat is often ignored, because in general mild. Whereas in most cases, around 10-20 percent if left to drag on, this inflammation can trigger the emergence of other diseases. Almost everyone has experienced sore throat. However, not many doctors who checked into his throat before pain becomes severe. In fact, patients usually just go to the doctor when severe inflammation or almost no longer able to swallow food.

Sore throat is not really a disease name, but only a symptom of various diseases that arise. In medical terminology, commonly called strep throat with a sore throat or Pharyngitis. Complaints that appears varies, from just itching in the throat to severe pain that feels painful to swallow. Not until there alone, stress and overwork can weaken the immune system and trigger a throat infection. The cause of strep throat has a variety of other viral infections, bacterial infections, allergies and irritants.

Pharyngitis due to viruses and bacteria can be spread through saliva, which spreads when coughing (droplet infection) or by hand or personal items contaminated patients. The average incubation period of 2-5 days strep throat. However, if caused by a virus, incubation period ranges from 3 days to 2 weeks. Infections caused by influenza viruses are highly contagious and easily spread. In this condition, inflammation lasts about three to ten days. Typically, inflammation was more severe in the morning and will improve with the day.

Usually accompanied by a sense of weakness, decreased appetite, fever, and cough. Sore throat is also found in other viral infections such as boils and measles. The body needs a week to build up antibodies to destroy the viruses. Infectious Mononucleosis or Mono is commonly caused by virus called Epstein Barr, and requires a longer time to recover. Virus this affects the lymphatic system, causing enlargement of the tonsils and white patches appear on the surface. In addition, there is also swelling of the vessels in the neck.

Such infection usually causes a severe sore throat, thus making the patient have difficulty breathing. This virus also causes fatigue that can last more than six weeks. Sometimes this virus also attacks the liver and causes jaundice. Although given the nickname Mono Kissing Disease, he not only can be transmitted through saliva. Transmission can also occur from mouth to hand, then from hand to mouth or from the use of towels or cutlery together.

For bacteria, the most common and most serious in terms of complication is the group A streptococcus betahemolitis. This bacterium causes strep throat disease and is associated with valve damage in the heart (rheumatic fever) and kidneys (nephritis), tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and ear infections. Another cause of sore throat is the larynges-pharyngeal reflux (LPR). In allergy sufferers typically experience pain in the throat in the morning when stomach acid rises to the top and into the back of the throat. At the throat feels a lump and sour taste. Patients often spend phlegm to clear the throat.

Therefore, it would be wise if patients and physicians, to not ignore or condone painful sore throat is severe enough to cause complications.

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Prevent Hungry While Diet

We're trying to lose weight or go on a diet, there is one thing that might be hard to do that is hungry. But there are some tricks that can be done to hold the hungry during the diet.
Hunger is a serious battle that must be experienced by many people when trying to lose or try to maintain ideal weight. Hunger is a complex process and involves many systems in the body including the stomach, brain and intestine.
Yet there are some things that have been proven to control hunger and help a person eat fewer calories. Dr. Melina Jampolis a nutritionist from San Francisco said there are several things you can do when hungry, as quoted by CNN, namely:
1. Eating calorie dense than the liquid calories
The experts said that solid foods have been proven to be more satiating than liquid food. A study conducted by researcher Dr. Barbara Rolls show more filling than fruit juice apple apples.
This is because if you eat solid food chewing first person who is beginning the process of digestion and the release of enzymes that began to trigger a feeling of satiety. So even though fruit and apple juice have the same calories, a person will feel fuller when eating them in the form of fruit.
2. Limiting sugary drinks and alcohol

Try to limit sugary drinks and alcohol because it contains no calories so it will not make a person feel full that it can trigger it to eat more.
3. Water-soluble fiber
These foods can play a very important role in providing a feeling of fullness. This is because the food will form a gel when mixed with water in the stomach which can slow the emptying of food from the stomach, slowing the absorption of blood sugar and delay hunger.
These conditions will allow food more contact with the intestinal wall which helped the release of satiety hormones. Sources of water-soluble fibers such as wheat, beans, apples, strawberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, grapes, oranges, pears and plums.
4. Protein
Protein is an important component in maintaining weight and creates a feeling of satiety. This is because the protein triggers the release of satiety hormones and can help keep blood sugar levels to stabilize so that it can control hunger.
A good source of protein such as skinless poultry, fish, lean red meat, dairy-free or low-fat, egg whites and if you're traveling can eat protein bars without sugar or fat.

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Fruits That Are Safe For Person With Diabetes

People with diabetes do have pretty good care of his food, including sweet fruits. But that does not mean that diabetics should not eat fruit. Here are some pieces that are suitable for diabetics.

Diabetics cannot eat food carelessly let alone related to glucose, hence the strict controls required to minimize the adverse impacts that may arise.

People with diabetes should eat foods with low glycemic index, i.e. below 55. This is to help prevent blood sugar spikes that make diabetes worse.

Glycemic index (GI) is the scale or number given to certain foods based on how big these foods increase blood sugar levels, the scale used is 0-100. Called low-glycemic index when they're on a scale of less than 50, medium glycemic index if its value is 50-70 and high glycemic index if the number is above 70.

Here are some fruits that can and is suitable for diabetics, as reported by the LIVESTRONG, namely:

1. Apple

Glycemic Edge reported that pectin, are a compound that are found on the skin and flesh of apples, is effective to help treat diabetes. These compounds help detoxify the body and reduce the insulin the body needs about 35 percent. Eating an apple that has a glycemic index of 40 can also help improve the regulation of blood sugar levels.

George Mateljan Foundation for the World's Healthiest Foods, citing a research study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food September 2010 edition, shows the enzyme in apple affects carbohydrate digestion, which reduces the absorption of glucose in the digestive tract and stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin. This condition will help you better balance blood sugar levels.

2. Strawberries

Strawberries play a role in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. American Diabetes Association, call berries including strawberries as a 'super food' because it has a low glycemic index, which is a 40 to 120 g strawberry.

Strawberries also contain lots of fiber, nutrients and antioxidants. Eating strawberries may help reduce the risk of heart disease, a serious risk for diabetics.

3. Grapefruit

Grapefruit has a glycemic index of 25 per 120 grams, it can help improve insulin sensitivity, an important feature because insulin helps to release sugar into the bloodstream and directly impact on blood sugar levels.

Grapefruit increased alkali reserve in the blood, which can resist the acidity of diabetes in people with diabetes.

4. Avocado

Avocado effective in reducing cholesterol in people with diabetes to maintain the level of triglycerides in the blood, according to William Castelli in Cholesterol Cures book.

Avocados are low in carbohydrates and contain healthy fats can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in women and men who already have a high risk. High levels of vitamin E in avocados also improve insulin action by inhibiting the binding of glucose to low density lipoprotein.

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When is the Right Time to Eat Fruit, Before or After Eating?

Fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins. But not many people know when to eat fruit right time, before or after dinner?

There are so many benefits gained by eating the fruit regularly. The fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and most importantly the fruit dyes (phytochemicals) as an antioxidant.

Fruit is a tool for detoxification and provider of natural sugar. When eaten in the right way, then the fruit will be very beneficial to the human body. Eat 3 servings of fruit each day can cleanse your body of toxins and helps the digestive system.

Then when to eat fruit that is correct, before or after meals?

"Our digestive system has been created to perfection. So eat the fruit may at any time, either before or after meals," Dr. Samuel Oetoro, SpG.K., clinical nutritionist FKUI-RSCM, in the article ever written detikHealth.

If you do not have a stomach problem, then eat fruit before a meal will give the best results. This will make the nutrients in the fruit will be more absorbed by the body.

For people who want to lose weight, eat fruit should be done before meals, for the stomach feel full faster.

But for people with certain diseases such as gastritis or ulcer, you should eat fruit after meals so as not to increase stomach acid.

Here are some tips on the correct way to eat fruit for maximum benefits to the body, as reported by Lifemojo:

  1. Eating fruit on an empty stomach. This will make the absorption by the body to a maximum fruit.
  2. After eating the fruit, give a grace period of 30 minutes before you eat other foods.
  3. If you want to eat fruit after a meal, then you should wait about 3 hours before eating fruit. This is to ensure that the food had previously been digested by the body before the fruit enters the body.
  4. Try to eat fruit in the morning. This helps to increase blood sugar slowly and not in a hurry. Because the digestive system have been silent all night, eating fruit is a gentle way of restarting in the morning.
  5. Do not eat the fruit along with other foods
  6. Eating fruit as a dessert does not give the best results for body
  7. Eat organic fruits to avoid the effects of pesticides remaining
  8. Avoid canned fruit, frozen fruit or fruit that has been processed. The fruits that are processed normally contain much sugar, preservatives or other chemical additives are not desired.
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How to Maintain Quick Brain Memory Loss

Research has shown that memory loss can begin as early as when 20-something years old. Therefore one should try to keep the memory in his brain so as not to lose.

Memory is important because it stores all kinds of information. Various things will be someone to continue to protect his memory.

There are 5 easy ways you can do to protect it and prevent a person experiencing forgetfulness, as quoted by FoxNews, namely:

Breakfast with the carbohydrate

Skipping carbs could harm the memory, because brain cells require carbohydrates which will be converted by the body into glucose for energy. Choose whole grains and other complex carbohydrates are digested slowly so as to provide a consistent flow of glucose.

Studies from Tufts University found that people who eliminate carbohydrates in the food menu tends to be worse in performing tasks related to memory.

Exercise before the move

Exercise will increase blood flow, bringing much needed oxygen and glucose as fuel. Even people can learn vocabulary words 20 percent faster than if done after doing the exercises. Sports that do not need to bother, could be a way to relax, dance or do kickboxing light.

Doing a web search (web searching) at lunch

Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles found spent 1 hour a day to look for something interesting on the internet (like looking for a vacation) can stimulate parts of the frontal lobe that controls short-term memory.

"The series of nerve will be involved in decision-making skills, visual-spatial and verbal will be highly active when you do a search on the internet," said Dr. Gary Small, author of the study.

Moving around the eye

When parking the vehicle or get out of transportation, try to pay attention to the situation around by moving the eyes from side to side for 30 seconds from the stands. Practicing this simple eye movement can improve long-term memory by 10 percent and help remember important part of the information.

Cleaning your teeth before bed

Dental hygiene not only affects the smile of a beautiful but also important for memory. If teeth are not cleaned then the gums may be inflamed making it easier for bad bacteria enter the bloodstream. Later these bacteria can cause inflammation throughout the body including the brain that causes cognitive impairment.

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Healthy Sleep Tips

1. Number of hours of sleep is ideal.

For most people, the ideal amount of sleep is seven to nine hours per day. For many people need even more sleep for nine hours instead of seven hours.

2. Bed early.

Get used to sleep before 11 pm, because most body cells to repair and recovery functions during the hours 11 pm to 1 in the morning. For example, bile neutralizes toxins during this period. If you wake up, then the poison would go back to the liver, which then flowed back into the circulatory system.

3. Sleep rhythm remains.

Make a habit of sleeping and waking at the same time or hours in each day.

4. Get used to sleeping in the dark object.

When the light of your eyes, this will disrupt the circadian rhythm of pineal gland and production of melatonin and serotonin, this of course can disrupt your sleep quality. You can turn off room lights, or use a dim light, or sleeping with an eye patch.

5. Avoid eating just before bed.

Because the digestive process can interfere with sleep. Also, eating whole grains and sugar can eventually cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which can cause hunger and sleep disorders.

6. Avoid watching TV before bed.

Even better, do not put a TV in the bedroom. TV stimulates the brain, which disrupt the pineal gland, which can cause difficult to sleep or sleep with good quality. The same applies to avoid the habit of reading 'serious books' before bed. If you read before bed, choose books that are relaxed and peaceful as the spiritual literature.

7. Wear socks when sleeping.

Because the feet have a little blood circulation, if you are cold at night, then the legs will tend to feel cold first, this can disrupt your sleep.

8. Avoid using loud alarm clock or alarm to wake you.

This can make your body very stressed because suddenly awakened by a loud noise. Ideally, you should sleep until your body naturally wakes up. If you need an alarm, use sunlight simulator, which emit light gradually up to full intensity for 45 minutes, the same as the morning sun. Slowly woke naturally will not trigger your adrenaline.

9. If you sleep, you try not to look at.

If you experience difficulty sleeping, attendance hours can cause anxiety and make you keep awake staring at the time.

10. Write in your diary.

If you sleep with a lot of that in mind, may be overcome by writing in your diary before going to bed. Pour everything in your mind into the paper to clear your mind.

11. Sleep with room temperature that makes you feel comfortable and keep the temperature constant.

12. Eat foods that contain high protein, several hours before bedtime.

It can meet the needs of L-tryptophan to produce melatonin and serotonin. Eating fruit can also help tryptophan blood flow to the brain.

13. The use of drugs.

Both prescription and OTC drugs can have a negative impact on your sleep. Keep the use of drugs only if absolutely necessary.

14. Avoid caffeine and other stimulating substances.

Because it can have long-lasting stimulatory effect on the nervous system.

15. Avoid alcohol consumption.

Although alcohol will make people drowsy, the effect can make you often wake up several hours later, and you will be hard to get to sleep again.

16. Avoid foods that are sensitive to your.

Because it may have a negative effect on your sleep.

17. If you tend to wake up at night to urinate, do not take within 2 hours before bedtime.

18. If possible, try a hot bath, shower or sauna for about 30 to 60 minutes before you sleep.

The heat has a relaxing effect on the body.

19. Do not bring work to bed or your bedroom.

If you do, you may find it more difficult to separate from work activities when trying to sleep.

20. Exercise can help relieve stress and clear your mind.

But the exercise will produce energy in the body, therefore, do not exercise too close to bedtime.

21. Relax before bed.

For some people, listening to nature sounds, such as rainfall, or sea waves, can cause feelings of calm. You can also relax for example by doing meditation or yoga. Soft music can also help you calm down.

22. Sleep on a comfortable bed.

If your mattress warped, squeaky voiced, or if you wake up with body aches or back pain, it's time to buy a new mattress. Avoid waterbeds, because this type of mattress is not good for your spine

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Reason Reluctant Dieter

Not easy to do a diet to lose weight. Some people sometimes have specific reasons to avoid it. What is it?

Most people would think several times before finally deciding to diet. When thinking that sometimes arise for reasons he did not have to go on a diet.

Here are some common reasons put forward a person to avoid having to diet, as quoted from Lifemojo, namely:

1. 'Tomorrow I will start a diet'

Most people procrastinate on a diet by saying tomorrow. And if he was serious about dieting, she would immediately begin that same day without exception.

2. 'I really liked the food'

Everyone will love to eat, so it is not the right reasons. Someone who dieter can still enjoy the food, but the amount that must be considered so as not to overdo it.

3. 'Healthy food is expensive'

The reason this is not true, because one does not need to choose an expensive diet food. The thing to do is eat healthy fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meat that is actually less expensive than processed foods.

4. 'I do not have time'

One does not need to do for hours to go on a diet, but only briefly, and even no more than 30 minutes. For it if it already has the will, then all things must be done.

5. 'I can not work when I'm hungry'

A good diet will not make a person hungry, but instead make it more active and productive so that they can think better because eating fresh foods without preservatives and malnutrition.

6. 'Condition has been derived from families'

Some people try to hide the fat on the grounds of the family genes. But the researchers found that obesity is not a dominant gene so that a person can still control their weight with some effort.

7. 'I do not like fruit and vegetables'

If you do not like to be consumed raw, the vegetables can be added to the soup, stew or other food mixtures, while fruit juice or smoothies can be made good.

8. 'The work I travel a lot, so I have a lot to eat'

This condition can be overcome with smart food choices like low-fat, for example, choose steamed fish or chicken and salad with honey and lemon to replace the mayonnaise.

Nothing says that the diet program is easy to do, but by eliminating the reasons the person is one step closer to success.

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7 Tips to Look Younger

To look younger, you don’t have to need expensive products, just learned the 7 tips below.

There is no woman who feels happy when considered older than actual age. However, why someone else could get wrong guess your age? It is actually because your own appearance. If a woman is not good enough at dressing herself, then she would give the wrong impression. Valentine day soon, you can reap the praise “Oh…you really look youthful”, by following few practical tips.

Use lipstick with bright color.

Selection of the lipstick color can make a face looked younger. You should know that if you are getting older, your lips will be thinner too. So daub dark color lipstick will not attract the attention of anyone. However, choosing a light color lipstick should not be carelessly. Avoid from orange and peach lipstick, both can make teeth appear yellow.

Eye Pencil.

If you want to show off the charm of the eye, then you do not need to daub excessive eye shadow, just play it an eye pencil. In addition to work better than liquid liner, eye pencil can give the impression of larger eyes.

Olive Oil.

Pure olive oil contains a fatty acid, a type of material contained in human skin. This makes olive oil as skin moisturizer most natural and best. For dry and sensitive skin, apply at night. And, welcome young skin the next day.

Big Eyeglasses.

The size of eyeglasses also affects one’s appearance, and can make an impact younger. In addition, the large size of the glass is able to protect the area around the eyes from radiation of sunlight. Two advantages as well … yes!

Remove make up before go to bed.

This one is of course you already know. The residual of makeup can close the pores of the skin and this is bad for the health condition of the skin itself.

Store cosmetics product in refrigerator.

After opening the packaging of cosmetic products, it’s good to put them in the refrigerator. If the product in cold conditions, you will get the additional benefit of toning

Hair Style.

This is the right time to do it. Trim your hair and try another hair style trend.

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The Right Way to Make Clean Teeth

Brushing teeth is not just a toothbrush rubbed around the mouth and then finished in a flash. Scientists say that the whole process of brushing teeth at least last for two minutes. 

Brushing teeth is not only cleanliness but also ensure good oral health. Irregular or improper brushing the teeth will cause bad breath, cavities and periodontal disease (gum disease). 

The correct way of brushing teeth, as reported by Lifemojo: 

  1. Clean the outer surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth 
  2. Clean the inner surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth 
  3. Clean the surface of the teeth used for chewing 
  4. For fresh breath, be sure to brush your tongue too. 
  5. Tilt the brush at an angle of 45 degrees against the gum line and then broom (rubbed)
  6. Brush teeth at least twice a day, after waking and before bed. Try also brush your teeth after eating.

Apart from the correct way of brushing teeth, toothbrush election will also determine dental hygiene, among other things: 

  1. A toothbrush should have soft bristles more 
  2. A toothbrush should fit the size of the mouth 
  3. Choose a toothbrush that is easy to use for you, do not choose a complicated shape and not in accordance with the conditions of the mouth of each. 
  4. Replace toothbrush at least every three months to maintain good oral hygiene.

Brushing teeth is a basic activity that must be done every day and it is very important. Proper brushing will not only determine the oral health but also affect overall body health. 

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Six Facts About Breast


One of the charms and beauty of the most attractive woman is breast. However, there are some unique things about the breast that may not know. Here are some facts about women's assets:

1. Breast implants save lives.

One woman survived the car crash due to silicone breast pads that function like airbags in 2006. Women from the city of Ruse, Bulgaria has experienced an accident that caused her car badly damaged. Fortunately, the woman was not seriously injured because of protection from concussion thanks to her breast implants.

2. Women who have more than two breasts.

Medical records to prove, there are women who have breast more than two or called 'polymastia'. Polymastia Patients could have had breast at the front of a different body, not just in the chest.

3. Breast size bigger.

Study in the UK find the British women's breast size increased an average of two sizes, due to plastic surgery. Meanwhile, according to the survey, worldwide average breast size during the last 10-15 years rose only one size.

Plastic surgery can lead to greater women's breast size. However, the effect of diet and unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise, also pointed out as the cause of the increasing number of fat deposits, including the breast.

4. Breast save this woman from jail.

Serena Kozakura accused of vandalism at the apartment of a man charged with a prison sentence. However, as long as the hearing she was able to prove that the hole in the door is too small for large breasts traversed. So, she was declared not guilty and imprisoned.

5. Breast Enlargement with cell phone ring tones.

Most East Asian women have small breasts. For those who do not want to make invasive changes to enlarge the breasts, Dr. Hideto Tomabechi have a solution. In 2008, he released a ringtone called "Rock Melon". Ring tones is claimed to be able to enlarge the breast size.

What influence? Ring tones affect the brain such as brain instinctively women who are nursing mothers. Listen to the ringtone as much as 20 times per day will increase the size of breasts a few inches.

6. In Vietnam, small breasts are prohibited from driving.

The Vietnamese government plans to impose a policy of never considering the unique problems of breast. In 2008, the local government intends to prohibit people who have breast less than 28 inch for my motorhome.

Policy made on the recommendation of the local Health Department to protect safety while driving. However, this policy finally got a strong protest and canceled implemented.

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Next Big Breasts Cause

Breast form that is not the same (asymmetric) between right and left can make women ashamed and frustrated. Actually, what are the causes This asymmetrical breast size?

Asymmetrical breast size which is experienced by nearly 50 percent of women, however some are not very significant difference so it looks like normal.

As quoted from WomensHealth, most doctors consider this difference in breast size due to genetic factors. This is because breast growth is stimulated by the influence of estrogen on the young.

Initially starting with breast budding and about two years after the first period menstrausi breast continued to grow around 2-4 years older. It was then that the possibility of differences in size. Once a person aged 21 years, the growth of breasts will stop and will change when someone is pregnant or menopausal.

In addition to genetic factors there are other things that can cause differences in breast size are:

1. Drugs consumed

Hormone-based drugs such as contraceptives can cause breast tissue to grow but not always in both breasts.

Body and breast tissue will respond to an increasing number of hormones with enlarged lymph tissue and sometimes cause temporary growth. This condition is usually not permanent, but if the asymmetry persists even though the drug was discontinued should consult a doctor.

2. Pregnancy and menopause

Both processes may cause fluctuations in hormone levels are quite extreme and sometimes cause changes in body and breast.

When pregnant body preparing for breastfeeding with elevated levels of progesterone which causes the rapid growth of the system of milk ducts, glands and breast tissue. But sometimes do not occur in both breasts.

During the menopausal decline in estrogen that causes weakness in the breast tissue and lose elasticity.

Without leastisitas, breasts start changing shape that may cause differences in size.

Most of the difference in breast size usually does not require surgery peroses. But if one breast was visible far greater than any other size or seen the difference, it becomes possible to consider plastic surgery by the doctor.

Most surgeons choose to not perform plastic surgery on women who are under 18 years old, because at the time breasts are still growing.

Except if someone is having a large breast enlargement called virginal hypertrophy, which has a larger breast size from cup size D in adolescence. Surgery may be done at a much younger age, although other breast has not completed its growth.

Surgery for breast asymmetry may involve the process of enlargement of one breast or both, reducing the size of one or both breasts, or enlargement of one breast and other breast size reduction. About 90 percent of breast asymmetry surgery repair is successful.

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Eating Carrots Make People More Attractive

Many eat carrots have been known to nourish the eye. Not only that, recent research shows that eating carrots can make the skin healthy and glowing, which makes people more interesting. 

Researchers at St Andrews and University of Bristol shows that women and men who diligently eating vegetables and fruits a strong color such as carrots and plump, can have a luminous yellow skin that are considered very attractive and healthy. 

Vegetables and fruits which typically contain strong colored pigments called carotenoids. This substance is found in fruits and certain vegetables play an important role in giving the skin a glow. 

"The relationship between carotenoid yellow skin glowing and open new strategies to encourage people to eat more fruits and vegetables," says Ian Stephen, one of the scientists involved in the project, as reported by AFP. 

Stephen said it took two months regularly eat carrots to be able to see tangible results on the skin. 

"Telling people to eat vegetables and fruit with a reason for not having a heart attack at age 40 years may seem harder than to say that vegetables and fruits can make a person more attractive in recent months," continued Stephen. 

The results of this study will be published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior March 2011 edition of the magazine The Grocer. 

Daucus carota carrot or vegetable plants are grown throughout the year. In addition to eye and skin health, vegetables that contain lots of beta-carotene, vitamin A, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus and iron can also serve to lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels and clean pinworms.

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Things That Can Makes Allergy Symptoms

Allergies that appears either in the form of sneezing or itching is definitely very disturbing activities. But there are some things that can unwittingly make a person's allergies are getting worse. 

Some of the tricks it can do to avoid allergy triggers, such as keeping the windows remained closed, keeping clean, or pay attention to the food consumed. 

But many people do not realize that certain things can sometimes worsen the condition of allergy, as quoted from, namely: 

Job stress

Researchers at Ohio State University of Medicine found people with allergies will have worse symptoms when he did tests that stimulate anxiety. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD, said stress hormones can stimulate the production of IgE (blood proteins that cause allergic reactions.) 

Consuming alcohol

One reason for bacteria and yeast in the alcohol will produce histamine, the chemical that causes allergy symptoms like nasal congestion and itchy eyes. Richard F Lockey, MD, director of the division of allergy and immunology from the University of South Florida College of Medicine suggest to avoid alcohol consumption. 

Ornamental plants in the house can trigger sneezing

Putting plants in the house can indeed refresh the eyes, but certain crops can spread the allergens into the air and make a person sneezing and trigger allergies. Plants such as ficus, varieties of orchids and ferns people considered most vulnerable to allergies. 

Friends who smoke

Cigarettes contain many toxic chemicals that can irritate, and allergy sufferers are generally more sensitive than healthy people. Even though not having contact with people who smoke, smoke particles attached to the clothing can exacerbate allergic symptoms appear. 

No shower after traveling

If the body vulnerable to dust, pollen or dirt from outside the immediate shower when I got home to avoid the entry of particles throughout the home. This is because the particles can be trapped in the body, hair, clothes and shoes.

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How to Cope Sensitive Stomach

Some people sometimes have a sensitive stomach, so not all that goes into the stomach can match. Then how do I fix this? 

Sometimes the stomach gives a negative signal in expressing sensitivity or sensitivity to something that enters the body. Sensitivity of the stomach can cause a person to feel bloated or it could be diarrhea. 

Even so there are some things you can do to fix this, as quoted from Lifemojo, namely: 

1. Identify triggers

Better to know the type of food can trigger sensitivity of the stomach. Try to make notes about how the body tolerates the food. Some foods are known to be triggers such as dairy products, foods that are too cold and spices. 

In addition, grain or raw vegetables can also cause irritation of the lining is caused by the fiber, and vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and onions can cause gas in the stomach which can lead to stomach sensitivity. 

2. Always provide medication when traveling

If you want to travel far and require to eat out, it always provide drugs to cope with sensitive stomach so you can avoid things that are not desirable. 

3. Inadequate sleep and reduce stress

The second condition is a situation that could trigger a sensitive stomach. For that try to sleep at least 7 hours a day and learn the techniques reduce stress such as meditation, yoga or listening to certain music. 

4. Eat slowly

Eat slowly and chew food well is very important for people with sensitive stomachs. This allows the saliva thoroughly mixed with food, so that helps the digestive process and breaks down food into smaller before entering the stomach. 

5. Keeping your body hydrated

Make sure the body to consume 2-3 liters of water to reduce acidity in the stomach, because one of causes of a person often experience indigestion is due to lack of fluids.

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Water Giving Different Benefits in Every Body Part

Lack of body fluids will make the hard concentration and feel tired. Not only to maintain brain function and muscle, water in the body has a variety of benefits in any organ that must be maintained to avoid dehydration.

Dehydration or lack of fluids occurs when the body loses fluids in significant amounts. In addition to passing the sweat, body fluids are also issued in the form of urine and water vapor released from the surface of the skin and as she spoke.

Functions of water in several organs, as quoted from Huffingtonpost, is as follows.

1. Brain

Adequate water levels in the body to make memories sharper, more stable mood and spirit is maintained. Conversely when not drinking, reduced oxygen supply to the brain and nervous system in the brain shrinkage is temporary.

2. Lip

Many drinks will make the moisture lips and throat so it does not, so it does not feel dry. Throat dry and chapped lips caused by lack of water can sometimes also cause bad breath unpleasant and even trigger cavities.

3. Heart

When the body is dehydrated, blood volume is reduced so that the heart must work harder to pump around the body. If not offset by drinking a lot, muscle cells would be starved of oxygen so more quickly feel tired during the move.

4. Vein

When the temperature inside the body heats up, the blood vessels to widen so that blood can pass the heat release into the environment. When the body is dehydrated, dilation of blood vessels occurs more slowly so that body heat faster.

5. Joints and muscles

Fluids are needed by the body's muscles and joints when doing heavy physical activity. Fluid makes the energy metabolism in the muscle lasted more efficient so it does not get tired, and maintain joint lubrication and flexibility so as not vulnerable to inflammation.

6. Skin

When experiencing severe dehydration, the skin loses its elasticity so easily become wrinkled. In contrast to the dry skin due to the influence of soap or other chemicals, dry skin due to lack of drinking will be difficult to overcome if it causes wrinkles.

7. Kidney

Kidney function is to filter the blood and dispose of feces through the urine, while the body fluid to help dissolve dirt whit it to be more easily filtered. Dehydrated condition of the body can interfere with renal function, lead to urinary tract infections and kidney stones.

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Vegetables and Fruits to Avoid While Pregnant

Pregnancy is a time of importance to women. At these times, pregnant women should really pay attention to foods that are inserted into the body, including fruits and vegetables. There are some fruits and vegetables that should be avoided while the mother is pregnant.

During pregnancy, a woman does have a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, some vegetables and fruits should be avoided because it can affect the health of mother and fetus.

Here are a few vegetables and fruits should be avoided during pregnancy:

1. Papaya

Many cultures believe that eating papaya is not good while pregnant. Papaya intake was able to make the mother gave birth early. Papaya, especially the raw and partially cooked, rich in latex is known to trigger uterine contractions. Papaya should be avoided in the final trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnant women should eat papaya from a truly mature. Ripe papaya is rich in vitamins such as vitamin C and other healthy nutrients, which can prevent the onset of symptoms of heartburn and constipation.

2. Pineapple

Pineapple is also considered not good for pregnancy. Pineapple contains bromelain which can lead to softening of the cervix that lead to premature labor. Pineapples should be avoided especially in the early trimester to avoid unexpected events such as softening of the cervix.

3. Wine

It has been suggested by many medical professionals that in the final trimester pregnant women should avoid fruits like grapes because it can lead to heat content.

4. Raw Fruits and Vegetables are not Washed

The most important advice for pregnant women is to avoid vegetables and fruits are not washed or pasteurized during pregnancy. Food hygiene is very important given during pregnancy to avoid infection from toxoplasmosis.

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Hair Extensions

They come in all different prices. There are people who will do it for a couple of hundred dollars and then there are others who will charge in thousands. You will be able to get a good deal by shopping around. The best hair extensions are never going to be cheap. In case you are willing to pay the high price, you will have some fabulous locks, which is going to last a lot longer and you will feel a lot better!!
Can I wear my hair up?
Hair Extensions

hair extensionshair extensionshair extensions blonde imagehair extensions brown hair

Hair extensions are useful for people who have really thin hair. Hair extensions could be used for emergency purposes like a messed up hair cut.Hair extensions can last up to a period of three months.
Maintaining your hair extensions is quite different from how you take care of your natural flocks. Things you have to keep in mind include:
An appropriate brush for your hair extensions is the one with a soft bristle and you need to brush from the bottom to the top.Tie your hair up in a smooth knot while you sleep.Never try to do your own hair coloring on yourhair extensions at home.Use your fingers to untangle your hair extensions.Never apply any sort of conditioners or any kind of products which contain silicone on your hair extension, as they may mess it up.
How long can extensions be?
You can have your hair as long as thirty inches or so. If you try some thing longer than this, that may be too much of a burden on your hair and could damage your hair. For a normal height woman, hair extensions up to twenty two inches are ideal.Yes you can. The hair extensions must be applied at a level above the middle of your ear. They should not be applied below your scalp level. Now the hair under this level will cover the extensions and so you can wear ponytails or pigtails.
Does it hurt?
It should not. In case the hair stylist hurts you, they do not know the job. It is about time you find a new hair stylist. The braids should be done firmly, but they should not make you uncomfortable. The tension should be spread all over your scalp uniformly and there should not be any points which gives you extra strain. Do not believe if some one tells you that it needs to be really tight. They need not tighten it so tight as to pull your hair out. You may notice that there is some thing on your head for the initial couple of days. Then you won't even remember that the hair extensions are there.

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Hair Extensions types

Hairs Without Extensions
Hairs Without Extensions
HAirs With Extensions
HAirs With Extensions

The term “hair extension” refers to numerous techniques for enhancing your natural hair by adding other hair to it. The key to all celebrity fabulous hair is the clever use of hair extensions, carefully blended to match exactly with their own hair.

It would be best to talk with your beautician before deciding on which Hair Extension method is best for you. There are many different types of Hair Extensions on the market, but the two main types of application methods are :

  • Individual Strands
  • Wefts
Hair Extention Caring Tips

Caring for hair extensions is a bit different from caring for natural hair. Some things that you should know.

  • Use a soft bristle brush and brush your hair from the bottom and gently work your way up.
  • Gently tie your hair up while sleeping.
  • Do not color your own hair extentions at home.
  • To prevent tangling, run your fingers through the braid extensions.
  • Don’t spray your extensions with conditioners or any silicone based products as they can cause the braids to slip.
Different methods for hair extensions
Weave for Hair Extension

In this method, hairstyle is created with weave. This is the most popular way to add hair extensions.

Braiding for Hair Extension

In Braiding, various barids are used such as tree braid, braid weave, individuals, cornrow, and French braid. Every hair stylist or beautician has unique braid for hair extension.

Ring for Hair Extension

A metal ring is attached to the hair for extension and makes the process very easy to apply.

Tube for Hair Extension

This is a new method where a plastic tube attached to hair for hair extension. This is an easy method and can be used by anyone.

I-Tip for Hair Extension

In this process, I- shaped glue is used for hair extension and using a His and Her Extension Iron or ring to attach the hair extension.

How long can my hair extensions be?

You can have any length you want up to about 26″-30″. Anything longer than this puts extra weight on your scalp which may lead to uneven pressure and damage to your own hair.

The best looking hair extensions for average height women are usually around 22 inches or less.

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Do Eyelashes Grow Back? Long Lash Growth and Solutions

Do Eyelashes Grow Back? Long Lash Growth and Solutions

There are many people that are born with eyelashes that are shorter, yet have desired them longer. If you’ve tried creams, lotions, and just about everything you can think of, there is still the option of eyelash extensions. Before we go there though let’s answer the question, “Do eyelashes grow back?”

Who does not want long luscious eyelashes? There are a few good ways to achieve a fluttery look using eyelash extensions, false eyelashes or even eyelash growth treatments, such as Latisse. However, extensions and false eyelashes can often cause damage to your real hairs, causing them to break off and appear even more short and sparse. Leading to the question, “do eyelashes grow back?”

You are in luck, yes actually eyelashes do grow back but it often takes quite a bit of time. We are talking months here. And while you may be tempted to slap on a eyelash growth serum, there are significant safety hazards involved in using them. So many people just choose to grow out their hairs naturally and find other ways to make them appear longer without damaging their real lashes.

There are other factors aside from cosmetic reasons on why your lashes will break or appear shorter. Influences such as your hormones, your age and even your diet and lifestyle habits can contribute to slow growing and sparse eyelashes. Here is a quick and nerdy overview in how your eyelashes actually grow.

3 Steps to Eyelash Growth:

1.) The first phase when the eyelash hair begins to appear is known as the “anagen” phase. –Here the hair follicle is building cells up to form the shaft of the hair. This stage takes about 8 long weeks.

2.) The second stage is called “catagen” and follows anagen. Here the new hair is growing up and the hair follicle becomes smaller. This takes 2 to 3 weeks.

3.) Finally, the last stage of “telogen” occurs which is a resting point. There is no more growth going on in this phase, the eyelash is fully grown and after some time the body will eventually shed the eyelash and start over again back to step 1.

If you aim to help increase the speed of this process or maybe encourage the categen phase to make your hair grow a little longer there are a few good tips that people utilize everyday to increase their hair growth. Eating a well balanced diet that gives you the right vitamins and minerals will help boost your hair growth naturally. Habits like drinking and smoking will reduce the natural process so it is wise to cut back or eliminate them entirely. If for some reason you have scar tissue formed over the skin beneath your eyelashes, this is one instance where your eyelashes will not grow back and you should think about using false eyelashes or looking into getting eyelash implants from a plastic surgeon.

To date one of the best ways to achieve immediate long lashes it to get eyelash extensions from a professional esthetician or makeup artist. The lashes are put on individually and the process usually takes about one hour. The results last for about one month. With continued use of extensions you will never have to wonder, “do eyelashes grow back?” because you will always have nice long ones.

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Eye Lashes Growth

Can you control anything about eyelash growth? Probably not, but you can still learn a whole lot about it anyway.

Eyelashes are like every other hair on your body. They have a specific growth cycle that keeps them growing regularly. Like each other hair, they will grow to a specific length and then stop. Although most do not realize it, all of the hair on your body will replace itself every few years with new hair, including your eyelashes.

Understanding Eyelash Growth

There are a few things to realize about eyelashes. For example, consider the fact that each hair on your body has a specific length that it will grow to. Even the hair on your head will stop growing at a specific length. That is why not many people have hair that grows past their middle backs. Your eyelashes are a prime subject to consider for this. It is rare to find very long eyelashes that would cover your eyes! Still, some people have longer lashes than others. It’s all about the genetics!

Eyelashes Regrow

How do eyelashes regrow, then? When your eye lash falls out or you pluck it out, it will grow back. Theeyelash growth cycle takes about four to eight weeks to fully replace an eyelash. If you lose a large clump of eyelashes, it is likely to take longer for them all to be replaced as it can take up to four weeks for replacements to come in fully.

Stimulate Eyelash Growth

There are some that believe that they can stimulate eyelash growth. There are a few problems with this. For one, eye lashes are on the growth cycle and will only come back according to that. If you pluck an eye lash out, it will take several weeks to grow back. Some people mistakenly believe that if they cut the tips of their eye lashes off, that they will somehow continue to grow. This is not true and will not help you to get long, beautiful eyelashes.

Eyelash growth products are available on the market, but none have been proven to work scientifically, even if they promise that they will. One product that’s worth a look is Lilash Eyelash Stimulator.

One thing to note is that if you apply large amounts of eyelash glue to your false eyelashes, you are likely to pull out several lashes at a time, which can have you looking a bit sparse. Instead of doing this, make sure that you follow the manufacturers directions for removing false eyelashes.

Although you may not be able to stimulate eyelash growth, eyelashes usually will grow back. Those that do want those long lashes will have to hope that they are in their genetic code or will need to resort to false lashes instead.

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For Beautiful Eyelashes


The most expressive parts of your body are your eyes. It is often said that a girl with doe eyes poses a magical charm. Some people are naturally blessed with beautiful eyes. In case you are amongst those chosen few, you need not to do much experiment with your eyes.

However if you are not amongst one of them do not worry, there is still much that can be done with your eyes to make it ravishingly beautiful. However before going for any experiment remember not to apply to much of external products as apart from being expressive and beautiful; eyes are also the most sensitive part of your body. Given here is detailed description of what all can you experiment with your eyelash to make it look beautiful. So Read on…

Experiment with eyelashes

Eyelashes are the only part of eyes where a little experiment can be done with make up. A slight make up of eyelashes can accentuate the beauty of your eyes by thousands of times. Apart from that eye make up has it own limitations, so in order to bring out the hidden beauty of your eyes, the lashes are the best and safe asset. Long and beautiful shaped eyelashes also make your face look extremely striking.

Tips for beautiful eyelashes

Natural methods
Prepare a combination of equal amount of glycerin and Castor oil. And apply it through your clean mascara brush. Let them dry and apply them twice for fuller and longer lashes.

Regularly apply castor oil or olive oil to your eyelashes before going to bed every night and observe the results in few weeks.

You can also apply Vaseline through a clean mascara brush on your lashes every night for a good lashes growth.

You can go for tip-trimming of the lashes but be very careful about this. However you must know that a trim can get you rid of the old to bring on the growth of the new lashes.

Consume ample amount of Vitamin C as it stimulates hair growth.

Artificial Method

You can curl your eye lashes by using a lash curler.

Apply mascara on your lashes from the roots and to the tip of your lashes.

Use brown mascara instead of a black one to get a softer and more flattering look.

Always use good lash conditioner and mascara to improve the quality of your lashes.

Always change your mascara once in three months.

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Mascara A key to perfect beauty

It is said that, ‘beauty is in the eye of beholder’ and to hold the admiring gaze of ‘someone special’ for a lifetime, one need to put some effort to look stylish. Eyes are the main features of your facial beauty and to enhance that perfect beauty, use mascara, eye make up, liners, curlers application and see the result!

Mascara makes the outline beauty of your eyes sharper, clearer and stylish. There are two kinds of mascaras: waterproof and regular ones. Stick to normal (regular) mascara in case of you staying too much in ‘water’ or crying constantly. Waterproof mascara should be carefully removed in order to limit eyelash breakage. Mascara should be used on all corners of eyelashes. You can apply it closely on the base of your eyelashes and work out to the tips. The mascara wands are made of plastic and used for curly lashes also.

For a unique beauty, most women prefer to wear black mascara, as it look elegant, bring style and works well on anyone. For a natural beauty, use shades of brown makeup and if you are using too much black mascara try using clear mascara for a subtly enhanced look. Always apply mascara in a still position, never apply eye make up in car because if you do it, you can scratch your cornea. Mascara can easily become infected by bacteria so, throw it after four months or use it before it becomes dry.

If you want to give your eyes a perfect beauty and make them more open and wide, curl your eyelashes with eyelash curler.

Mascara is a key step to your true beauty as it carries a large impact on your unique beauty. Try not to stick to your favorite mascara but keep on experimenting with new products from time to time. Use regular ones on your eyelashes to bring out the natural beauty of your eyes and let the world see how charming you are!

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Use of Mascara

Beauty is one of the most coveted things in American culture today. With the free time and extra money to use in many homes across America, men and women are free to pursue beauty through different means.

Some people turn to cosmetic surgery as a permanent form of rectification of her beauty. Thousands of stars have already achieved fame thanks to plastic surgery.

Learn to use mascara

Beauty is one of the most coveted things in American culture today. With the free time and extra money to use in many homes across America, men and women are free to pursue beauty through different means.

Some people turn to cosmetic surgery as a permanent form of rectification of her beauty. Thousands of Hollywood stars have already achieved fame thanks to plastic surgery.

However, cosmetic surgery is expensive and can lead to prolonged recovery time. Usually reserved for severe cases among middle-income.
Most people use a certain type of makeup to enhance their personal beauty. One point is that many women use makeup is mascara.

Mascara is one of the most poorly applied makeup, but one of the most important parts of a bag of retouching. This beauty product is mainly responsible for attracting attention to your eyes. The eyes are known as the window to the soul. They say a lot about a person

Wrinkles around the eyes are talking about a sad or happy life and light in your eyes tells me what a special person. The eyes are a fundamental element of a first impression. Phrases are constantly being made for each other. These judgments affect the ability to get work and make friends.

As eyes are so important to our social relationships, we need to use mascara to draw attention to the right path. To apply mascara eyelashes have doubled in the first place.

Few people have the chance to curl lashes naturally, but if you do, you can skip this step. Some people make the mistake of using your mascara and curl eyelashes.

This should never happen. If curling lashes after mascara is applied, the blow stick to the curler. The appliance can cause her to leave you slimmer, lighter than the front tabs. In addition, it hurt to have begun on the eyelashes. In addition, almost all regenerating cilia. This defeats the purpose of using a mascara mask is designed to enhance the lashes thicker and darker.

In addition, curling lashes after mascara is applied eyelashes stick instead of a more natural look. When the tabs are glued together, it is impossible to distinguish without washing your mask and try again.

Choosing the right color of mascara can be a challenge. Many people find themselves with a color that is too dark for them, which makes an unnatural appearance. The color choices for yourself should be two or three shades darker than natural eyebrow color. This will help your eyelashes look natural, but thicker and darker. After curling your lashes, it’s time to use the correct height of the mask. The mask must be applied in a thin and lightweight.

Thick layers can give you the results you want dark, but these layers are generally thicker and are not very natural. Agglutination is a very serious problem that most people are struggling in the application of mascara.

To avoid lumps, use mask bit at a time. It also helps if the product is used in a slow motion up and down.Mascara should never be used from left to right or right to left. Coverage can be improved by setting the brush to the lash line and gently move them before proceeding. But do not repeat this motion as you move your legs, or you risk grouping and the development of a natural look. Mascara does not necessarily apply to lower lashes if you do not want to use.

Depending on individual style makeup does not require it or simply better if it does not apply to lower lashes. But, if you want to use on lower lashes, remember to be light and delicate. This time starting at the root and moving down. Be careful not to use too much or seem strange for what it is made.

Too much product can also cause spots under the eye. The rings are another problem and you do not need to be better.

A tube of mascara should last about two months. After this time, he runs the risk of developing skin bacteria that can infect the eyes.

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Eye Care

Eye is considered as an integral party of one of the beauty and we at times completely ignoring the purpose of. The unhygienic environment around us along with the inevitable aging deteriorates the beauty of the eyes, unless we make a conscious attempt to provide.

Here are some healthy tips to help make your eyes an asset to you throughout your life.

Identify Your Skin Type

Some valuable tips for Eye Care

1) We all have the tendency of forming dark circles just under our eyes. You can use these dark circles by only two slices of potato over your eyes for 20 minutes. Believe me, you will be pleased with the results once you out of potatoes.

2) Another technique to get rid of dark circles is by applying warm tea bags on your eyes for 15 minutes. This method also works.

3) After a taxing day, your eyes have to like your body and mind. So make it a point to refresh your eyes. For refreshing your eyes, try squeezing cotton pads in ice water and place them on eyelids for at least 20
minutes. This gives a soothing effect on your eyes.

4) Other traditional and well-known solution is to place cucumber slices on eyelids while relaxing in hot bath. This will be pampering yourself at the ACME, treat yourself like a queen.

5) To ensure that your eye shadow last all day, apply a layer of concealer before eye shadow. Add a dash of mascara to your eye lashes to Final Touch.

6) Last but not least, don’t forget to take off all make-up of your face when you go to bed specially from and near your eyes.

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Bridal Mehndi

Mehndi, also know as Henna, is a beautiful art form traditionally adorning women’s hands and feet. It has been practised in the Middle East, Asia and many parts of Africa for thousands of years.

In many Eastern countries, since it is a natural product, henna is used to help heal skin diseases, colour the hair and cool the skin in hot climates. Mehndi is a wonderful alternative to tattooing due to its temporary nature. It is applied using a paste made from finely ground leaves of the henna plant, and then removed after drying to reveal a heavy dark maroon stain on the skin.

Different Styles

Mehndi designs traditionally fall into four main categories:

  • The style of the Middle East which is made up of vines and leaves with beautiful flowers inspired by Arabic paintings and textiles
  • The style of India is detailed and uses fine lines and paisley patterns
  • The style of Pakistan is the most intricate and time consuming using detailed lacy designs and fill-ins
  • The style of Africa is large and bold with geometrically patterned angles
Bridal Mehndi

Although mehndi is generally used in many occasions around India and Pakistan, the wedding ceremony has become synonymous with this beautiful dye. It is traditional for the bride to get together with her female family and friends, a couple of days before the wedding to apply the mehndi. As the patterns used are very intricate and time-consuming, the occasion is filled with song and dance, so that the bride does not get bored. The bride’s henna must be the most beautiful and elaborate than anyone else’s.
It is said that the darker the design, the more her mother-in-law loves her as the bride is not expected to perform any housework until the henna has faded.

Bridal mehndiBridal mehndiBridal mehndi
Bridal mehndiBridal mehndiBridal mehndi
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Facial Mask Recipes

Egyptian Facial mask

Making a facial mask at home is quite easy and inexpensive. Homemade facial masks containing natural ingredients are quick and simple to create at home.

The best facial mask is honey. Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Baking soda removes conditioner build-up from your hair. Rub in and rinse thoroughly, then shampoo with your regular shampoo. Use warm cloth to open pores, smear on honey, leave on 15 to 30 minutes, rinse off with warm water, and then use cold water to close pores.

Avocado is a naturally rich moisturizer. Mash the meat of the avocado into a creamy texture. Grape juice makes an excellent cleanser for any skin type. Simply split one or two large grapes, remove pips and rub the flesh over face and neck.

Egyptian facial mask- A little egg, a little milk, a little olive oil and you have the makings of an ancient mask. Grape cleanser-split 2-3 grapes and rub the flesh over face and neck. Rinse with cool water. Massage into the face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and gently rinse off.

Dry Skin Mask- mix 1 tsp. of butter in 1 teaspoon of water. Apply it thoroughly into all the dry areas and leave for 15 – 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Another facial mask is oatmeal facial mask-take 2 tsp oatmeal and 1 tsp baking soda and adds water to make paste. Apply to face and all over the skin and rub gently. Do not apply any type of facial mask just before a special occasion; the reason for this is the drawing power of the mask can flush the skin.

Facial mask for sensitive skin- warm some hone to melt it, then apply. Leave the mask on for 20-25 minutes. A little oil, mashed artichoke and lemon juice is all you need for this mask. All the amounts needed are included in this recipe.

Papaya facial mask- peel and remove seeds. Chop into pieces and drop into food processor. Puree until papaya is the consistency of baby food. Use 1/2 a tablespoon for each facial. Keep leftovers in a baggie in the fridge. Face mask for sunburned skin mix 1 cup plain yogurt and ½ cup oatmeal and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Mash banana and avocado, combine with other ingredients, and mix well. Apply liberally to face and neck. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Banana, Avocado Mask- ingredients 1/2 over-ripe banana ,1/2 over-ripe avocado ,2 Tbsp unflavored full-fat yogurt and 1 tsp olive oil ,Mash banana and avocado, combine with other ingredients, and mix well. Apply liberally to face and neck. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lighten circles under eyes Recipe-to lighten dark circles under your eyes, wrap a grated raw potato in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Wipe off residue and apply an eye cream. Ingredients 4-5 very ripe med-size strawberries, 2 tsp. heavy cream and 1 tsp. honey. Puree strawberries, cream and honey together in a blender. Apply to your face evenly. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water or soft wash cloth.

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